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  1. I just got back from a five-day trip to Bangkok: it's hot as hell this time of year! I thought I'd pick up a cheap drive while I was there, so I went to the Fortune IT Mall (it's supposed to be more relaxed than the notorious Pantip Plaza). The mall has four floors devoted to everything in electronic goods, including cameras, computers and peripherals. Although I'd been planning to pick up a WD My Passport Pro 4TB drive (after watching Blunty's effusive video), I since learned that the Seagate Backup Plus Fast 4TB has faster performance at a price somewhere between 35-40% cheaper. It turns out that the drive is actually more expensive in Thailand than in the States, but it's still a great value. I am currently copying the contents of one of my Buffalo Mini Station Extreme drives: the Seagate is around the same size, only thicker and quite a bit heavier. It also gets quite toasty when in action (50 degrees!) - but it is silent, and I can't feel any vibration. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for speedy, inexpensive, bus powered storage. Anyhow, I was wondering how many readers would be interested in a sticky topic about the following (pursuant to Andrew's approval) 1. Storage solutions Now that you're shooting 4K, you probably realize you'll need faster and larger drives. While I was at the mall in Bangkok, I discovered that storage can be sexy! I also learned that RAID isn't just for professionals (sorry, I'm a novice). One drive I'm especially interested in, which hasn't been released yet, is LaCie's Little Big Disk Thunderbolt 2 - it can achieve read speeds of over 1375MB/s, so when hooked up to my rMBP, it would be twice as fast as the internal drive. Of course, it will cost half as much as the laptop! 2. Color grading So many readers talk about a cinematic look and how to achieve it. This sticky could be where readers post their grading breakdowns or ask for advice, talk about LUTs, etc. Reader ruanlotter contributed an excellent basic >tutorial that could be the start of more tutorials as well. 3. 4K News I just learned that South Korea has supposedly created the first dedicated 4K channel, called UMAX. Would a sticky with discussion about 4K news and events, along with analysis interest readers?
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