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Everything posted by JulioD

  1. Agree. Similar level of change. Different.
  2. Gamechanging? We’re not there yet. But it’s the same KIND of technological change media has been through many times. It’s not a whole new game. I don’t see it. AI has so far for me failed miserably at making a compelling emotionally engaging image let alone STORY. And that’s WITH humans inputting the prompts. It’s not “intelligent”. It’s good at finding patterns and guessing what YOU might type next. But the data set is still FED by humans, both in prompts and in its training data. So far the models training on themselves ends in a spiral of death. How is this not a fancy version of auto correct? Why do you think it’s a simple leap to go to no human driving this at all? It’s a new animation tool, capable of achieving things never before possible. But it’s a tool. Its biggest appeal is to those who don’t favor creativity, but COST of production. So far it’s been a fancy demonstration of a technology that will affect some aspects of storytelling. It’s a total long shot that this somehow replaces humans telling stories.
  3. I get that part. The real question is…will it work creatively well enough for the audience to like it, or even actually prefer it to the real thing? Narrative drama. As opposed to not having a choice (advertising or training content) Right now I see cheap ass producers licking their lips at the idea they can do get more for less. It’s a way to get animation done cheaper and better maybe with famous actors you can skin or liscence for cheap. Doesn’t mean an audience will like it. I don’t like most of the billboards I see on the freeway, but it doesn’t stop people making them. Is someone going to do genuinely compelling emotionally engaging story with it that transcends its computational origins? Im not so sure it’s capable of doing that. Unless it’s DIRECTED by a human. In which case… It really is just another tool for storytelling. Like you know..animation.
  4. I’m sure that a version of this is true. but I think what ends up happening is authenticity will suddenly become a premium. Something that is real or authentic will have a different perception to the thing that anyone could do in the basement.
  5. I have been around. Yeah it is condescending to ask. WTF have you done? I actually dont really want to know because we’re talking on a forum. Who cares. I started when call sheets were faxed. There have been many revolutions in my career where every one thought the world was going to change significantly and they either fizzled out, or things did indeed change but more that things got incorporated. I can list a few that I have personally been a part of. Many of them were a really big upending when they first appeared. Like OMG we have to learn this new skill because all the business is going that way!!! To list them now seems laughable. But at the beginning all these were a big deal. I say this to say, this too shall pass. VR/360 immersive / augmented media. Digital video recorded with a raw codec 3D using a DSLR to make content. shooting ProRes and commercials on a phone HFR 16x9 shaped television high definition 4k television multimedia DVD for home DVD authoring digital terrestrial transmission Single sensor digital cameras digital video the internet Cell phones Cell phones with Internet non linear editing. Film prints being on film. Im probably missing a few things. I started in the late 80s. This looks to not be be so far off these changes. I mean we still listen to radio. It didn’t go away with the arrival of television. It’s a tool, just like other tools. It’s not magic. It’s not original. Some jobs will go away. Some new jobs will be created. So far it’s a DJ. A DJ makes new music by mixing or remixing exisiting music. Is a DJ even a musician? Does it count if you can’t play an instrument? It’s the same kinds of argument and logic. The biggest leap is that you don’t have to pay labor costs. That’s not a creative driver for new work. That’s a way to make work cheaper. I don’t think it helps much in Hollywood other than for previs and decks where it’s already making an impact. YouTube and TikTok is where all this new content is going to be showing up. And it’s just content. Choose your own adventure sounds great. They are sort of popular but they aren’t what anyone wants to actually read. We want to be told a story. Not have a custom story built for us by an algorithm. We have to trust the audience more.
  6. Here’s Sora’s own post. At first glance maybe it passes. The more you look the worse it gets. Just look at the hands for one. They are truly shitty. The scale is wrong. The number of fingers is wrong. What they are doing is wrong. Then look at the reactions on the face. Look at the performance from these actors. The woman who seems to also be missing a piece of her blouse on one arm can’t work out if she’s clapping or sneezing? Watch it and genuinely look at the performance. If they were going for Cronenberg horror then they succeeded. But they weren’t. This is their best foot forward. So yeah. Still shitty, even if photorealistic shitty… The landscape stuff is better.
  7. How is this different to the introduction of Mini DV? it allowed filmmakers to make a digital movie where it used to cost many tens of thousands of dollars. This feels like the same leap but with animation. What it does is impressive. But it’s still a tool operated by a human. The I stands for intelligence, but it’s not independently thinking or creating. While reality tv is contrived it’s still the work of independently performing humans (actors?) with their own flaws and traits. Even if they followed a script what they bring and how they perform it is unique in that moment. I’m not sure AI will replicate that human agency any time soon. It may be able to fake it and maybe that will be good enough but I suspect that the audience won’t see it that way.
  8. Documentary. Observational documentary. Reality TV.
  9. I’m going try a different angle. How is this different to “life like photo real animation that requires no back end labour staring your favourite already famous celebrity skins” ? and also, last time I checked a Human still “directs” this or arguably “writes” this by prompt, and then refines and edits and selects the best result to “show” How is this not just a better animation tool?
  10. Other than the cost of labour, how is this THAT different to animation? it’s not objectively better, it just makes shitty images available to anyone.
  11. JulioD

