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  1. DSLR sales are down 12.4% in the Americas... but the real headline number is mirrorless sales have tanked by almost 47%! http://www.bobatkins.com/photography/decline_of_the_DSLR.html I got that quote and those figures from Bob Atkins' site. I have been going to his site for years for insightful reviews of photographic equipment. It was pretty much one of the first sites I went to when I first started getting into digital photography. I think he sums up the situation best with this quote... Another interesting thing to note about his article is what is missing when talking about what ails the camera market. The word "video" is almost entirely missing from the article. It is mentioned once in relation to auto focus and PRAISING the Canon 70D and then at the end of the article when he is stating it is not a feature he cares about. I actually found that article while lurking on another forum where people were discussing Canon's future plans. It was interesting because none of the thread participants mentioned video. Actually one person mentioned the 5D MK II being "hyped" because it had video capabilities. That was it. Canon won't be launching any revolutionary mirrorless products in the US because that market is infinitely more unappealing than the DSLR market. I won't hold my breath for much innovation in the Rebel line of cameras regarding video. Canon's target market doesn't really seem to notice nor care whether the video is great or not. If great video was the solution to what ails Canon then why are mirrorless sales (ie Panasonic GH3, G6, etc) plummetting? http://www.businessinsider.com/mirrorless-camera-sales-disappoint-2013-12 I can't see anyone at Canon suggesting Canon go down the Panasonic rabbit hole.
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