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  1. I have done some quick trials with RAW with 5d mark II. I have used raw2dng to create the dng sequence from the raw footage. I then modify the raw sequence with photoshop Cs6. This works well. When I go to import the sequence into AfterEffects I get the raw window popping up- here's where I am stumped. This raw editing window that comes up is an older version of raw editor, older than the one I modified the sequence with in PS. And, the footage looks way darker- like 2 stops or more under- so I am always tempted to tweak it again. It often looks over processed/corrected and grainy then, once it's in AE. When I just import it as is with no correction in the raw editor during the AE import it ends up looking better, but still too dark. How do I update the raw editor in After Effects (CS5) to match the photoshop raw editor? Am I having a color space issue or something like it? Why does the footage that looks good in PS not look good in AE? the movie file that raw2dng creates from the raw file is also very dark. thanks for any help you can offer. opening a dng file from the sequence in PS- the images look good and the exposure seems pretty right on.
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