Dr. John R. Brinkley Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 I think a lot of this complaining about the camera is just silly. BMCC offers great opportunities for shooting for only $3000. If it had a fixed lens it would still be a great camera for the price, but because they allowed interchangeable lenses people have something to complain about. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex Mand Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 [quote name='avrofilmvideo' timestamp='1346709291' post='17252'] It is subject for another time.. It is time for you to go to school now and study hard to be a real cameraman...if you do not understand term "crushed blacks". Also looking at other shots from other Video sample- this camera has problems with Highlights Clipping...that could be due to Internet Compression ... while i had camera in my hand for a while it was quite HOT...I have no idea how it will perform outdoor Down Under in Hot Aussie Summer. BOTTOM LINE IS,IT IS GREAT CAMERA FOR $3,000 as long as You have Glass Designed for it. Question is also, why do you need for Corporate or TV work RAW?? Decent 4:2:2 Codec(if possible 10 bit) is great. I would rather spend $8,000 on Sony FS700.. Good Luck to Black Magic and their customers...they are forcing other manufacturers to design better camera.. [/quote] Man... Crushed blacks on a RAW camera?? lol I think 13 stops of DR are not enough for you... I work daily with the scarlet and I think that 13.5 stops is something of interest for any company willing to go to the next level, things that only big budget project allow us. The scarlet is an awesome camera but is always rented for a number of jobs, but now I can do my own projects with the same flexibility I have working with Red footage, this is something amazing considering the price of BMCC. Crushed black you say. This is really hard to do with a RAW camera. You must be really amateur in lighting a scene to achieve that with such a powerfull tool. Here I'm not talking about sensor size or battery. This camera produce such an image on par with the scarlet and the MX that I'm used to work and grade... It's really an incredible sensor. We work with master primes on the MX but I think that the tokina will be more than enough sharpness wise. It costs only $3000 and comes with Raw and Pro res AND Da vinci. It is the best deal I could imagine right now... Also I got a kit of Zeiss ZF that I'm using a lot on MKII and will be a great pair with the BMCC. Great optics and affordable. Also Nikons Ai will be awesome too... And also the tokina... lol Don't get me wrong I just think that will see lots of broadcast stuff done with this camera. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HurtinMinorKey Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 [quote name='avrofilmvideo' timestamp='1346709723' post='17255'] That's right..youngsters Off to School.. TADA have to go now-time to make some $$ [/quote] Doing what? Working in the call center for Sony? Have fun with that. nahua 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bwhitz Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 Anyone who thinks that a RAW shooting camera has crushed blacks... has no idea what they are talking about. And can people stop using the "no low-light capabilities" as a scapegoat? Anything that shoots this clean, and with still resolving full-detail, at 1600 ISO, is GREAT in low-light. Before 4 years ago, cameras looked like complete garbage around the sensitivity of 320 ISO. Now all the sudden 1600 is terrible? FILM itself looks like garbage around 800 ISO. Some people need a reality check. nahua 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Caleb Genheimer Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 [quote name='EOSHD' timestamp='1346711974' post='17259'] Maybe all these money obsessed filmmakers need to go to school as well. Or at least art class. [/quote] What? Filmmakers taking art classes? That's me; in NYC for the semester and loving it. L.A. last semester, no work this summer, NYC this semester, broke, single and in debt . . . life's a roller coaster. Before you go being a negative nancy, ask yourself what good it'll do in the grand scheme of things (usually the answer is no good at all). Just keep on trucking, learn from the hard stuff, work hard when you get the opportunity. That's what I like about products like the BMCC. There's clear innovation, and were there's innovation these days, there's usually a pretty special team of people behind it. They're persistent, passionate and professional; they wouldn't be able to innovate otherwise. I'm very excited for the BMCC not for the nitty gritty details that it is measured by. I'm exited about what it means on the grander scale. It is innovation and progress. Hats off to Blackmagic. nahua and Zach 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tttulio Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 No-one is complaining about the sensor's size, that is fine, but they should offer the camera with the canon EOS_M mount so we can use PL / C / Leica / Contax G / Canon