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Overview of film / camera used for kino movies?


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As a movie fan and camera enthusiast I'm looking for a site that lists movies / TV series and what kind of film or camera equipment is used during production. Are there sources where one can find this information? I watched "The man from U.N.C.L.E." yersterday and it has a great color look. Since some villain mentioned Kodachrome I suspect that they used Kodachrome for its production but could not find a single site answering this question for sure.  

Since this is one of the best digital movie camera sites I thought I should ask here first.

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Good find on shotonwhat.com.  That's a great reference.



Kodachrome film/processing was discontinued in 2010, so it wasn't used on the recent "... U.N.C.L.E." film.  Kodachrome was a reversal film, with fairly involved processing.


Reversal film is usually not the first choice for narrative work, because reversal film is sort of intolerant to off exposure.  If you under-expose/over-expose by 1/2 stop, you could be screwed, which is not good when trying to stay under budget and on time in a long, expensive project.  The only time that I ever shot reversal film as motion picture footage was for home movies (8mm/Super8mm) and for one high school project (Ektachrome stock).


Nonetheless, Kodachrome was an incredibly saturated, snappy vivid film, and it was used a lot in still work.

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the 'great color look'  you are seeing and like is the grade they did on it , it was shot digitally there is no Kodachrome film used in making this movie


September 2015 issue of American Cinematographer magazine has a full article on how they shot this film , worth a read it great !

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Thanks a lot for all the replies. 


This is exactly what I was looking for.

I knew Kodachrome as film for slides but since I have no deep knowledge of film making I was not sure if Kodak did not produce film for movies too. 

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Thanks a lot for all the replies. 


This is exactly what I was looking for.

I knew Kodachrome as film for slides but since I have no deep knowledge of film making I was not sure if Kodak did not produce film for movies too. 

It was used as "Techicolor monpack" and in 8mm cameras.

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