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Found 5 results

  1. In this Nuke tutorial I show you how to link tracking data to things like rotoscoping! Thanks for watching, Ruan www.youtube.com/tunnelviziontv
  2. In this Nuke Tutorial I explain how to do Camera Projection and how to use this amazing technique to create a clean plate or to remove unwanted things from your shots.
  3. Want to get started with The Foundry’s Nuke? Want to take your VFX to the next level? In my first Nuke tutorial I show you how to create a muzzle flash effect very easily. The Foundry released a FREE non-commercial version of Nuke that you can download here: http://www.thefoundry.co.uk/products/nuke/non-commercial/ Thanks for watching and remember to subscribe if you want to get notified of new VFX tutorials every week! Cheerz, Ruan
  4. Hello everyone,   This is one way to learn to deal with Anamorphic footage in post. Here is a detailed tutorial on working with anamorphic footage in post, from dealing with lens distortion and squeeze factor, moving data between applications and rendering with the proper pixel aspect ratios. I will be updating this tutorial with more info as I move through the process and adding more applications as well. Currently I cover Nuke, After Effects, Video Copilot and Maya. The next one will most likely be Houdini but if you have any suggestions, something is missing or if there is a better way to do something please let me know. I really wanted a place to consolidate all of this info and make it available to anyone who needs it, so let me know if you found this useful.   Thanks Rob B   http://www.robbannister.com/working-with-anamorphic-footage-in-post/    
  5. Shot some small tests with the Iscorama on my d800 last week. Shot on D800 with the nikon 50mm 1.4D and Tokina +0.4 diopter and Hoya +1 diopter. I did the edit in premiere, grading in speed grade and second grade in nuke using some custom grading filters I made using filters from on set.   My site www.robbannister.com   Downloads page http://www.robbannister.com/downloads/   videos CC1 http://vimeo.com/64450588   CC2 http://vimeo.com/64464863   Hopefully I'll have some stuff really worth showing soon.   Rob
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