FD lenses. ( and proper wide angle ) looking at how the mount fits the camera it seems feasible. Stronz 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stronz Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 Sensor size shouldn't really matter unless you absolutely crave shallow depth of field. What should matter is the dumb EF mount they paired with the smaller sensor. Sorry, but unless there is a mirror involved, no cameras should be shipping with an EF mount. I'm sure it was a marketing decision to sell a small sensor camera to the indie filmmakers who already own a bunch of Canon glass because they crave full frame and shallow depth of field...oh wait...ahh now I see why everyone is complaining about sensor size. Then again BM can't market a camera with an E-mount because then it's not "pro" :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lightpainter Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 I LIKE IT! FIRST you make a FILM for the AUDIENCE and simultanously For your OWN. IT is always and ever. THERE is no SECOND.. NOGO. this fine litte pICE of CAM does for most of us, what we need. ( it is like ALESIS-ADAD-REVOLLUTION in the 90s in Audio..please do not start a reply on audio gear i have api neve and so on please not buddys..) WE PAINT WITH EMOTIONS WITH LIGHT WITH A STORY and think... also the way YOU go to CINEMA is changin... yes the old dears when i sit in our old down cinema and CHARLES BRONWSON will electrifice you in 0,000000001sec when he fires his gun. cut. the bad ass guy falls in the sand in mega close up. do you feel the litte fear running over your skin DO YOU? "...good morning DAVE..." "..good morning HALL" ore simpel DANY BOYLE ( soory for my english its my htc that runs an ios...do you experimentalitaziiali??) used crapp low trash in 28 days later.. only if you mesure it to our gh-2 eos 600 and waht ever so wheh i will ask so arround 2016 bOYS i PRODUCE a new REBELLIAN and OTHER FILM waht then is incoming? i work on a new laser-robotoc-natural-stage-light and such things like DYKSTRAFLEXX and i wrie a script.. are you ready for revollution like 19 74 are you???? out Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xiong Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 [quote name='EOSHD' timestamp='1346708627' post='17249'] No one camera will ever be good at everything. For example if you go full frame your telephoto end is a pain (expensive and heavy). Also the Alexa makes a crap helmet cam! [/quote] OK, that last part made me laugh! I would love to see an Alexa strapped on to someones head hahaha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jgharding Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 I downloaded the EOSHD H264s converted from the DNGs and watched on my 2.5k monitor. Man that stuff has crazy levels of detail. Just bonkers. It feels very electronic straight out of the camera but that's to be expected, it's all in the post like RAW photography. After playing around a bit I'm confident it'll look amazing. The big crop is a bother though, but since I think in about 1.6 crop anyway, it's not as much as the 2.3 that's thrown about for my mind. I don't think of video focal lengths in 135 photographic full-frame terms. It's be nice if people talked in terms of crop from super 35 more often, not from still-photo film. Bloody 5D. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xiong Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 [quote name='lightpainter' timestamp='1346754954' post='17277'] I LIKE IT! FIRST you make a FILM for the AUDIENCE and simultanously For your OWN. IT is always and ever. THERE is no SECOND.. NOGO. this fine litte pICE of CAM does for most of us, what we need. ( it is like ALESIS-ADAD-REVOLLUTION in the 90s in Audio..please do not start a reply on audio gear i have api neve and so on please not buddys..) WE PAINT WITH EMOTIONS WITH LIGHT WITH A STORY and think... also the way YOU go to CINEMA is changin... yes the old dears when i sit in our old down cinema and CHARLES BRONWSON will electrifice you in 0,000000001sec when he fires his gun. cut. the bad ass guy falls in the sand in mega close up. do you feel the litte fear running over your skin DO YOU? "...good morning DAVE..." "..good morning HALL" ore simpel DANY BOYLE ( soory for my english its my htc that runs an ios...do you experimentalitaziiali??) used crapp low trash in 28 days later.. only if you mesure it to our gh-2 eos 600 and waht ever so wheh i will ask so arround 2016 bOYS i PRODUCE a new REBELLIAN and OTHER FILM waht then is incoming? i work on a new laser-robotoc-natural-stage-light and such things like DYKSTRAFLEXX and i wrie a script.. are you ready for revollution like 19 74 are you???? out [/quote] Man, I really hope English is not your primary language. I had a hard time even looking at that post... