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  1. Hi guys i guess i should start from here, I am getting people from the NY area asking to video their weddings, i am located in Europe,Athens Gr so they will pay my air tickets, but i cant bring another videographer from europe as the cost is too high. i usually shoot with 2-3 shooters i am looking for a pro-semipro videographer that is local to New York to shoot second camera, documentary style HD, preferably with a ful frame canon camera and standard lenses to match my style. i know its not the most glamorous job for many, but we usually have a good time with my fellow shooters :) if you are interested please contact me via pm or at work@louloumeli.com
  2. Hey there, Long time reader, first time poster. I recently filmed an engagement session, and wanted to achieve a shallow depth of field in bright light without using an ND filter. So, knowing that I would end up slowing the footage down to about 40%, I cranked up the shutter speed in order to hit around f/2. The results? Well, see for yourself:   http://acelegendary.com/blog/2013/4/9/sean-liz-save-the-date   Filmed with the following gear: 7D + Zeiss 50mm f/2 Makro-Planar and T2i + Canon 50mm f/1.4 (on Glidecam HD2000).
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