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Everything posted by zlfan

  1. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    You are totally right. Such a trend will be more and more apparent in the next 10 to 20 years. Hollywood now relies on fast actions and large scale green screen plus heavy vfx. Yet they still use 24p for these larger than life motion blurred movies. LOL.
  2. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    Will you ask Roger Deakins how many cams does he have? or how many thongs does he have? LOL.
  3. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    About the populism and elitism, only because of the internet, Trump was elected the US president 2016-2020. This never happened before in US history. So with the new technologies, populism may win. Not in every field, but in the fields that democratize the knowledge and skills. (un)fortunately, photography and cinematography are such fields. Financial engineering is still elitism based, due to the limited access of the information and the capital. I'd like to see the new world when finance is democratized. LOL.
  4. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    Interesting discussion, actually. I guess your point is more about elitism vs populism. One hundred years ago, 16p and 24p were determined by Hollywood powerful producers and dps single handed. The world followed. At the time, the technology is exclusive. Elitism in cinematography is true. Now, the technological barrier is almost none. It is just internet, democratize information. Nowadays, you can have a crop mood ml raw cam lower than $500, and have true lossless 14 bit raw, on par with arriraw. In the still photography world, such trend already happens. Anyone with an iphone or u43 cam, can snap at the right moment in the right place, some decisive moments. Some of these photos are no less than a pro's master piece, in all of the ways. In 10 to 20 years, such trend will come to the cinema world. Plus the AI, most of the time, you even don't need a pretty model anymore. Exciting time, but many old rules may not hold anymore, including the 24p thing.
  5. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    if docs are not for journalism principles, then why name it as doc, maybe larger than life drama is a better name. so that viewers will not take it for granted that these are true stories?
  6. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    anyone is willing to explain why eu uses 25p, states for 24p? why 23p is not chosen, not cinematic?not larger than life? 23p is further away from 60p than 24p, so it is more larger than life?
  7. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    this goes "beyond" strict journalism. sorry for the typo.
  8. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    this goes behind strict journalism. there is some category called true story trying to blend journalism and creative writing, but it is not widely accepted.
  9. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    as long as cooke and arri and primo prime lenses and french zooms are mf, high end cinema is still mf based. especially the recent hype of going film, arri sr2 does not have ibis af etc.
  10. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    I agree with you on your points. Cinematic is about everything in the workflow. 24p is not bad, I use ML raw so 24p all the time for the last ten years due to the fact that 24p presets generate best results in ml raw. Let's deduct a little bit more here. The recent 24p documentaries actually pose a dilemma for 24p. If 24p is larger than life, even subtly, then recent 24p documentaries dps are cheating viewers, because documentaries are supposed to be strictly journalism oriented. If 24p is not larger than life, 24p documentaries are real stories, which follow the journalism principles, but 24p is larger than life cannot hold.
  11. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    For the last ten years, I watch TV no more than 10 hours per year. The so called 30p for news thing just fades away from my viewing experience. I watch streaming services or social network platforms 99% of my viewing time. When I watch recent documentaries, I never have feelings that these are larger than life, although I bet most of these documentaries, if not all, are shot with 24p. I doubt any DP is willing to choose 30p or 29.97p for his/her documentaries, when 24p is at hands, easily accessible. If a documentary DP gives me the feeling that his work is larger than life, I think this is a failure, instead of a success. I watch documentaries to learn real stories, in depth news analysis and reports, not some drama. The former is journalism, the latter is creative writing, very very different. I seriously doubt 24p gives a larger than life feeling, at least, I don't see such a thing in documentaries.
  12. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    at the 16p soundless age, 24p was introduced because it represents the real world better, i.e., it was more WORLDLY and BETTER frame rate than 16p. then when 30p 60p come, 24p suddenly is a holy grail UNWORLDLY YET BETTER beauty. 24p wins all the time. lol.
  13. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    also, a previous commentor says that 60p is not for real life, 120p is. if so, then come 60p is bad unworldly, 24p is the optimal for the unreal, all the way from 119p to 1p? any histogram or other kind of graphs to justify this optimal 24p unworldly thing? then how about 25p? closer to 120, so less unworldly? lol.
  14. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    Nowadays, a lot of events are shot on 24p, and a lot of weddings. Hard to justify events for 24p, as viewers want larger than life events? Weddings, to some degree, understandable.
