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  1. It's Chinese New Years! Got my SLR Magic Anamorphot just in time to get all the celebrations: Food, festivals, and Lion Dances! I walked around getting footage with my Canon 5D mkIII using Magic Lantern's RAW Hack. The SLR Magic Anamorphot is very sharp and it is easy to use. There is slight vignette on the footage because my Vari-ND fader is 72mm, the front of the SLR Magic Anamorphot is 77mm. I'll have to get a new one at 77mm to solve this. Most shots were at F2.8 on a cloudy day, F4 for the Jupiter 9. Details: SLR Magic Anamorphot Canon 5D mkIII w Magic Lantern RAW Hack Canon EF 50mm 1.8 (majority of shots) Helios 58mm (near end) Jupiter 9 85mm (near end) Lightcraft Vari-ND Fader
  2. Hey there! Just finished up a short film for a local "make a film in a week" competition, and thought I'd share it. It won Best Director, was nominated for Best Drama, and was shot entirely on the Canon 5D MKIII with Zeiss ZF.2 glass. Let me know what you think! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XB5EBZa1qeU
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