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What's your most used set of lenses?


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My most used lens has got to be the Tokina 28-70 2.6-2.8 vII

My main primes are all Nikon AI, and I also use the 80-200 2.8 ED as well.

I've really been liking how my Canon FD mount lenses have been rendering on the NX1, I've been using the 24 2.8, 50 1.8 and a vivitar series 1 70-200mm 2.8-4

Just picked up a Pre AI Nikko 300mm 4.5 that I need to get out and test more too

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I've too many of 'em, it's hard to pick. Sometimes I think I should just ditch 'em all and continue with the LX100 alone. That would make things a whole lot simpler.

I think I go through phases liking certain lenses more than the others. I had one phase where my go-to set was the RJ Lens Turbo with Nikon mounted Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 II, Nikkor ED 28-70mm f/2.8D and 80-200mm f/2.8D. Then there's all the crazy Russians. But now I'm quite a bit into the sub f/2.8 cine-style primes. But in the end it's like picking a favorite child. You can't really call it. They all hold their own. Guess it depends on the mood/look I'm after, really.

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The CV 35mm nokton with the hellicoid adapter + the FF/S35 of the A7rii is an extremely versatile setup for human shots with that classic rendering.

Also the 25mm T/0.95 slrmagic hardly left my E-M1, so now with the A7rII I really want to give the new 50mm F/1.1 slrmagic a try. 

For landscape shots I usually rely on the Nikon 28mm f/2.8 AIS.  

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Depends on the camera I am using...

With my NX500, I use either a set of Minolta MDs: 24-35mm zoom, 28mm f2, 35-70mm macro zoom, 50mm f2 or my Tokinas: rmc 17mm, at-x 24-40mm, at-x 35-70mm. When I shoot b&w on the NX500, I use my Zeiss M42 lenses: 20mm f4, 35mm f2.8 or 50mm f2.8.

I have been messing around with ML raw on my eos-m and with its 3x crop, I was able to use some vintage Cosmicar 1.9 lenses and a couple Canon c-mounts. I ordered a zeiss 10mm tevidon from some guy in Russia, but he has been giving me the run around, so I don't think I'll be getting it. Anybody here ever use it?

And finally, I have a small set of Nikkor non-ai lenses that I don't use often but I am keeping to use with the D5500 I plan on getting. I have never owned native glass for a camera, so it will be nice to not mess with adapters. 

I have a set of nikkor ai-s primes I get a lot of use from. 

Really need some zooms that can match those well though.

Was looking at the 35-70 contax zeiss and the previously mentioned tokina pro atx 24-70. Not sure how they fare in ease of use for video though.

Unsure of your budget, but with a Nikon G adapter, you can mess around with IX-Nikkor lenses. They're kind of cheaply made and do not have a constant aperture, but they have the traditional 7 blades, uses the same Nikkor glass and are dirt cheap. With patience, you can find a 20-60mm brand new in box, for less than 50 bucks in eBay. 



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I think it also make sense when we call our camera/sensor size:
I film in Full Format (5d) and after testing a lot of lenses, especially primes, I came back again to the Canon 24-70mm/2,8 L MKI as my main lens!
In the end it has beaten all of my other lenses in case of "character" and color rendition!

But under special circumstances I love several Minolta lenses, (modified to EF mount):
Minolta Rokkor MD 45mm 1:2 - a 30,-€ lens with a beautiful color - and 3d performance!
Also the Minolta MC 35mm 1,8 HH (excellent sharpness, very 3d-ish, but colors not as good as the 24-70, too blue, too magenta).
The Minolta MD 24mm 1:2,8 (Collaboration with Leica) - a ultra sharp and clean 24mm wide angle lens on FF!
Nikkor 85mm f2 ai - simply a nice, sharp and affordable lens.

Nikkor ai/ai-s lenses always surprised me. They innately deliver a very special cinematic image!
I want to have more of it, so I am looking forward to further recommendations...

Here a quick test of the Minolta 45mm (f2 is very ordinary, but from 2,8 it shines:)



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I think it also make sense when we call our camera/sensor size:
I film in Full Format (5d) and after testing a lot of lenses, especially primes, I came back again to the Canon 24-70mm/2,8 L MKI as my main lens!
In the end it has beaten all of my other lenses in case of "character" and color rendition!

But under special circumstances I love several Minolta lenses, (modified to EF mount):
Minolta Rokkor MD 45mm 1:2 - a 30,-€ lens with a beautiful color - and 3d performance!
Also the Minolta MC 35mm 1,8 HH (excellent sharpness, very 3d-ish, but colors not as good as the 24-70, too blue, too magenta).
The Minolta MD 24mm 1:2,8 (Collaboration with Leica) - a ultra sharp and clean 24mm wide angle lens on FF!
Nikkor 85mm f2 ai - simply a nice, sharp and affordable lens.

