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  1. I don't know, maybe it's too soon to tell, but I've been following their posts since the beginning of NAB and there is not a single post about one of the most exciting products this year. In one video on Teradeck Booth they had Panasonic representative siting there with GH4 in his hands and all they talked about was GoPro, Ninja Star and DJI Copter, not one word with the guy from Panasonic. Cinema5D show On The Couch had representatives from Sony and Canon on interview, why not Panasonic(GH4, VariCam - very hot products for comparison with Canon and Sony from my point of view)? I don't know maybe it's not their fault, if that's the case I apologize, but to me this is very strange.
  2. Short film which was featured at the Sony Ci booth at NAB Las Vegas 2014. A journey consumed with grandeur yet desolate landscapes. Filmed on the Sony NEX-FS700 Lenses: SEL18200 / Nikkor f/1.8 50mm 1920 x 1080 HD / 16:9 / 240fps / 24fps
  3. Press release (in Japanese): http://translate.google.com/translate?depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.olympus.co.jp/jp/news/2014a/nr140407mfourthirdsj.jsp 43rumors.com article: http://www.43rumors.com/jvc-joins-the-mft-system-and-will-show-new-mft-4k-camera-soon/ This is cool, I suppose, though ... JVC? They're still around? Be interested to see what they come up with!
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