    24p is outdated

    Drama is a limited application…. Right
  12. JulioD

    24p is outdated

    It’s not sacred. it’s just what audiences continue to like. If it wasn’t, then geeze wouldn’t there be a lot more HFR content? There’s nothing stopping you from shooting at any frame rate you like.
  13. JulioD

    24p is outdated

    You’re making claims that have actually already been tried. Which if you had a clue you would already know. Youre not the first genius to think of this. Peter Jackson made a HFR film with a 270 degree shutter at 48fps for exactly the flawed logic you presented. In his own words… “Changing the shutter angle affects the amount of motion blur captured during movement. Reducing the shutter angle gives you the stroby (or jerky) “Saving Private Ryan” look. However, we’re going the other way, shooting at 48 fps with a 270 degree shutter angle. This gives the 48 fps a lovely silky look, and creates a very pleasing look at 24 fps as well. “ Except it didn’t work and was universally hated in its HFR versions. Oh and because you won’t know how to do the maths, that means a 1/64th of a second shutter speed. Its not about motion blur. It still tanked. Next!
  14. JulioD

    24p is outdated

    LOL yourself buddy. Kindly present YOUR scientific evidence that counters the already existing BOX OFFICE evidence that in a market that already allows free choice for any frame rate you like the entire world has decided that 24 is what people LIKE. Theres nothing stopping you from going out and making a 69fps masterpiece right now, so go set it up now at Netflix. If an audience preference was for HFR, there would be a lot more HFR content. That is actual fact. Your childish LOLs are just an opinion.
  15. He didn’t retire. He was told to step down for his blatant disregard for others at a time when Australia was at the full height of Covid lockdowns. https://www.couriermail.com.au/coronavirus/millionaire-jeromy-young-and-his-company-atomos-under-fire-after-superyacht-border-breach/news-story/d93a461fe002ecc6863590416bd6ccb3?amp&nk=1ee37250f95936b7d3d792c55479cfbd-1704752061 This behaviour might have been celebrated in the US, but it outraged the general public in Australia. Now he’s done his time I guess? The toxic culture mentioned in the subsequent lawsuit was well established during his tenure. I’m assuming it will be business as usual for these crooks.
  16. No. 12bit LOG uncompressed for more than 10 years. The most very recent model, the Alexa 35 does 13bit log uncompressed.
  17. May I politely suggest you retest on a face? Big difference between 24 color patches and the continuous range in skin.
  18. JulioD

    24p is outdated

    Yes. Spec chasing nerds. Half the posts here are higher number must be better. Few actual practitioners. It’s ok if you don’t make a living from doing this but you can tell the posters that only care and the technical process and not what it’s in service of. Most successful image makers aren’t posting on forums like these. They don’t even participate in these kinds of conversations because they’re such a small part of the end result. And yeah I’m posting here so what does that say about me.
  19. JulioD

    24p is outdated

    Fascinating. Super wealthy hobbyists who make fancy home movies think 24p doesn’t look like cinema having never actually made anything with actors or working with a crew and using their family as their evidence of audience approval. Little to no understanding of the difference between acquisition frame rate and distribution or display refresh rate in multiple environments or global territories but still drawing conclusions. So many experts one one place. How lucky we all are.
  20. JulioD

    24p is outdated

    You are all smart and I think you’re brilliant
  21. JulioD

    24p is outdated

    Perspective https://aftermath.site/true-lies-4k-uhd-blu-ray-james-cameron-peter-jackson-park-road-post?fbclid=IwAR3b3VsuqvTo-oQGqoXKwbCnecwsIitsFTNIPJn6Q9e0U5e-9CnDfcbe2BQ_aem_ARJEhho1vX53Khd8nl-ybLVB85Xaq75msEdbUm5GS7EjABLhSohni7-OdMbAWzAtAbg
  22. $1000 expensive for an uncompressed recorder? Go away.
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