Nikkor ai/ai-s lenses always surprised me. They innately deliver a very special cinematic image!
I want to have more of it, so I am looking forward to further recommendations...

Here a quick test of the Minolta 45mm (f2 is very ordinary, but from 2,8 it shines:)



I love Minolta lenses!!! And you have proven that the cheap 45mm f2 is a gem. That 3D pop is amazing. Was it expensive to have the mounts converted?

I had the MC 35mm 1.8 and was probably my favorite lens. When I switched to the NX500, with its 2.5x crop, a 35mm didn't make much sense, so I found a steal on the 28mm f2 MD and sold the 35mm. I miss that lens. Here's a test I did with it on my eos-m last spring. I think there are a couple shots with the 50mm 1.4 MC lens as well... Another beauty. 


Actually, here is a video with the 35mm on the NX500, if anyone is interested in seeing how these old lenses, from the early 70s, resolve in 4K. 


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I used to have a small set of Leica R's - 19mm vii, 60mm, and 100mm APO. I've since sold them and gone with the Sigma 18-35. I loved the colors of the Leica's, but definitely softer than the 18-35. But the bottom line is that the Sigma gives me a range of my favorite focal lengths without having to change the lens, which is invaluable on micro budget shoots.

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I have both: the Minolta MC 35mm 1:1.8 HH and the 28mm MD 1:2.
Both are great lenses: the 35mm is a kind of magic in terms of  sharpness and 3d rendering!
The 28mm MD is also very sharp, but better in case of colors...(in my opinion).

I do the conversion by myself, so that wasn´t expensive, but has cost a couple of hours - work.

Here is the 35mm 1:1,8 and the 50mm 1:1,4:

Minolta lenses are underrated!

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I have both: the Minolta MC 35mm 1:1.8 HH and the 28mm MD 1:2.
Both are great lenses: the 35mm is a kind of magic in terms of  sharpness and 3d rendering!
The 28mm MD is also very sharp, but better in case of colors...(in my opinion).

I do the conversion by myself, so that wasn´t expensive, but has cost a couple of hours - work.

Here is the 35mm 1:1,8 and the 50mm 1:1,4:

Minolta lenses are underrated!

I think I owe you a thank you. When I first came across the MC lenses, that video sold me on them... Small world. 

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I wish that I had a set of vintage lenses. For now the Sigma 18-35mm, Rokinon 50mm, & 85mm are my work horses.

You can't go wrong with the Russians as they are full of "flaws" and they look great! Certainly not boring and clinical like a Panasonic lens. 

I was thinking of adding a Rokinon/Samyang 14mm and 85mm for my "clean" set. How are you finding them? 

Oddly, they don't sell the Cine DS line here. 

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You can't go wrong with the Russians as they are full of "flaws" and they look great! Certainly not boring and clinical like a Panasonic lens. 

I was thinking of adding a Rokinon/Samyang 14mm and 85mm for my "clean" set. How are you finding them? 

Oddly, they don't sell the Cine DS line here. 

I love the 85, but wasn't impressed with the 14. However I have used the 16 and it's great.

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I have both: the Minolta MC 35mm 1:1.8 HH and the 28mm MD 1:2.
Both are great lenses: the 35mm is a kind of magic in terms of  sharpness and 3d rendering!
The 28mm MD is also very sharp, but better in case of colors...(in my opinion).

I do the conversion by myself, so that wasn´t expensive, but has cost a couple of hours - work.

Here is the 35mm 1:1,8 and the 50mm 1:1,4:

Minolta lenses are underrated!

the three leneses are the exact ones im look at right now! After using the nikkor 35mm 1.4 for a while im quite dissapointed and will probably sell. The blue fringeing ruins so many shots. There not to much info about the 28mm f2 out there, hows the bokeh on that thing? Similar to the 50mm?

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the three leneses are the exact ones im look at right now! After using the nikkor 35mm 1.4 for a while im quite dissapointed and will probably sell. The blue fringeing ruins so many shots. There not to much info about the 28mm f2 out there, hows the bokeh on that thing? Similar to the 50mm?

I know you weren't asking me, but the MD 28mm f2 has been my go to lens lately. The bokeh isn't nearly as dramatic as the 35mm or the 50mm, but that's why I bought it... It's not as creamy, but perfect for rack focus in dialogue scenes. IMO. 

Other than a couple shots where I use the 24-35mm, the lion's share of this video is shot with the 28mm f2 on the NX500. With the 2.5x crop factor on the NX500, the 28mm has a FOV of a 70mm.


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