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About maxJ4380

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    it varies
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    photography. computer, sci fi movies
  • My cameras and kit
    olympus em10ii and a few lenses and a canon ef mount

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  1. Its not hard to imagine that what Israel is doing now could unite half the world to come up against it. Neither side has any give in it and i personally don't think what Israel is doing is pleasing to God, Jesus, or the holy spirit. Both Israel and Islam are about as far away from the truth, as pluto is from the sun. Its definitely a mess over there, If i was slightly more cynical I'd say Israel was waiting for an excuse, Hammas gave them that excuse to do something about it. Make no mistake every person will one day have to answer for the stuff they have done. maybe not in this life, but there is (a day coming). Like it or not, by birthright, the land is Israel's and will always belong to Israel as its a promise from God, any Arabs living there could be quite easily argued away as squatters. Those that are living there now probably ought to be a bit more grateful. However, if you poke a bear... According to Genesis 15:18 and Joshua 1:4, the land God gave to Israel included everything from the Nile River in Egypt to Lebanon (south to north) and everything from the Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates River (west to east). On today’s map, the land God has stated belongs to Israel includes everything modern-day Israel possesses, plus all of the territory occupied by the Palestinians (the West Bank and Gaza), plus some of Egypt and Syria, plus all of Jordan, plus some of Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Thus, Israel currently possesses only a fraction of the land God has promised; the rest of their inheritance likely awaits the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. God has given His word that the nation of Israel will never cease as long as the sun still shines by day and the moon and stars still shine by night (Jeremiah 31:35–37). Most people don't want to talk about Isreal, or even consider it, because one way or another it brings up a conversation or thoughts about GOD which in turn brings up a conversations about right and wrong, good and evil, and likely messes up with whatever little reality they have going. Although according to Hosea 4:6, the Lord says, “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you. So with GOD at least, ignorance is not bliss. According to Eric Cline, in his book Jerusalem Besieged: From Ancient Canaan to Modern Israel, Jerusalem has been the subject of at least 118 conflicts over the years, beginning with one in 1350 BC between Abdi-Heba, the ruler of Jerusalem, and a people he called the “Habiru.” In his letter to the king of Egypt (one of the Amarna tablets), he asks for help because all of the surrounding country has been captured by the Habiru. This corresponds well with the record found in Joshua 10 and frames the beginning of Israel’s control of Jerusalem. Cline states that the city was completely destroyed at least twice, once by the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar (2 Kings 25:8-10) and again by the Romans under Titus in AD 70. The Mongols destroyed at least a portion of the city around AD 1260, and the Roman emperor Hadrian destroyed it in AD 135. In addition, the city was captured at least 40 times and besieged at least 23 times. There is only one more battle to worry about, in Zechariah 14 speaks of a future day when Jerusalem will be plundered by its enemies. Verse 2 prophesies that all nations will gather against Jerusalem and capture and ransack the city. Half of the citizens of Jerusalem will flee the devastation, but the other half will remain. This will be one half of the one third of the Jewish population still alive in Jerusalem after the Tribulation (13:8). Then, Zechariah says, the Lord Himself will go forth and engage these opponents in battle (14:3). Verse 4 speaks of the Messiah standing on the Mount of Olives, a hill near Jerusalem on the east. The mountain will split, creating an enormous valley. Since none of this has taken place yet, the prophecy points to a future time. We have had the likes of the Ten Commandments, Ben hur, Noah and at least 33 other biblical movies from Hollywood No movie from Hollywood has come close to realizing the level of destruction about to happen, Terrible things are about to happen to both sides like it or not. If you think i'm trying to put the fear of GOD into you, your right 😇 I am a Christian, my hope and my faith is in Jesus, not islam and not Judaism. I have to wonder, Jerusalem is still there, yet everything that has come against it is basically no more. I'm no rocket scientist but i know which side of the fence i want to be on when it happens. I suggest when not making movies you do some homework because ignorance wont be any sort of defense. Thats all i'm going to say about it on this forum. Now i'm going back to play with my new camera.
  2. Since every type of movie has pretty much been done and dusted already, i guess the only thing left to do is make another remake but make it more life like, if thats the correct term. I presume the original would have been made for under ten year olds. This looks like it would appeal to 12- 13 year olds so just another grab for some dollars... I haven't been around the forum for long, however do i detect a note of satire in your text ? The hoodie looks a bit tattered to me, personally i'd go with, he's under dressed and she's overdressed. Which mirrors life anyway lol.
  3. maxJ4380


