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  1. I'm selling my pre-36 Iscorama anamorphic shooting set for $3,200 (my headline is in error - this is NOT a 36. Not sure what I was thinking when I typed that).   If you own a Canon or Nikon, you can be up and running and shooting immediately, including close-ups with the included diopters. Lens is very clean optically and externally. No scratches or dust on the lens surfaces that I can see, and the test footage (see below) reveals no faults.           Most of you here are very familiar with this lens, but I thought a more complete description wouldn't be amiss.   This lens is one of the earliest Iscoramas (and most sought after), so it doesn't have a model number and does have a serial number (4135031). The non-multi-coated nature of the first Iscoramas make them a better choice than the later Iscos when you want to force some flares. The lens itself focuses from about 6 feet to infinity. Close focus can be achieved through use of diopters. The aperture range is f/2.8-f/16.  The front threads are 72mm, same as most Canon L primes. Included are: - Iscorama 50mm f/2.8 Anamorphic lens (Nikon focusing lens) - Native mount to camera – M42 (Praktica / Pentax screw mount) - Original box (German market) - M42 to Canon EF Adapter - M42 to Nikon Adapter - Custom step ring adapter to allow use of Nikon f 1.4 50mm lens - 72mm to 77mm step up right - Rare Bower UV filter (72mm) - B+W haze filter (77mm via step-up adapter) - Front Metal Cap and rear plastic cap (not original) - Hoya +1, +2, and +4 Diopters (in their own case) - Tokina +0.4 Diopter (fairly rare and no longer produced - will get the focus down to about 3 feet to ten feet)   As Andrew noted in a post describing these lens: “It is single coated, not multi-coated. Flares nicely, and coverage is about the same despite the smaller rear element. Usable out to 24mm on the GH3, 30mm (2x crop) on the GH2 (1.86x crop), 35mm on APS-C and 50mm on full frame.”   Here's the very informative Wikipedia entry for Iscorama: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iscorama   Here's some test footage I shot with it last year. If you're not that familiar with these lenses, look also at the copy I posted with the Vimeo entry, as well as the link to the ungraded version of the video:   http://vimeo.com/30581500   I found another video, shot with my exact lens (and with much greater skill), and Tokina AT-C MC +.4 diopter combination: http://vimeo.com/36360185  I am looking for $3200 from the sale. Payment via Paypal is preferred. If you're in Orange County or Los Angeles, cash is fine for a local daytime pickup at a Starbucks.   I may be reached at egraphic[at]ix.netcom.com.
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