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Found 2 results

  1. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1193685734/lume-cube-flash-and-video-light-for-gopro-iphone-a?ref=nav_search Though the Switronix TorchLED Bolt seems like a great product, it's awfully expensive. Also, considering that it's impossible to make do with just one of those (it has to be softened down, and probably reflected off to get it as fill light apart from the spot light), it is not the right tool for Low Budget Indie Films (especially Shorts). I saw this a few days ago, but, it's only now that I read the entire specs sheet. This is a Superb Idea for Indie Filmmakers. With 3 of more of these, you have Super Portable Lighting, which is controllable via your smartphone (both Android and iPhone). The brightness, and flash can both be synced via the phone, and you can control upto 5 of these devices via Single Device (phone). What's even more amazing is that it's water resistant, has a magnet, and some dirt cheap mounting options via Joby. I doubt whether it can get better than this. The Cherry on the cake, though, is that it has internaiton shipping. I think this would be superb, especially for smaller spaces. What do you guys think? Check it out: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1193685734/lume-cube-flash-and-video-light-for-gopro-iphone-a?ref=nav_search
  2. I have detailed question to ask about what camera to buy--and of course I have many, snowflake details. The jist is I have some skill, some old kit, and an huge, once in a lifetime trip with specific requirements, and am lost in the soup of what A-Cam to take along. Please take a gander and let me know your thoughts. My blizzard-like question can be read at: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s214/sh/1a8ce4bc-e35f-44ab-bdbf-097f0b379809/246167794c1df67da05edf2fa9279699 Thanks for all your help.
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