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Found 3 results

  1. Hey guys, just finished my reel for 2014, let me know what you think!
  2. Hey there, I am relatively new to these discussions; but after having scoured the internet for some answers I have been at a loss, so where better to ask than here??? I have been working for a my organisation for a year now, and my job is essentially being the in-house film-maker, for the past year I have been using my Hacked Lumix GH2 (don't ask me what type of hack it is, I did it in 2012, recording between 88-90mbps with no negative side effects, except that no playback is available until the camera has been turned off and on). I typically shoot in cinema 23.976 fps in 1080p and have a very fluid workflow (I produce about 2 videos a week for the company I work for). Since last month I have been 'upgraded' to the Canon 5D MkIII since the company didn't want me to use my personal gear (for insurance reasons, I travel a lot with the gear). And while there are some downsides in terms of bulkiness of the 5D body compared to the GH2 (and lack of swivel screen) it is a standalone camera and I find the two can't be compared too much: they are both great and stand well on their own depending on the job required. My ultimate question is: now that we're in 2014 and seeing as the GH4 is about to be released, what is the 'next level' in affordable DSLR's (or even dedicated cameras, like the Black Magic)in your opinion? I feel like I have been out of touch with the camera world since I hacked my GH2 in 2012, is this a camera that seems 'future proof' (with the hack) or will it shrivel to the upcoming 4k's?
  3. It's Chinese New Years! Got my SLR Magic Anamorphot just in time to get all the celebrations: Food, festivals, and Lion Dances! I walked around getting footage with my Canon 5D mkIII using Magic Lantern's RAW Hack. The SLR Magic Anamorphot is very sharp and it is easy to use. There is slight vignette on the footage because my Vari-ND fader is 72mm, the front of the SLR Magic Anamorphot is 77mm. I'll have to get a new one at 77mm to solve this. Most shots were at F2.8 on a cloudy day, F4 for the Jupiter 9. Details: SLR Magic Anamorphot Canon 5D mkIII w Magic Lantern RAW Hack Canon EF 50mm 1.8 (majority of shots) Helios 58mm (near end) Jupiter 9 85mm (near end) Lightcraft Vari-ND Fader
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