  15. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    By the way, about the notion "more thongs mean more weight in talking", there are some opposite examples. Roger Deakins only owns some photography cameras, he does not own any high end cinema cameras, like Alexa he uses on site. Yet when he talks, people listen. He is a naked ass, yeh, a naked bad ass.
  16. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    The notion of "24p is larger than life" is actually from later times to justify the importance of 24p when 30p and 60p are easier and easier to do. Let's look at the beginning of the movie industry, all of the earliest short movies shot in late 19th century were trying hard to record the real world as close as possible. Although the industry later developed and differentiated into different categories, the term cinema means movies including all of the subcategories. Let us investigate documentaries a little more to see if this "24p is larger than life" notion can hold. Using "CitizenFour" as an example, CitizenFour won the Oscar Award for best documentary, so it is something to be taken seriously. The DP who shot CitizenFour has some thongs in his belt. It was shot with an FS100, a S35 camera, which can do 1080p 24p, 30p, and 60p. I cannot find the frame rate of CitizenFour online, but I am sure that this is not 60p, very possibly not 30p neither, 24p to my opinion. OK. If 24p generates a larger-than-life story, i.e., a drama or un real story, yet 60p is for real time show, why did the DP of CitizenFour chose 24p, or at a very low possibility 30p, but not 60p? Did he want to dramatize the story and convey to the audience that this is not a real story, but just a fantasy? Or did he want the audience know that this is a real story? IMHO, I think that the DP wanted this to be as real as possible, and that is why this documentary is so impactful and won the Oscar, yet he very possibly used 24p. Many documentaries were shot at 24p, I am sure that these DPs want their documentaries to be as real stories as possible, and they have some pants and thongs, they are not naked asses for sure. LOL.
  17. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    Which one is more fundamental to human eyes as cinematic, 24p or 25p? If 24p is more fundamental, EU people most of time watch 25p, and they are not watching cinema? Also, why does EU set to 25p, not set to 24p, if 24p is scientifically fundamental? Further, why does EU not set to 23p, 24p plus 1p is 25p, minus 1p is 23p. We all know scientifically, if 24p is the optimal peak, then 23p and 25p are equally as close to 24p. Come on, 24p believers, give me a larger than real world explanation please.
  18. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    Sometimes it comes to me, maybe the thinking difference between EU and the States, comes from the 25p and 24p? One P to explain them all.
  19. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    Interesting, 24p is even number, 25p is odd number. How come EU and US viewers have different eyes. Which side is more human? LOL.
  20. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    It is interesting to see that people hold this notion that action in an action film is not action, yet action in sports is action. Is 24p blurred action really larger than life? LOL. I really want to see some scientific experiment with a double blinded experimental design to check this placebo effect. LOL.
  21. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    Actually, your words and your case already defeat the logic that 60p is for sports, 24p for cinema, and 30p for news. If John Wick 4 is not action packed, I don't know which one is.
  22. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    It actually exists. There are rigorous scientific experiments demonstrating this. There is a famous research center in Duke University focusing on this. This center has its own scientific journal.
  23. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    Can't agree more. 24p will always be there, just like sepia, or like steam engine trains, etc. I like sepia very much, I used to shoot several sessions of photos on em5. But not for everything. The same with 24p.
  24. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    Statistically, Hobbit is surely a success, due to its successful ticket box sales, about 5 times more than the cost of making the film. This means that 48p does not matter much to general audience. It may matter much to experienced DPs. However, if we consider 24p as a pollution using an extreme word or case here, then experienced DPs are the most polluted. Is 24p truly more aesthetically beautiful? Maybe or maybe not? Is bokeh truly more beautiful than deep focus? Maybe or maybe not, depends on what you want to achieve. In my experience, for events, you want deep focus, something like f4 or f5.6 on s35, instead of f1.2 or f1.4 on s35. It always depends. Claiming 24p is the holy grail of the cinema is just an overly simplified argument.
  25. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    It is interesting to see that people always try to justify something established but not really scientifically proven. Critical thinking is so easily lost under the disguise of pursuing pure art. Is there any scientific evidence that 16p or 18p or 20p or 22p is less dream-like or less reality like, yet only 24p or 25p are the optimal frame rates for un reality? and how about 26p, 27p, 28p, 29p, or no 30p, because this is news frame rate? For example, give me scientific evidence that 22p or 26p is inferior to 24p or 25p. LOL.
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