    finding good service people is getting harder and harder i reckon, if all else fails maybe one of those lens rehousing services could help. If their pulling a lens apart and machining parts, cleaning and lubing a lens should be a piece of cake, but maybe not cheap... would depend on how you value the lens as to whether it is worthwhile or not. Btw i like what you doing with the black and white images care to share a little of your processing / workflow?
  4. I flattened a battery messing around with settings and trying different things... so in the end i did reformat the camera. funnily enough a gavin hoey video on dual card slots from 6 years ago popped up in my youtube feed in the first couple of listings that night. I didn't search for it on youtube but i did google dual card slots, i presume there's some "information sharing" going on in windows. Complicated doesn't begin to cover it lol. So far i have assigned the card slot, set up peaking and magnify for both photos and video. I initially set peaking up for video, switched to photos and wondered what happened to the peaking. I "wrongly" thought it would carry over. Seems like, olympus gives you lots of options. I'm going to experiment with it as it is now and move on from there.
  5. maxJ4380


    pardon my ignorance, wouldn't the yellowing add some kick to a sunrise / sunset? I guess that would make it a bit of a one trick pony. I have been thinking on and off about acquiring a "yellow" lens just for that particular reason.
  6. I'm embarrassed to say, things didn't quite go to plan. I did read the manual, maybe not the whole manual.., I formatted the card easy enough. Then called it a night. Once i got to town i learnt i couldn't take a photo. Something about not assigning a card drive to taking photos. While the camera is smart enough to format a card in camera it wont take a photo and store with out explicitly being told too apparently. Never had that problem before but then i never had a camera that has two card slots either. Live and learn i guess. Not sure what i did to fix it or the how either but i can take photos now lol. New plan, do the same thing again (but take photos this time) tomorrow or more likely Saturday.
  7. thats the thing, isn't it ? how do we educate those poor lost souls ? I don't have tik tok, maybe there's some interesting tik tok stuff out there... but i kinda liken movies to bread. you got your ingredients, you mix ingredients thoroughly, let it rise for a time. then place it into an oven, hopefully you end up with something that can sustain you. Simple analogy i know. From what i perceive about tik tok its throw in some ingredients, agitate vigorously and serve, cooking is optional... is it bread ? i don't think so.
  8. I fear some sort of penance needs to be invoked !! like a 3 minute short, story and camera of your choice 😉 Must be hard work owning a cinema but the same could probably be said for any job these days. I hear you on the loud personal conversations and kids thing. Although kids are always going to be kids, still they could be taught some manners (wishful thinking). For me a phone ringing is a red flag nothing takes away from the moment like a phone ringing. Usually there's no one sitting in the first couple of rows, so i have taken to sitting in the front row. I kinda like it at the front, the screen appears bigger and since i don't have eyes in the back of my head its less distracting. That might be just how my brain works however. I watched the first episode. i did like the visuals / cinematography. However it took at least 1/2 to 3/4 of the episode to figure what was going on lol
  9. Yay its arrived.. Battery was as flat as a tack. Got it on charge now. Visually it perfect, there's not a mark on it. Got a somewhat free day tomorrow. i plan on taking photos of all the murals that have been painted on various walls in and around town. and some video as well probably.
  10. Good value if your travelling to aus with your tourist $$, bad value if your a local wanting to buy anything abroad and don't forget the gst. I fear it will only get worse with that idiot in the white house.
  11. 1) same here it seems... although i usually finish the popcorn about halfway through 🙄 i have seen tales of the loop advertised but never clicked on it. I'll have to give it a go. i really liked the Peripheral on prime that almost did my head in a couple of times.. and night skies, that took a while to get started however, and 3 pines i liked the scenery and somewhat quirky characters.
  12. If i get caught up in the movie i don't really notice anyone else. Until its time to leave, then its form a line with everyone else and trample out. When its a good movie everyone is abuzz and there's a good atmosphere and thats nice to be a part of. I noticed that with the latest bay boys and the axel F sequel. I don't think either brought anything new to the franchise, however they were well received and everyone one walked out chatty like. I try to do my bit for the cinemas and support them when i can. During covid and just after, crowd numbers were way down, even now i seriously doubt that they have recovered to pre covid levels. I do have prime and netflix acc's watching a new release is $18-24 on prime here. I may as well go to the cinemas for that price or wait a couple of months till it comes down to $6 which is a much more reasonable price considering the internet speeds here. On a personal level, i have kinda discovered Noir movies. There's something about the absence of colour that i find interesting. Maybe its the period its set in, so different from today. Once my camera turns up i intend to develop more of a black and white mentality. My other camera is slowly dying it has a couple of issues it still takes pictures and records considering its 16 years old i guess i haven't done too bad lol.
  13. i'm first, not that its a competition or anything😉 however it doesn't take much to entertain me, so i'll lead off with the fact that i'm waiting for the accountant 2 to hit the cinemas. I liked the first one, so i'm quite happy go for a drive and watch a movie, buy some popcorn, consume that with the expectation that i should enjoy the second.
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