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Found 3 results

  1. 4th anamorphic exercise, now with +1 diopter. Shot in Tel Aviv, Nov. 7, 2014 using a Panasonic GH4 in 4K Photo Mode, 3:2 aspect ratio, Cine D. Lenses: Canon FD 50mm f/1.4, Rectimascop 48/2x anamorphic. Edited and graded with FCPX.
  2. LOMO 35NAP2-3M and Rathenover Optische Werke Rectimascop Does anybody have experience with these two lenses? On Ebay, these lenses are very common, cheap, and are often in very good condition. I haven't seen posts indicating it's minimum focusing distance and optical performance in general. Though it should be an indication that despite the accessibility of these lenses, not much footage has been seen, that these lenses aren't exactly the best out there. However, for someone like me starting out, I'd rather try shooting anamorphic with a cheap lens rather than saving to invest in an expensive one right away. I live in the Philippines, and there is no place here where I can have anamorphic lenses rented.
  3. Hey people, as a first endeavor I recently got my hands on some Rectimascop 48/2x lenses. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with these and if so what is it.   Does anyone have a complete break down of a DSLR setup that works? (Clamps, bars, diapers, lens, etc...)   Thanks in advance  
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