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About zuri

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    Nature, music, docus
  • My cameras and kit
    Various cameras. Love for nikkors ai s

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  1. I use the 70200gm2 and 200600, regarding the af comment. And the "older" cameras are the a7s3 and the fx30, and newer are zve1 and 6700. Of course the ai chip must be involved in some improvement of af, but my comment refers to an specific scenario: forest, branches and leaves in diferent planes, so i understand that many times i can't see my subject who is hidding from me and the camera, so how could af work perfect on that conditions... Flying subjects are another scenario -and less demanding one- were i don't see stellar diference between the ai and non ai chipped cameras. But i didn't do specific test of af with the 6700 or comparison with the other bodies... My "test" are the shots i make, and the comment is more an impression than a more scientific test you can rely. Regarding macro work the 70200 have some usability for insects, but now i use mostly a7s3 and fx30, and again DMF and tracking are good partners for bees or others species of that size. I don't have the 6700 anymore but i could use one that i have access to it and make some shots of flowers and bees because in here is spring and everyone in forest is sharing his/her colors... So with 6700 or zve1 i will make some insect shots and then compare with the fx or a7 footage to see if there 's a significant difference of the af rate success with and without ai chip.
  2. I've been using a6700 for a while, but not anymore because evf is so small or unconfortable to see througt it... I just can't get used to it. I really prefer the a6500 evf. It's rare how can they make worse that kind of essencial parts of the machine. The big grip of the 6700 is nice ergonomics for holding a tele lens wich was one of my needs for nature stuff... but it's a bigger camera beside the 6500. So the size of 6700 is also like a downgrade when you look for a smaller and ligther machine in the land of aps-c cameras. On video specs you can think 6700 is very powefull with the fx30 sensor but again, it's not the same because on a6700 you don't have 120p with all-intra codec 600mbps... Only xavc s and hs -h265-... So another dealbreaker for me, cause i want to capture wildlife in slowmo but i don't have the unleashed sensor power. Of course the sensor and video specs improvement beside the older aps c generation is huge in 4k land, where the a6500 have his limitations, but again you are paying almost two 6500 for one 6700... About AF i don't notice impresive improvement between diferent sony cameras. I've been using sony for a while, nex5r, a6500 and recently the fx30, zve1, a7s3 and 6700 in nature, mainly on mountains and in a forest recording different animals and birds between trees and leaves in very busy frames and manual focus is my best and only friend. I can't see an improvement on that challenging conditions between the different cameras, but also in some flying birds shots with sky behind the subject, i really doubt if i can see any difference in the speed or accurance of focus between older cameras and the new ones with ai af tech. Maybe ai tech is focused more on marketing than camera capabilities. So my experience using 6700 for a couple of months was kind of disapointing, but maybe because my special needs of all-intra codec 120p... But the main problem was that evf lacks of good view experience.
  3. Thanks for reply Kye. Until now, i always kept the camera files, but... I am shooting nature stuff. Birds and animals, and the other day i forgot the camera remote control, so after pressing record button, then move my hand to the lens and find the bird, then exposure, focus, etc... And i end up having a lot of useless seconds of footage on each clip... More ssd can be a solution, but with 600mbps clips i'm thinking of buying an ssd company, because otherwise a legion of ssd won't be enough. Looking for the output codecs of davinci 18, there is a lot of options, but i wonder which will be the best to keep the original quality for future edition and color grade. My files are avc all intra 600mbps on s log3. Thanks again for reply.
  4. Hi everyone, i have a lot of terabytes for a project im working on, and i wonder if i render a timeline and delete the original files, the rendered one will preserve the quality and stand up for post procesing? Im working on davinci resolve and doing some render test but i can't see an image diference between the original and the rendered file. What is your experience with this? You always kept the originals?
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