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Everything posted by zlfan

  1. it is funny that people claim that they are abreast of the curve, yet they don't even have extensive first hand experience on the latest ml firmware, mlv app, and the whole workflow. a lot of issues complained here have been solved during the past 10 years. now 5d3ml 14 bit 5.7k anamorphic 1x3 and 3.5k 1x1 crop modes are very robust. if you use 14 bit, you don't see pink color or banding even after heavy cc. I just sigh and walk away when I see people arguing about something about ml that they don't even have hands on experience and don't even update themselves with the latest tricks. if you point out, they will show their "knowledge" and look "down" at you. lol.
  2. people are funny that they can define "cinematic" or "filmic" by trend. r1mx's olpf was tuned to mimic the film which was the standard in Hollywood at the time, and now reviving again. so r1mx is much more suitable for cinema projects than the latest breed. for the resolution, r1mx 4.5k 24p ar 2.4 is enough for commercial theaters. if you want to challenge the r1mx's filmic character, you are challenging a whole generation of experienced dps, including David Fischer.
  3. I am sorry if my tone was too strong. I did not intend to offend you.
  4. i understand that you have made significant achievements using 5d3ml. i never doubt your professional quality. but ml is improving, it is amazing. i test all of my video cams by my own hands. i try to optimize each one, but 5d3ml is the best in terms of iq. as i said before, ml cams have severe rolling shutter, dr is lacking. but if you can control your shots, 5d3ml generates extremely beautiful color. some of my 5d3ml footage is no less than any hollywood level features in terms of iq. of course, my footage is just landscape, not comparable to the hollywood features' storyline, constume design, art design, etc. but iq wise, i am impressed with my 5d3ml footage more than amazon prime, netflix, or local theatre movies. i am not joking.
  5. ml improves significantly during the last 10 years on 5d3. you need to have the latest ml firmware and mlv app, and learn the latest tricks to make it wonderful. it is fun to me, as i like this kind of continuous improvements, instead of begging for company controlled limited firmware updates. many times, the hardware potential is just wasted, which is to the best interests of the camera manufacturers.
  6. there is something wrong with your workflow. color of 5d3ml is second to none. i don't have alexa ev and f35 to test by my own hands. according to what the footage i see online or in theatre, i seriously doubt that alexa ev is better than 5d3ml in terms of color. dr and rolling shutter wise, yes alexa ev is much better. f35 is ccd so it may be even better than 5d3ml in terms of color. but think about other things, f35 and alexa ev are much larger and hard to handle. also 5d3ml can go to uhd 1x1 10 bit crop mode continuous recording, aps-h size, resolution is much higher. the battery life of 5d3ml is a breeze comparing to the gold mount bricks on alexa ev and f35. i'd say it is given and taken, instead of one side win.
  7. "The main thing to differentiate a pro DP from an amateur, IMO, is knowing how to light. Choice of cameras like the Alexa tends to be due to a feature set designed for a large crew, reliability, and having the most flexible image to hand off to professional colorists who also spend 80%+ of their time working on footage from the Alexa. This is one of the reasons that a lot of stuff was still being shot on 2.8k Alexa when RED had 4, 5, 6, and 8k sensors available in their cameras. " totally agree. the latest cams are very sharp, with a good dr, but kind of thin. if you compare to f3, r1mx, 5d3ml, you will feel it. lighting is actually the key here. alexa ev is enough for most of the hollywood level features, not to say indie shorts.
  8. i seriously doubt that c70 has a better iq than 5d3ml. i think c70 is not as filmic as r1mx or epic-x mysterium-x. yet those two reds cannot compare to 5d3ml.
  9. some trends never go. size matters. small sensors only bring to the table with the convenience, but not ultimate iq. in still world, people will laugh that aps c will tread 135ff or 645mf.
  10. I doubt about your work flow. did you try mlv app for cc? resolve cannot give you the same color as mlv app. i can generate extremely good iq footage due to its color depth and full frame. i really doubt that modern prosumer cams can do it. think about it, full frame 14 bit color depth true lossless raw vs crap codecs. if you say alexa lf or 65, maybe they win. for others, i really doubt about your conclusion. i think you need to test the latest ml firmware and mlv app workflow, optimize your workflow and skills, then decide.
