Andrew, Anyone,
Have more information on these CCTV lenses for possible use on the BMC Pocket Camera?
I have emailed them for a price quote, but know they are not cheap CCTV lenses.
They were used on this Ikonskop shoot.
As the Ikonskop sensor is a S16 in theory these lenses should work fine with the BMCP?
Ikonskop is a 2/3" sensor (10,6x6mm) as compared to the slightly larger true S16 BMCP sensor....
US$ prices on quote I received:
$2,541 each = 0020-005-000-40
MeVis-C 1.8/12 2/3"
$1,349 each = 0020-004-000-40
MeVis-C 1.6/16 2/3"
$1,059 each = 0020-002-000-40 MeVis-C 1.6/25 1"
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