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  1. Panasonic is making Huge losses, right now (almost US$ 10 Million, and 2nd year in a row. Actually 2 years with similar losses, and 5 years of losses). : [url="http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/panasonic-books-mammoth-925bn-loss/story-e6frea6u-1226507969975"]http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/panasonic-books-mammoth-925bn-loss/story-e6frea6u-1226507969975[/url] It needs to turn around the company. As good samaritans (or customer), lets discuss, where the GH3 falls short, and what it needs to address. We could Exclude things like Global Shutter and other stuff, since, that's not possible, at this stage. I would begin, by suggesting better handling of details, in low light (or very high contrast scenes), instead of that strange banding and those artifacts. I find it curious, that the GH3 is not actually an improvement on the GH2, in firmware, but, most likely, only in hardware. At this rate, they could have just transferred the old GH2 sensor, board, wiring etc etc, along with the firmware, right into the GH3, done (or left it as it is) a few tweaks to the Firmware, and Voila !!!
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