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xiong Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 I'm really surprise how people who claim to be professionals on these forums seem to have an enormous amount of ego. Its one thing to talk about improving ones or others craft through constructive feedback, but to blatantly try to demeanor someone else's professionalism, and without any kinda of fact or knowledge to back up that statement is amateurish. Why is everyone always on the topic of "my sticks better then yours." Back on topic, I'm excited for this camera but Im ever more excited for the next iteration. Im sure they'll learn alot from their first outing into the camera making business, the future is bright for young up and comers. As for proress/RAW I've no bias towards neither and will use what is necessarily for the situation. Hope to see a blog post when you have your hands on the BMC, Andrew. Mostly one that covers what type of computing rig you think is necessary for the RAW workflow. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AVID EDITOROME Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 i down loaded the dng footage and i realized that for detail , color rendition , dr aka latitude and high light rollof is a plesure to grade and a clear example for who is used to shot on dslr( i own 7d- 5d- gh2) to how much they are not full raster full hd. and once you have entered this world , for this price point you should be able to get the most out of it. 2.5k is kool down scaled ,and the 16 mm look is fine but dng is hard to menage as play back editing and so on even on a fast pc. pro res and dnxhd is an intellligent options for most jobs. if somebody would build a micro 4/3 adapter for ef mount maybe lens choiches would be greater like slr magic , pentax and woigtlander. othe wise 8-16 sigma remain main options. i believe that maybe samyang or some other manufacturere could sell some special lenses for this . i have gh2 + hiper deck shuttle and comparing 4/3 footage+ unkompressed with bmc raw it gives you an idea of big difference. for the price (including the things that you should need exactly the same for a scarlet , like hard disk fast machine etc)there is nothing like black magic, for who need something better in sensor terms there is a lot of different choices if you can afford. and most of all we have something new, i mean 5d super 35 is inthe market, this has a different look , is it bad, no i guess is fine is thinner with different perspective but i like it is fine . the camera is just a tool Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AVID EDITOROME Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 [quote name='EOSHD' timestamp='1346707009' post='17243'] Don't be too harsh on him, he's not to know. The blacks look crushed on my footage as well when I wear my sun glasses indoors at the desk. [/quote] thank you for making us discover that 11- 16 tokina cover the full frame 5d at 16..... it was a beautiful big surprise... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jgharding Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 What is this talk of glass designed for the BMD's resolution? The Zeiss still lenses, for example, resolve enough detail to look good on the 38MP Nikon D800. That's [b]7360 x 4912[/b] pixels. Nearly [b]8K[/b]. So I think they can resolve enough detail for 2.5K. Breathing is another matter, of course. When did dick-waving contests arrive here though? I was hoping they'd never turn up... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jgharding Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 [font=arial, sans-serif][size=2]I can guarantee that Canon will now start selling lenses at a premium saying "4K ready!" when their still lenses have been shooting way beyond those resolutions for a long time. Damn, people are suckers...[/size][/font] Ernesto Mantaras 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cameraboy Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 BMC has huge pixels and about 77 lp/mm any decent lens can resolve this .... people like to pay more so they can have red 4K on their lens .... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paul Watt Posted September 4, 2012 Share Posted September 4, 2012 Stoked we may see 60p on this some day. It makes the camera a lot more interesting to me. And I was pretty interested already. On another note, the childish and bizarre rants and insults in this thread are beyond unprofessional. Avro, I don't know what kind of work you do, but I can tell you, with the attitude expressed here, I would never hire you for any sort of work. nahua 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FilmMan Posted September 5, 2012 Share Posted September 5, 2012 BlackMagic in the field. Interesting. These guys used it. Enjoy. [url="http://latenitefilms.com/2012/09/05/blackmagic-cinema-camera/"]http://latenitefilms.com/2012/09/05/blackmagic-cinema-camera/[/url] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cameraboy Posted September 5, 2012 Share Posted September 5, 2012 good example how not to use BMC ... too much underexpose ... everything is on far left side of histogram ... DP treat that camera as DSLR and RAW is opposite .... but its very useful ... learn from others mistakes ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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