ScreensPro Posted December 2, 2012 Share Posted December 2, 2012 "The truth is the Alexa / F55 / BMC footage all looks the same and your not going to notice any difference when you grade it." So, 1-1.5 stops of extra DR are unnoticable?So, skin tone rendition is unnoticable?So, the unique qualities of an S35 sensor* are unnoticable?So, 16 bit is unnoticable?So, zero jello is unnoticable? * Please don't come to me with the line that with the right lens combos, you can get the same look. Go find me an equivilent lens to this:[url=""][/url]You would need a 3mm-4mm T1.5 lens that matches the quality of an Arri Ultra prime. Their 16mm lenses go to 6mm, but would vignette on BMCC. I think everyone on these boards are supporting BMCC, but blind fanboyism will do them no favours. andy lee and Bruno 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FilmMan Posted December 2, 2012 Share Posted December 2, 2012 reason why all camera look similar is because they all have cmos sensor my opinion ccd sensors have more pleasing (organic ) color/texture rendition ....this guy buy sony f35 from ebay for 12000$ and image is capture by hyperdeck shuttle ... Look at what this F35 sold for awhile back. [url=""][/url] So will the new F5 be the new version of the old F35? Interesting read of the F35. Originally priced around $200,000? Look at the depreciation on this model. Wow. [url=""][/url] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cameraboy Posted December 2, 2012 Share Posted December 2, 2012 i know about that ...7450$ for f35 ...crazy ....its a pity that all big players give up on CCD tech .... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
andy lee Posted December 2, 2012 Share Posted December 2, 2012 The Alexa and BMC both give RAW The only real differences will be the CFA In my opinion. I dont think it works well in the Alexa and after seeing F55 footage nor that either. The truth is the Alexa / F55 / BMC footage all looks the same and your not going to notice any difference when you grade it. Unless of course you believe in the emperors new clothes and have money to burn. BMD levelled the playing field Sony will either price accordingly IE £6000 for their new offering or sell to a few who like the emperors new clothes and end up in a year or so with a very expensive camera they make a huge loss on as other manufacturers bring the technology in at BMC prices. Seriously who would invest such a large amount of money when they have seen what happened to the C300 and now the F3 and REDs repricing etc. BMC all the way folks.Mark you are totally missing the point the Sony F55 and Arri Alexa are aimed at completely different Markets to the BMCC. BMCC is a great Camera for the moneyits not aimed at the same market at all.Yes it has amazing features for the price and DSLR shooter can afford it ....its images look amazing . The Sony and Arri Cameras are aimed to Pro Productions like films and Event TV series like Homeland and Dallas and Hollywood Movies.And those productions are going to carry on using those cameras - as the work flow is proven and quick -This work flow issue is a big time/ expense factor for all productionsand thats why the Arri is the big winner at the moment and will continue to dominate for a while yet.BMCC is not shipping in enough numbers to have any impression on the Arri and Sony markets yet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
markm Posted December 2, 2012 Author Share Posted December 2, 2012 Who defines the market makes the rules. Manufacturers? I DONT THINK and to be honest who cares who is supposed to do what or have what Smacks of I'm better than you I have more money. . If it works it works. I don't care if my clothes are ironed on a £30 iron from littlewoods or ironed on a £10,000 wonder machine as long as their ironed and I dont think a cinema audience gives a fig whether a film is shot on an Alexa or on a BMC. They aint gonna notice the difference. As for Jello and global shutter. Come on No one really notices this stuff anyway.16bit? Makes no difference No one can see any imporvements.35mm sensor? Get some fast lenses.Skin tone? Yes well that is a problem for the CFA that I have already gone into. There is not a rational argument to choose anything other than a BMC. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
andy lee Posted December 2, 2012 Share Posted December 2, 2012 Change takes time Mark ....The industry will not just switch after so many have invested in Arri this last 18 monthsand all those bosses of film and Tv companies will need convincing to do their ironing differently! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ScreensPro Posted December 2, 2012 Share Posted December 2, 2012 You're beyond even speaking to. No one notices jello..... :lol: "There is not a rational argument to choose anything other than a BMC." There is no rational reason to carry on this conversation. You clearly know very, very little about real world shooting. andy lee 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
andy lee Posted December 2, 2012 Share Posted December 2, 2012 READ THIS: the ARRI ALEXA Quietly Continues its Takeover of the Film and Television Industries [url=""][/url] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
markm Posted December 2, 2012 Author Share Posted December 2, 2012 ScreensProYou know what I mean. The jello effect on the BMC for most of the time will not be noticeable. Look you know what I'm saying here dont try to make yourself look an expert and me a wannabe or a fanboy your the one losing the argument and your putdowns prove it.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bruno Posted December 2, 2012 Share Posted December 2, 2012 As for Jello and global shutter. Come on No one really notices this stuff anyway.16bit? Makes no difference No one can see any imporvements.35mm sensor? Get some fast lenses. There is not a rational argument to choose anything other than a BMC. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot! Is this forum becoming the equivalent of reduser for the BMCC or what? You totally lost it. The BMCC is an amazing camera, and as I said before, an independent filmmaker would be crazy to get an F55 instead of a BMCC, but you clearly don't know what you're talking about when you state that the Alexa market would be equally well off with a BMCC. andy lee 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Germy1979 Posted December 2, 2012 Share Posted December 2, 2012 Well that escalated quickly... andy lee 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
