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  1. so the other week i decided to finally shoot something with the a7s (after getting it I'd been too busy to use it) and shogun. this is the result (30 seconds): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJutz_AWErs and my write-up about where i think i went wrong, and what i plan on doing in the future: http://caseywilsondp.com/2015/02/10/sony-a7s-and-atomos-shogun/ (if you don't want to read it, my biggest problem was that I under-exposed too much with slog2 and had to heavily de-noise the night shots)
  2. I've been using the SmallHD DP7 and loving it, but it's pretty heavy. Using it on top of my GH4 with a hot shoe swivel head is clunky. It falls down all of the time. Comes loose. You name it. I searched the market for anything that would attach both sides of the monitor allowing for swivel, and a sturdy grip. Found nothing. I decided to build it myself out of parts found on eBay, and B&H. Here are the links to parts I used: CAGE: http://www.ebay.com/itm/FHUGEN-HONU-V2-0-VIDEO-CAGE-Kit-with-Top-Handle-HDMI-Clamp-for-GH3-GH4-A7-A7R-/231302638084?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35dab62a04 SIDE RAIL CLAMP: http://www.ebay.com/itm/281056066980?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT 2 PACK OF LONG 1/4"-20 SCREWS: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=&sku=920351&gclid=CPqemNGJ1cACFYk7Mgod2EoAfw&is=REG&Q=&A=details 2 LONG BRACKETS: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1062515-REG/desmond_d3d_3_mini_stereo_camera_bracket.html This could also be useful for the A7S and Shogun combo. I'll admit that this isn't ideal if you need to mount a microphone, but if you're going handheld for video only it's sturdy as hell.
  3. Some interesting news about Shogun future updates(around 5min:50sec) from Atomos CEO Jeromy Young.
  4. Hello, First of all, sorry if I didn't post in the right place.. Does anybody knows if the external 4K 4:2:2 recording with the forthcoming Atomos Shogun will require the YAGH or not? Already having sound recorders so I'll rather pass on the YAGH if 4:2:2 is available thanks to this new magical device that seems to be the Shogun! Thanks for your answers
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