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  1. Well to be fair they basically had done their homework on what film looked like because of the work they did on the Arriscan. In its time a revolutionary film scanner. The sensor in this ended up being what went into the first Alexa. The color science work was already done one way They just reversed it
  2. I'm not sure it's ever been the case that when BM cut the price that it means there is a replacement model or that stock is being sold out...? Unless I'm wrong....
  3. JulioD

    Nikon buys Red?

    My mistake. I didn’t see those links. They aren’t lenses that were ever widely available or made. I suspect they were maybe only for the Japan market. I’ve never seen those 16mm lenses. And they “probably” are really for the broadcast video market.
  4. JulioD

    Nikon buys Red?

    Have you got a link? I’ve never seen 16mm format Nikors. Seen a few 8mm in the wild. I stand by what I said. Nikon have never made cinema lenses for “movies” They made 8mm lenses mostly for their own Nikon branded 8mm HOME movie cameras. They made some broadcast (tv) lenses which I think were only for the local Japanese broadcast market.
  5. JulioD

    Nikon buys Red?

    Not really. They made lenses that went on 8mm cameras. Hardly cinema lenses. 8mm movies were just consumer level cameras. The film version of GoPros or mass market cameras. The optics weren’t anything that was going to make a meaningful imaging difference to the end result. Many of their 35 stills lenses have been adopted and used on cinema cameras and are revered (aside from focusing the wrong way) But Nikon never made their own native “cinema” lenses for motion picture cameras. 8mm cameras don’t count.
  6. JulioD

    Nikon buys Red?

    I don’t see it. Testing now for a Q4 2025 announcement? That’s a year from now. That feels a long way away. RED are dead The only thing they had of value was their IP. Nikon had them over a barrel and bought them for a steal! 85 million? Doesn’t that tell us that RED haven’t been doing good business at all? It costs 10-20 million to develop a sensor. So that’s all that RED were worth even with their IP?
  7. Literally you said only consumer grade stuff. That’s two examples now by your own admission. You’re making my point. Ambient isn’t consumer. They are the gold standard for time keeping. Tentacle might sell more clocks but they aren’t who Arri go to for putting clocks in their cameras.
  8. No it’s not. The biggest name in pro sound timecode clocks. https://ambient.de/en/products/acn-nl-l-nanolockit-timecode-logging
  9. https://shop.filmomat.eu/products/135-autocarrier This seems to be doing some interesting things.
  10. What they are calling "overclock" isn't. This looks like some kind of industrial high speed camera. It's just a different operating MODE. Just like on the spec sheet. And the so called downsides are more to do with the engineering side on the camera (thermals and data pipes) not keeping up. And 1000% certain that Fuji aren't going to offer a menu option that says "overclock me baby"
  11. To be fair this is the spec sheet for the Mk1. It’s safe to assume it’s in the same sensor family. A modest improvement of RS time is likely compared to the MK2 as is. It’s not going to be radically different.
  12. I’m not sure. But he stopped using his cool scan 9000 which is basically the very best of desktop film scanning tech short of going to a Hasselblad Flextight. Both of which are now considered obsolete. I use an inexpensive Plustek only because it’s automated and don’t have time to do individual frames but the consensus is that higher res cameras do producer better results now than most dedicated scanners. I think there’s a huge difference between exhibition resolution (shitty 2k multiplex projection) and the resolution you capture at. Seinfeld on 35mm still looks great on SDTV compared to a SDTV video camera of the same resolution. It’s not a complicated idea to acquire at a higher resolution than your distribution format. Nobody masters using 264.
  13. Here you go bro. This is an example of a sensor spec sheet. By the way, the really quick way to tell if the rolling shutter is “fast” is to look at the fastest frame rate the camera can do. It’s not complicated. But thinking you can just “overclock” without it being DESIGNED to actually do that or have those modes designed from the ground up. This sensor is designed around being a stills sensor. Not a fast RS motion sensor. Page 105 shows the maximum frame rates depending on the mode being used. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/85986570odkx36kc7tw9e/GFX100-Data-Sheet-2.pdf?rlkey=6ek4lgy5lqcx138jz3afliuks&e=1&dl=0
  14. Only if the sensor supports those modes. It’s not overclocking.
  15. Some examples of scanning with higher resolution cameras showing how much more 35mm still holds https://fstoppers.com/film/youve-never-seen-digitized-film-resolution-using-fuji-gfx100s-597874
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