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C300 Mark II side-by-side A7S II


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AF, miles apart. But I do think the skin tones are perfectly fine. Good, even. Worth mentioning against the current tidal wave of opinions completely dismissing the A7 series for having really poor skin tones.

A7RII and A7SII do improve skin tones ,looks like canon is losing its advantage on color science~

If not telling people which camera is which,it is barely recognize their difference 

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 Wait, I have to buy glass and 1000 batteries for those other 4 bodies?  Hmmm...


Do A7S battery life battery really the worst?

Battery(1000mah)on A7SII  works for about 1 hour,battery(1800mah)  on 5D3 works for about 1 hour 30min(slightly worse than the A7SII),why not seeing guys complainting about 5D3 short battery life and do 5D3 users have to carry 100 battery for all day work? 

Obviously not

BTW,A7SII do support USB power supply ,you can just carry a Mobile Power Bank instead 



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Regraded to match cameras better:

The A7S II was sharpened in post (Sharpen filter @ 64) and color/brightness was matched a little better to the C300 II. There's still more detail in the C300 II, though that's to be expected at 4x the data rate and initial compression methods (410 Mbps ALL-I vs. 100Mbps IPB). The Sony 24-240 is a decently sharp lens, and the only lens I have on hand that can autofocus in fullframe 4K (the Sony 18-200 is crop mode only). We have two Canon 24-105 F4L's, however the Sony can't autofocus it and it's not a super sharp lens.

Sony has really improved the color on the A7S II vs. the A7S. The red/magenta around my eyes is from some kind of allergy after our air-conditioning was worked on in my day-job's office (dust/chemicals or both).

The C300 II's color is excellent, and the extra detail and low rolling shutter will come in handy. Built-in 24-bit pro audio is also helpful for fast shooting (A7S II has an add-on for XLR+Phantom power, might take a look at it, though we'll probably use wireless lavs with the A7S II location shoots). The C300 II's autofocus is on another level- a truly groundbreaking new feature: the killer app for this camera. This level of autofocus will be standard someday (and even better). For now, no one else has it.

Why compare these two cameras? I work with cameras in my day job (artificial intelligence camera systems), and comparisons are always fun and can be helpful in understanding quality. We can confidently use the A7S II as a B-cam and cut between the two cameras without having to spend too much time in post matching them. With only evenings and weekends to shoot, we're looking to speed up production and these two cameras will allow us to shoot and edit fast.

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I think if you stuck a Canon lens on the Sony, they'd match almost exactly. That's not just sharpness, but also that Canon lenses tend to be much warmer than Sony's (and most other manufacturer's) glass.

Thanks so much for this test! It's good to know that the A7S II can produce great skin tones when handled correctly.

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Why do people always say stuff like "its not fair"? Who cares if its fair. I just want to compare and different lenses is just a parameter like anything else.

We're not looking for a "winner", its just a comparison.

Thanks for the regraded version.

Who said anyone was looking for a winner?  But, if you're comparing two things... you can't skew it by not equally matching them.


I, for one, want the C300 to be the overall winner of every comparison - mainly because of the demand for the previous model.  I want to own one, because at the price point it eliminates some of the competition and I won't have people asking me to 'throw it in for free' like they surely will do with a a7sII.  Spec-wise, though, I don't think the camera has as long of a life span as the previous c300 did. 

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Do A7S battery life battery really the worst?

Battery(1000mah)on A7SII  works for about 1 hour,battery(1800mah)  on 5D3 works for about 1 hour 30min(slightly worse than the A7SII),why not seeing guys complainting about 5D3 short battery life and do 5D3 users have to carry 100 battery for all day work? 

Obviously not

BTW,A7SII do support USB power supply ,you can just carry a Mobile Power Bank instead 



Not that simple.  On a 5d3 I can get 1000 shots; perhaps 300 on the a7x bodies.  This is because I use a viewfinder/OVF when shooting stills.  Pretty sure the 5d3 will go much longer than 1.5 hours shooting video as well.  Where did you get these numbers?

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Returned my a7rII for an a7sII but one thing I miss is the amazing autofocus in video mode on the a7rII. I think it's honestly pretty close to the c300II although only with native e-mount lenses. Still impressed with the a7sII video autofocus coming from panasonic bodies that always hunted even after they found focus. I know most don't use this feature, but it's definitely nice to have in a pinch and although the a7sII is a little slower, it does a great job at tracking faces and has a nice smooth transition between focus pulls.

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Guest Ebrahim Saadawi

Yes the C300ii is better and more fine gradiated for big theatre blow-ups, but man, the a7sii looks amazing too!

Really nice, correct looking skin from a Sony. A7s I could never get it neutral like that. 

Hats off to Sony for improving their colour science.

Now fix rolling shutter, make native e-mount Canon-grade glass with mechanical focus rings, organize your menu structure to straight forward tabs, make the s35 mode assignable to a fn. button, tweak your IBIS for perfection, give a 10bit output, or a Codec similar to the xc10 XF-AVC, add dual slots, make it DSLR sized and solve any heating, even by fans and vents  

The future is bright for Sony if they keep tweaking based on consumer demand.

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Maybe if the film was digitized and encoded to 8 bit compressed web delivery.

All films you see on tv or blue ray fit that description so it actually isn't as sarcastic as you intended.

The fact is, that in this comparison, the C300 ii has way more of a video look, by far!

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Hey guys- regarding video/film look between the clips- I shot the A7S II with Slog2 and the C300 II in Canon Log- Sony's Slog2 has a smoother highlight roll off. I can make the C300 II look much more filmic using Canon Log 2 and/or by spending more time on the grade. For this test, I did very little to the C300 II clip since it looked really good to start with. The A7S II clip needed more work. Both cameras can look great/filmic! :thumbsup:

Hey Squig- I still have 5D3's for still photography and can do an ML RAW test with the C300 II. I'd expect similar color, less RS, with more detail and DR with the C300 II. The AF is really the C300 II's killer app (not even ARRI has this).

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