Stumbled upon this and writing a follow up as I found myself in this situation tonight - if this saves one more content creator from staying up til - *checks clock* -1:46am to deliver to clients, then I'm happy.
It seems wild to me that this is still a limitation, considering how popular this software has become in content creation. Anyway - my workaround if anyone needs it
After grading clips under an Adjustment layer:
Duplicate your timeline in Media tab > label original "GRADE", label new timeline "EXPORT" (leaving the GRADE as your editable backup incase of revisions)
Open your new timeline in Edit tab > drag to select all clips (your media, and all adjustment clips)
Right click > create compound clip
Go back to GRADE timeline > select all your video clips > Copy
Go to EXPORT timeline > paste > line them up with the compound clip
Grab the Snapping tool and go through at each clip break to divide the compound clip back into individual graded clips
Export individual clips as usual