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  1. i have been slowly going through box's of stuff in my storage unit and i came across some optics by angenieux and kinoptik. the 2 greatest optics houses of france. they are close up optics from the early 1970s probably for movie or tv use. 80mm size with a very nice mag fluoride single layer coating. when i tested these with anamorphics,they seem to make an amazing stay on longer close up lens my guess is magnification is +0.3. whatever it is it allows focus from around 3.5 feet to 14 feet. testing with iscorama,sankor,kowa type lens that is roughly around f2.8 so pretty handy. i think it is always good to test this stuff @ the f1.8-2.8 stop range. single element but quality is simply superb. i have 10 usable and a few others a bit trashed. i will be putting them in a mount 82mm screw thread. i will be listing them on shitbay at some stage. i will be offering a full refund guarantee on usability and quality as i believe these are more flexible than the tokina. although single element i see very little distortion or error. just fantastic usability and the biggest focus range of any close up i have found. anyone who is familiar with the reputations of angenieux and kinoptik will understand they did not mess about when they made stuff.
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