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Petition for Samsung NX1 hack


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For NX1 NX-KS Hack users:

Someone more experienced than me in programming is requested to test the Wifi bitrate hack on NX1 camera.

I received this directions from @KinoSeed

" here is the remote storage plugin:


but this is a bit tricky to install

if you simply want to test the speed - turn on the FTP with nk-ks, it's same at telnet - (EV+MOBILE), and using FTP client (for transfering files) connect to the camera on the IP shown on the camera-screen."

Thank you.

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16 hours ago, lucabutera said:


First, thank you very much for really trying to help me through this for days now. 


Second, the video is great and I am sure a lot of users here could benefit from it. 


Third, unfortunately it just seems to be impossible for the nx500. The nx500 does not support tethered connection (only the nx1 does), and the nx500 has no setting for USB connection type (which you select "remote" on the nx1) and only functions in mass storage mode. Even if it could be hacked to allow remote usb connection, I am not sure the software would recognize the camera since samsung remote studio may be coded to only work with the NX1.


Again, thank you very much for your effort to help me. It is appreciated. 

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On 1/19/2017 at 8:36 PM, thelongdivider said:

Has any work been put into making other file systems accessible in the NX1/NX500?  In particular, I would like to use an Ext4 formatted SD card instead of an exfat one.

Yes, I have compiled several modules and toyed with them and they work, even NFS mount works (but slowly, very slowly). I didn't want to modify root more than I had to so I put modules in /opt. Following is a proof of concept via file containing the ext2 file system.


[root@drime5 ~]# ls -la /opt/usr/devel/modules/lib/modules/3.5.0/
total 24184
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    4096 Oct  4 23:56 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root    4096 Oct  4 23:09 ..                                                                                                                                                  
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  102695 Oct  4 23:55 ansi_cprng.ko                                                                                                                                       
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  758761 Oct  4 23:55 bt8887.ko                                                                                                                                           
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  346648 Oct  4 23:55 c67x00.ko                                                                                                                                           
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3215833 Oct  4 23:55 cfg80211.ko
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  844435 Oct  4 23:55 ext2.ko
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  203361 Oct  4 23:55 isp116x-hcd.ko
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  291720 Oct  4 23:55 isp1362-hcd.ko
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  290897 Oct  4 23:55 isp1760.ko
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2333351 Oct  4 23:55 lockd.ko
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  431148 Oct  4 23:55 mlan.ko
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   34781 Oct  4 23:56 modules.alias
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   40463 Oct  4 23:56 modules.alias.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root       0 Oct  4 23:56 modules.builtin.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     493 Oct  4 23:56 modules.dep
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    1819 Oct  4 23:56 modules.dep.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root      52 Oct  4 23:56 modules.devname
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     131 Oct  4 23:56 modules.softdep
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   20085 Oct  4 23:56 modules.symbols
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   24561 Oct  4 23:56 modules.symbols.bin
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4122867 Oct  4 23:55 nfs.ko
[root@drime5 ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/sdcard/ext2 bs=1M count=32
32+0 records in
32+0 records out
33554432 bytes (34 MB) copied, 0.8888 s, 37.8 MB/s

[root@drime5 ~]# mkfs.ext2 /sdcard/ext2 
mke2fs 1.41.9 (22-Aug-2009)
/sdcard/ext2 is not a block special device.
Proceed anyway? (y,n) y
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=1024 (log=0)
Fragment size=1024 (log=0)
8192 inodes, 32768 blocks
1638 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=1
Maximum filesystem blocks=33554432
4 block groups
8192 blocks per group, 8192 fragments per group
2048 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks: 
        8193, 24577

Writing inode tables: done                            
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

This filesystem will be automatically checked every 36 mounts or
180 days, whichever comes first.  Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.
[root@drime5 ~]# modprobe -d /opt/usr/devel/modules/ ext2                  
[root@drime5 ~]# lsmod

Module                  Size  Used by
ext2                   49246  0 
sd8xxx                459501  1 
mlan                  391219  1 sd8xxx
cfg80211              172035  1 sd8xxx
bt8887                722073  1 
exfat_fs               27976  1 
exfat_core             96435  1 exfat_fs
[root@drime5 ~]# losetup -f
[root@drime5 ~]# losetup /dev/loop1 /sdcard/ext2 
[root@drime5 ~]# mount /dev/loop1 /tmp/ext2/            
[root@drime5 ~]# df -h