  11. D200 is good. Also D1X D1H. D2H D2X are good too, although not ccd, but not cmos neither.
  12. 5D3ML IQ is never dated, is still the best of the video cams I have, better than R1MX and Epic-X mysterium-X, only F3 may reach its level. Magic lantern cams have strong rolling shutter, so some of the moving shots have to be controlled. Also only crop mood cams have real time high resolution preview for most high res modes. 5D3ML has good preview in 1080p full frame modes, not in high res crop modes.
  13. good. terminator2 actually has this cold color fill and warm key or vise visa style. it is nothing new.
  14. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    I used to use mpeg 50 mpbs 8 bit 420 24p 2k on well regarded f5 for news/events. I was really disappointed why the iq was not as others said. now I use sr444 10 bit 444 30p 2k . the only issue is the memory card is easily filled up. but the codec holds up well for slow panning.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zai08FOZ0fU
  16. yeh, i understand your point. this is why hollywood pros only use several top brands and never explore (there are exceptions, like shane hulburts). my point is, an amateur who wants to get into the video world, may start an indie short film with 5d3ml, and the camera limitation is almost gone, even facing the big boys like f35 and alexa ev. this is thrilling, even now, not to say in 2015.
  17. personally, i think that 5d3ml makes amateurs on the same ground as hollywood pro dps, even they use alexa ev, f35, varicam 35, etc. 10 years ago, this was the highest standard in videography in terms of cameras. nowadays, there is not much revolution in the camera world. maybe more convenience, cheaper and easier to operate, more portable, something like this. this is why tech savvy people are not interested in camera talk like they were 10 or 15 years ago. to me, now the bottle neck is how to generate content, how to fully utilize my video cams, just like 10 years ago, i had the same feeling when i saw my collections of still cameras and mf lenses. i kind of losing the interest to keep update with the latest video cams and still cams of course.
  18. hollywood pros use large format as a differentiator. if they really care so much about the sensor size, in 2015, 5d3ml 1080p full frame was already mature, yet many video pros bashed 5d3ml as unstable, amateur. yet, once alexa showed its lf and alexa65, the american cinematographer journal started to publish a series articles on how wonderful large format is.
  19. lens compatibility is a valid point here. but they are exceptions, like sigma 18-35 f1.8, canon efs 17-55 f2.8, etc. saying 135 full frame is not significant better than aps-c, whereas, a lot of still photog will be unhappy about this. even in video world, there is difference. i remember that i watched many 5d2 videos on vimeo in 2008-2010, and 7d videos. somehow, 5d2 just feels better than 7d. you have to watch many to get the feeling. in the still world, there are more choices on sensors in addition to sensor size, like ccd vs cmos, kodak vs canikon, etc. even canon 1 series vs lower tiers. in the video world, such differences are not there. to my opinion, video world has fewer options in terms of sensor. video world spends a lot of time on codec, whereas, still world cares about only uncompressed raw, uncompressed jpeg, tiff, etc. probably, the major difference that the video world cares that the still world does not pay any attention is the rolling shutter.
  20. i understand your point here. alexa 65 and alexa large format are equal or larger than 135 full frame. what i was talking was that the alexa classic and its direct followers like alexa ev, alexa 35, amira. especially, the alexa ev was about the same era as 5d3ml. the former is s35, 5d3ml is vista vision. alexa ev/35/amira have not one side win over 5d3ml. the same as f35. alexa 65 has three alexa ev sensors and alexa lf has two ev sensors.
  21. I think that the still photo cams reach plateau at around 2005-2010, the video cams at around 2010-2015. There are improvements later on, but not revolutionary. It is not so exciting to talk about cameras now. It is more about content.
  22. in the still photo world, people care full frame much more. aps-c or aps-h are considered lower quality. i don't know why in the video world, people don't care about full frame that much. maybe the full frame has more rolling shutter in video mode, which is not important at all in still photography? personally, for still photography, i don't care about sensor size, i use nikon v1, pentax q, canon nikon pentax minolta olympus aps c, and 5d3 full frame, and kodak 645 pro 36x36. actually kodak 36x36 is the best, 5d3 is good, but not significantly better than others. nikon v1 1 inch sensor has better dr than many larger sensors. pentax q is good at iso100.
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