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Everything posted by zlfan

  1. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    Actually, human beings are very much like AIs. The so-called unconsciousness may come from pre life experience and after death experience. There are a lot going on in the paranormal physiology and psychology. Human beings may have true creativity out of nothing even not in their unconciousness, but even this exists, it may be far less than what we think.
  2. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    If the logic that "60p is for sports and gaming (fast action based), 24p for cinematic dream like motion cadence" is rock solid, can anyone here explain to me why Top Gun Maverick, John Wick series, No time to die 007 latest episodes, etc, use 24p instead of 60p? Aren't F14, F18, or gen 5 stealthy fighters at least 10 times faster than national football team best players, fastest human 100 meters sprint athletes on earth, or world cup best players like Diego Maradona? When you watch Top Gun 2 etc fast action movies shot in 24p, do you REALLY enjoy the dream-like motion cadence of the dog fighting takes among multiple world best air-superiority aircraft fighters and interceptors? I know I don't. LOL. If the latter ones require 60p from Varicam or F55 or Amira, why should the former ones be shot on 24p? Isn't this a contradiction here? Isn't the abovementioned logic fatally flawed? LOL.
  3. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    If there is no Edison like engineers, probably there is no photography camera or movie camera at all. Artists will have to paint on bark skin with dry and wet animal shits. LOL.
  4. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    It is interesting to see that people favor spatial resolution so much than temporal resolution. Don't forget there is color resolution also. I challenge you to provide me any hard scientific evidence from human anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, cellular and molecular biochemistry that human eyes discriminate spatial resolution so much more than temporal resolution. Please, no dream like snake oil. Once there is enough scientific evidence to establish the claim that human eyes discriminate spatial resolution much more than temporal resolution, I'd totally be happy to admit that the current trend of going for 8k or 12k in digital cinematography, but limiting 24p for cinematic purposes is scientific, not just moosh moosh marketing and sales strategies. LOL.
  5. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    your thinking is very european. no bad saying. just my feeling.
  6. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    if you were a red user at that time, you are pretty good. and thanks for the help you give. actually i just rambled out something i see will happen in the future. it is extremely normal that people have different thoughts about this. i don't anticipate others agree with me. i just see a thing and say here. but it very possibly may be true. because i found myself pretty good at prediction. but you may well be thinking i am bragging. that is fine. i may have more questions to ask you in the future. let us keep good online relationship. don't argue with something not important.
  7. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    actually i think nowadays people favoring s16 or s35 film is hype. digital cinema is very mature by now. in the new era of digital cinema and new distribution platform, many old rules don't hold. but prediction needs time to confirm, by then maybe this forum is gone already. so predictors always are under pressure. no big deal though. it is just a forum. lol.
  8. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    sometimes people are talented on something. you cannot tell. in 2008, when i predicted that 5d2 was going to kill ex1/ex3 and 2/3 pro eng cams, someone raised the same question, what credential do you have to make sure this prediction is right. It just came out correct 10 years later, and he never admitted his previous stance and suspicion and arrogance later when i see him.
  9. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    man is what he eats. habits shape the personality.
  10. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    i guess on a clothing forum, the question will be "how many thongs do you have?" "no thongs, no freedom of speech." lol.
  11. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    i guess that my point is that "don't kill the messenger, pay attention to the message". but if the attitude is "there is no message? you need to be killed for peaceful mind." then life goes on. no need to fight to death, "it is just a game", or it is just a frame rate thing. lol.
  12. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    if we want to use some scientific terms to analyze "24p is dream like, has motion cadence of a movie, so it is cinematic. " actually, this is annotation, correlation, but not causal effects. anyways, i just ramble myself a prediction after i see such a smooth 5k 60p from a small action cam and watch youtube to display 4k 60p on so many clips. i myself have no objection to use 24p. i use my cameras to their best modes, some are 24p, some 30p, some 60p. and i present them on youtube natively in terms of frame rate, except sometimes i intentionally want slow mo. and i use these cams in their best modes doing anything i like, as long as it is legal.
  13. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    where did i say i cannot tell the difference of 24p and 60p. i don't care when i watch a good movie. and i don't think 24p is for cinema and 60p is for sports. i encourage you to email christopher nolan that 3d is hyper realism and his gravity movie is a reality show. lol.
  14. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    interesting. 24p will not be as main stream as now, isn't this outdated? does this prevent some one using 24p? no law forbids this. nowadays you can go sepia film, and people think this is fashionable. comparing to 50 years ago, when bw film was the mainstream, isn't there any difference? but anyways, i don't want to put you on bait. you don't need to enter this post and ramble.
  15. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    "“Peter Jackson says he has toned down the higher frame rate version of Hobbit sequel The Desolation of Smaug following complaints from audiences and critics about the sharp look of its predecessor.”" nice pr. a famous dp cannot have his freedom on artistic exploration. sad story.
  16. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    Do F3 and F5s justify my words? LOL. Anyways, it is understandable, this is a camera forum. If this is a clothing forum, probably I have no right to speak out.
  17. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    This point I totally agree. Art is an expression, as long as you convey your ideas and emotions successfully, you are good. or going further, as long as you enjoy yourself, you are good.
  18. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    people taking steam engine trains are fan boys these days. as long as you make a reasonable theory to convince people that this is dream like, not the reality. it is all about selling skills.
  19. crop mood image quality is no less than r1mx, or latest best of the mirrorless. the dr and rolling shutter are lacking, but with good lighting setup and controlled camera movement, it is no big deal. most of time, you just need to expose your subject of interest right, 11-12 stops dr is fine for this purpose. and it is small and low key and so cheap that can be used as crash cam. seeing is believing.
  20. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    interesting. 3d is hyper realism. then other 3d movies are realistic shows and how come many of them were shot on 24p. lol. if christopher nolan knows that some dps think that gravity is a reality show, and sandra bullock knows that she is just a real life middle aged desperate woman in a reality show. how sad will they be......
  21. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    hobbit was a disaster?! lol. for what? losing money? i enjoy watching the series very much. a lot of people i know like it.
  22. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    there is no point using analogy of cars. probably you just took off from a steam engine train. enjoy yourself. people may think you are a fanboy.
  23. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    this whole realism vs dreamlike is just a later made up to justify 24p. avatar to me is surreal, hobbit is fantasy, titanic is epic, guess what, all were shot on 48p. when i watch titanic, i never think that this is just a real tv show, and the heroes and hero are real life like. to me, they are above life for sure. the cinematography is just stunning. not to say avatar and hobbit, although they are not dramas, the cinematography is definitely not at real tv show level. are these box failures? go check yourself. all are 5 times profit ratios. and all are good movies worthy watching even many years later. no matter what the critics say about them, these are legendary movies to viewers. there is no point denying this to justify 24p.
  24. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    r1mx hfr 120p 2k is not good. r1mx is not for hfr. r1mx 24p 4.5k ws redcode 42 is the best it can have.
  25. zlfan

    24p is outdated

    actually red one mx is not bad for news and events. shoulder mount is comfortable. i set up everything and don' change, only use the lens' aperture to adjust exposure. i put on a backpack with an additional gold mount battery and an additional red mag. red one mx olpf is special, the image is nicely soft. i like the results very much, more than other cams i have.
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