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  1. In my quest to find the perfect matte box, I have been doing some research that I will share here in the hope that someone else may benefit from it (this is a cross-post, there is also a thread on Personal-View: [url="http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2876/matte-boxes-and-filter-thickness/p1"]http://www.personal-...er-thickness/p1[/url]). Not all matte boxes on the market will take Tiffen or Schneider filters. Take for instance the DMatte from DFocus. It's a bargain for the price, but when I finally brought one home, I couldn't support my Schneider filters because they were a millimeter too thick. I've since returned it and resumed my search. It looks like these are my options at this point:[list] [*]Arri (confirmed by forum member) [*]Chrosziel (personal test) [*]LockCircle (manufacturer confirmed) [*]Lanparte (confirmed by forum member) [*]Cavision (personal test) [*]Cinematics (confirmed by forum member) [*]Cokin (website info) [*]Vocas (manufacturer confirmed) [*]Genus (manufacturer confirmed) [*]Movcam (manufacturer confirmed) [*]Century Optics ["Sunshade Filter Holder"] (confirmed by forum member) [/list] I have no confirmation, but I'd be surprised if the matte boxes from O'Connor, Bright Tangerine and TLS Raven could not hold 4mm filters. If you know of any others, please comment and I will update the list.
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