markm Posted December 2, 2012 Author Share Posted December 2, 2012 Talk about shooting yourself in the foot! Is this forum becoming the equivalent of reduser for the BMCC or what? You totally lost it. The BMCC is an amazing camera, and as I said before, an independent filmmaker would be crazy to get an F55 instead of a BMCC, but you clearly don't know what you're talking about when you state that the Alexa market would be equally well off with a BMCC.They wouldn't notice a lot of difference if any apart from the sensor size. Look you really rate the Alexa That's great. I believe though 12 bit raw vs 16 bit raw shot with a global shutter is not going to be much different. Try as you might to put me down you cannot escape reality. Tell me how you think the picture would be improved to any noticeable effect. Show me tests that prove your case. You cant and there wont be any tests because there is a whopping difference between 4.2.0 and RAW but between RAW and global shutters there aint. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bruno Posted December 2, 2012 Share Posted December 2, 2012 You really don't get it do you? It's not just about image quality, it's about production workflows. Many DOPs only made the switch to digital with the Alexa and not the RED, and that's because of how it was designed and how it fits in a production workflow. The Alexa image itself won't be that different from a RED after you've graded it, etc, but it's the whole experience that matters to them. You'll see plenty of BMCC cameras on big films, that's for sure, they'll be replacing the 5Ds whenever they need a small compact camera, and they will be so much better at it, no doubt about it, but that's it. Rolling shutter is the worst problem about DSLRs in my opinion, and it's too bad that the BMCC didn't improve that aspect of it. Saying no one notices it is just plain nonsense, have you ever even shot handheld? How can you not notice it? On top of the weird effect, it makes the footage really hard to track and be used in post production, etc. It also makes stabilizing more difficult for stabilizing software, global shutter footage can get much better results with stabilizing in post. andy lee and Zach 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
andy lee Posted December 3, 2012 Share Posted December 3, 2012 Bruno has hit it on the all boils down to .... 'it's about production workflows' = time and money ! that's the bottom line no transcoding = quicker = cheaper = happy ! the Arri Alexa has taken over Tv and Film ! The BBC in the Uk shoot some TV shows on Alexa at the lowest file size so its cheaper and quicker to work on after its shotI was told this in person last week by one of their top D.O.Ps who does this every week on the TV show he shoots. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Germy1979 Posted December 3, 2012 Share Posted December 3, 2012 These 2 cameras shoot raw. That's like, the only similarity they share... One is $40,000 and the other is $3000. It was designed for the guy with the dslr.... not the Ferrari. You may as well compare it to an Alexa then. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
markm Posted December 3, 2012 Author Share Posted December 3, 2012 The BMC has a hard drive caddy You simply take the hard drive out plug into your computer and you're ready to edit. How hard is that. Production workflows heh heh RAW is still RAW whether its sony or BMC . Arri was a camera of its time but its been superceded all over the place especially if you like bells and whistles. An Alexa needs a lot of setup and support while a BMC is much more straightforward. If your talking about production workflows the BMC makes it an awful lot easier. The BMC cannot be compared to a performance car because it is a performance camera on par with the very best high end mean machine. It is also very cheap. Of course if you want to film in pitch black with no lights and a larger sensor because T1.2 isnt enough bokeh and you want 16 bit and you have a home made 16 bit monitor and your from krypton then get the bells and whistles camera as for me I'd be happy with 10 bit. 12 BIT IS the icing on the cake. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
andy lee Posted December 3, 2012 Share Posted December 3, 2012 Arri was a camera of its time but its been superceded all over the place especially if you like bells and whistles. An Alexa needs a lot of setup and support while a BMC is much more straightforward. If your talking about production workflows the BMC makes it an awful lot easier. WAS ???it is THE carmera of now ...wake up ,every Tv commercial you watchevery Tv series you watchAvengers and Skyfall 2 of the biggest films this year and currently in production Thor and Iron Man3 !all shot on Alexa you have no idea how deeply this camera has a strangle hold on the industry Mark do some due dilligence and read up on this 2010[list] [*][url=",_Downstairs"]Upstairs, Downstairs[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][6][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Anno 1790[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][7][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Rosario[/url][sup][url=""][8][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Downton Abbey[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][9][/url][/sup] [/list] 2011[list] [*][url=""]Hell On Wheels[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][10][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Final Destination 5[/url][sup][url=""][11][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close[/url][sup][url=""][12][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Anonymous[/url][sup][url=""][13][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Hugo[/url][sup][url=""][14][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Prom[/url][sup][url=""][15][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Game of Thrones[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][16][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Melancholia[/url][sup][url=""][17][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Fringe[/url] season 4 [*][url=""]Torchwood: Miracle Day[/url][sup][url=""][18][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]The Three Musketeers[/url][sup][url=""][19][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Doctor Who[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][20][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Sherlock[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][21][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Drive[/url][sup][url=""][22][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Jack and Jill[/url][sup][url=""][23][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]The Playboy Club[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][24][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Pan Am[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][25][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Prime Suspect[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][26][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Grimm[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][27][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Person