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Found 3 results

  1. I do modifications on big to medium lens, the last one modified Moller 63/2x minimum fd was 1,8m (6ft) until couple of days ago, when modified even further, haven't tested it yet. The price of modification for lens is 250-500€. Optional rehousings available. Waiting time 30-60 days. Servicing starts at 85€, waiting time 7-14 days. You pay shipping charges both ways.
  2. Today just arrived Tushinsky variable ration anamorphic projection lens. Some tests I made today didn't prove much useful (shot with GF3 with ETC), will post some more in next days. I haven't found any videos made through this adapter on the net. Anybody's got some experience with this beast? [url=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/11/9djw.jpg/][/URL] [url=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/823/f8aw.jpg/][/URL]
  3. I read an article on 444-films.com [url="http://444-films.com/the-last-iscorama-anamorphic/"]http://444-films.com...ama-anamorphic/[/url] and decided to buy such a lens; found a red ISCO 65mm 2X locally. Basically just unscrew the rear lens and attach the anamorphic adapter to a DSLR/lens setup. If you are curious, here is an image (link below) taken with a Canon 7D, a Canon EF-S 60mm and the ISCO handheld at the front of the assembly. I have not tested any of its other qualities or shortcomings but this image may serve as a basic reference for anyone else considering such a lens. This is the first image taken with the setup. I set the red ISCO on infinity and focused with the Canon EF-S 60mm. Next step is to arrange an appropriate clamp. [url="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/48523277/ISCO_Red_7D_EF-S-60mm_forum.jpg"]https://dl.dropbox.c...-60mm_forum.jpg[/url]
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