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rootfs                507M  480M   23M  96% /
/dev/root             507M  480M   23M  96% /
devtmpfs               70M     0   70M   0% /dev
tmpfs                 250M   28K  250M   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs                 250M  824K  249M   1% /run
tmpfs                 250M     0  250M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs                 250M  2.2M  248M   1% /tmp
tmpfs                 250M  2.2M  248M   1% /var/log
tmpfs                 250M  2.2M  248M   1% /var/run
/dev/loop0             22M   22M     0 100% /usr/share/locale
/dev/mmcblk0p11        74M   35M   39M  48% /opt
/dev/mmcblk0p14       2.3G  141M  2.1G   7% /opt/usr
/dev/mmcblk1           30G   15G   16G  47% /opt/storage/sdcard
/dev/loop1             31M   14K   29M   1% /tmp/ext2

For example, to mount NFS from server A.B.C.D to store images directly to it (playback is very slow):

busybox mount -o nolock,rw,hard,intr,vers=3 -t nfs A.B.C.D:/mnt/export /opt/storage/sdcard/DCIM/

So, it can be done, but it will be unmounted every time the camera goes to sleep, etc. It can be remounted using auto scripts from keyscan or more feature complete custom mod pack.

I wanted to make encrypted container and mount it to DCIM but I haven't had free time lately (it's entirely doable, openssl shows up to 50MB/s depending on the algorithm). 

type             16 bytes     64 bytes    256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes
rc4              41978.37k    46139.88k    47931.48k    48086.52k    48323.96k
aes-128 cbc      20183.59k    21377.81k    21916.21k    21961.44k    21975.41k
aes-192 cbc      17364.14k    18274.48k    18664.45k    18798.15k    18802.16k
aes-256 cbc      15348.79k    16012.25k    16353.15k    16344.79k    16396.00k
type             16 bytes     64 bytes    256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes
des cbc          12303.37k    12949.75k    13082.44k    13153.05k    13177.24k
des ede3          4694.62k     4808.55k     4812.70k     4835.26k     4821.14k
blowfish cbc     21719.40k    24047.88k    24643.79k    24752.36k    24857.40k

All that said, it turns out that performance wise (ex)FAT is very efficient and you wouldn't get better performance using other file systems (I did not test F2FS though).

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3 hours ago, Otto K said:

@mnewxcv have you seen this https://mewlips.github.io/nx-remote-controller-mod/ ? It's also included in NX-KS since version 2.56 and it works on NX500 (but at screen resolution, so quality not high).

thanks for that, looks like a cool piece of software i had not yet tried out. Much prefer it to the samsung app. However, seems the live video stream is like 1-2fps. If only something like that was made for usb tethered connection so the resolution and bitrate could be higher. The nx500/nx1 have a usb 3.0 port don't they?

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  • 3 weeks later...

A wise man once said, "The audience does not care about image quality, they care about composition and story"

This is even more true for the fact that VHS even made such a success as it did despite Beta being the superior format with superior picture quality, Laserdisc even more so and VideoCD outselling DVD's until 2004

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I wish we could up our game a bit, this codec obviously has its limitations, high ISO performance is not great at all, the noise reduction is killing our video, and I just wish I could magnify for focus while recording. All in all, everything else is super amazing!

Kino, you have to pull a rabbit out of your hut dude, don't you have any Balkanic super hacker friends?!

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On 3/8/2017 at 2:04 AM, Kisaha said:

I wish we could up our game a bit, this codec obviously has its limitations, high ISO performance is not great at all, the noise reduction is killing our video, and I just wish I could magnify for focus while recording. All in all, everything else is super amazing!

Kino, you have to pull a rabbit out of your hut dude, don't you have any Balkanic super hacker friends?!

:)) they have their hands full with "Vault 7" ;)

unless someone from Samsung makes the dev tools for the programmable hardware available, I think this is as far things will go.
besides (even with silent shutter) camera's life is not indefinite, so maybe in a year the people who still use them will be down to a handful (if any)

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haha! I am sure they do!

Nuh..they are not that sensitive, cameras do not broke that easily, you see in various forums that only a few complain about broken NXes, and usually the top dial somehow do not work properly. They seem very well implemented, plus there are quite a lot new ones from Korea.

From various sources around the net (and your Fabebook as well) it seems like there are a lot more NX users than I though they were, just not enough obviously.

As it seems, my NX1/NX500/NX3000+all the lenses I need (except the 50-150 I do not have) will keep me good company for a few more years.

The things I mentioned above are the only concerns, but a breakthrough in any of these could keep the cameras relative for at least a couple more years (until 2020), do not even want to know what will happen if we can extract raw, somehow, out of these, people are buying 5DmarkII for their Magic Lantern capabilities!

We will see, it is an interesting journey nevertheless, and thanks for all your effort, much obliged!

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