of Interest[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][28][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Unforgettable[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][29][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]A Gifted Man[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][30][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Revenge[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][31][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Homeland[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][32][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Running Wilde[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][33][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]The Chicago Code[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][34][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]How to Make It in America[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][35][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Once Upon a Time[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][36][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Teen Wolf[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][37][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Bored to Death[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][38][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]In Time[/url][sup][url=""][5][/url][/sup] [/list] 2012[list] [*][url=""]The Avengers[/url][sup][url=""][39][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]47 Ronin[/url][sup][url=""][40][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Life of Pi[/url][sup][url=""][40][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]The Captured Bird[/url][sup][url=""][41][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Dracula 3D[/url][sup][url=""][42][/url][/sup][url=""][img][/img][/url] [*][url=""]Bel-Ami[/url][sup][url=""][43][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Skyfall[/url][sup][url=""][44][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]The Five-Year Engagement[/url][sup][url=""][45][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]This Is Forty[/url][sup][url=""][46][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]World War Z[/url][sup][url=""][47][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Gravity[/url][sup][url=""][48][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]The Gangster Squad[/url][sup][url=""][49][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Argo[/url][sup][url=""][50][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Gambit[/url][sup][url=""][51][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Seeking a Friend for the End of the World[/url][sup][url=""][52][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter[/url][sup][url=""][53][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Rock of Ages[/url][sup][url=""][54][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]The Dictator[/url][sup][url=""][55][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]What to Expect When You're Expecting[/url][sup][url=""][56][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Lawless[/url][sup][url=""][57][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Makapiling Kang Muli[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][58][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]One True Love[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][58][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Luna Blanca[/url] (TV)[sup][url=""][58][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Thuppakki[/url] [*][url=""]The Paradise[/url][sup][url=""][59][/url][/sup] (TV) [/list] 2013[list] [*][url=""]Iron Man 3[/url] [sup][url=""][60][/url][/sup] [*][url=""]Thor: The Dark World[/url] [sup][url=""][61][/url][/sup] [/list] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ScreensPro Posted December 3, 2012 Share Posted December 3, 2012 Here is a rolling shutter test from a RED Scarlet, which should have a pretty fast readout, probably faster than the BMCC. [url=""][/url] Do you seriously not see a problem with that? Now, you can say, well I don't pan like that..... Great, as I said right from the start, the BMCC is great for certain 24p narrative work. That's why i've ordered on.... Most of my shots are locked off or with very controlled movement. But if you are shooting an action sequence, a train passing by, busy traffic, POV shots from a car... etc, etc, etc .... You will notice the difference with the F55. andy lee 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hmcindie Posted December 3, 2012 Share Posted December 3, 2012 The global shutter from the F55 is huge. People are starting to forget what motion should look like, especially handheld. It's not just about fast pans. Walking around with a camera and shooting just looks slightly awkward with rolling shutter cams. It's difficult to pinpoint but it's there. Jelloing image makes people hesitant to handheld. The Epic is starting to be quite fast but even that shows. Saving Private Ryan type action (handheld, high-shutter speed) is quite painful to get correctly with rolling shutter cams. The F55 blows the lid off as it's the first cam in that pricepoint and with a CMOS s35mm sensor that has eliminated it. Finally. I love doing action scenes but I hate rolling shutter cams. First of all, they are harder to 3d-track because when handheld, the bottom part is slightly behind the top part. Secondly they change my shooting style. Instead of really pushing hard on some shots, I have to pullback. Sometimes that's good (too much movement can be horrible as evidenced by a lot of "Bourne" style action lately in Hollywood) but I'd love to keep that decision to myself, not the camera. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bruno Posted December 3, 2012 Share Posted December 3, 2012 Production workflows heh heh RAW is still RAW whether its sony or BMC . You sure are entertaining mister...There's many forms of raw for your own information (which is not an acronym btw), go find out about RED's raw workflow for instance, and by the time you realize their raw files are 5x lighter than the BMCC's and come with editable lo-res quicktime proxies that you can choose to work at any resolution you like without data redundancy, since they reference the original raw files, and without the need for an expensive machine (yes, editing heavy raw files is overkill, and it's not how it's done), then you will see the BMCC's workflow still has a long way to go, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. But please, feel free to entertain us some more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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