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Petition for Samsung NX1 hack


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20 minutes ago, Otto K said:

Simple "hack" to enable silent shooting in single mode (not CH/CN):

[root@drime5 ~]£ st cap capdtm getusr 117
[root@drime5 ~]£ st cap capdtm setusr 117 0x00750001
UserData is set
[root@drime5 ~]£ st cap capdtm getusr 117

ROLLING is full electronic shutter :)

Now, why Samsung did not enable this in the menu I have no idea... It's fully working in full resolution JPEGs and SRW files.

I have not time to test whether image quality suffers, but it looks OK to me :)

Could someone check if it works with NX1 as well?

Cheers and have fun,



It doesn't work on the NX1 as there is no usr 117, the list only goes upto 114.

There is no variable in the complete list for ADJUSTSHUTTERTYPE_

Here is the list from the NX1 from a st cap capdtm getusr

     + Data ID Name                  | Param ID Name                 + ID(Hex)  +ID(Dec) +
[  0]| USERDATA_DIALMODE             | DIALMODE_APERTURE             |0x00000003|       3|
[  1]| USERDATA_SHOOTINGMODE         | SHOOTINGMODE_APERTURE         |0x00010002|   65538|
[  2]| USERDATA_IMAGESIZE            | IMAGESIZE_NORMAL_28M          |0x00020000|  131072|
[  4]| USERDATA_IMAGEQUALITY         | IMAGEQUALITY_RAW              |0x00040003|  262147|
[  5]| USERDATA_ISO                  | ISO_AUTO                      |0x00050000|  327680|
[  6]| USERDATA_WB                   | WB_AUTO                       |0x00060000|  393216|
[  7]| USERDATA_AFMODE               | AFMODE_SINGLE                 |0x00070000|  458752|
[  8]| USERDATA_AFAREA               | AFAREA_SELECTION              |0x00080000|  524288|
[  9]| USERDATA_DRIVE                | DRIVE_SINGLE                  |0x00090001|  589825|
[ 10]| USERDATA_BURSTRATE            | BURSTRATE_RATE10FPS           |0x000A0002|  655362|
[ 11]| USERDATA_FLASHMODE            | FLASHMODE_OFF                 |0x000B0000|  720896|
[ 12]| USERDATA_METERING             | METERING_MULTI                |0x000C0002|  786434|
[ 13]| USERDATA_MOVIEMETERING        | MOVIEMETERING_MULTI           |0x000D0002|  851970|
[ 14]| USERDATA_LINKAE2AF            | LINKAE2AF_ON                  |0x000E0001|  917505|
[ 16]| USERDATA_FRAMEEXPOSURE        | FRAMEEXPOSURE_OFF             |0x00100000| 1048576|
[ 17]| USERDATA_MULTIEXPOSURE        | MULTIEXPOSURE_OFF             |0x00110000| 1114112|
[ 19]| USERDATA_PW                   | PW_STANDARD                   |0x00130000| 1245184|
[ 20]| USERDATA_SMARTRANGE           | SMARTRANGE_OFF                |0x00140000| 1310720|
[ 21]| USERDATA_MOVIESMARTRANGE      | MOVIESMARTRANGE_ON            |0x00150001| 1376257|
[ 22]| USERDATA_AFPRIORITYRLS        | AFPRIORITYRLS_OFF_BALANCE     |0x00160001| 1441793|
[ 23]| USERDATA_OIS                  | OIS_OFF                       |0x00170000| 1507328|
[ 24]| USERDATA_FACETONE             | FACETONE_LEVEL1               |0x00180000| 1572864|
[ 25]| USERDATA_FACERETOUCH          | FACERETOUCH_LEVEL3            |0x00190002| 1638402|
[ 26]| USERDATA_SMARTART             | SMARTART_OFF                  |0x001A0000| 1703936|
[ 27]| USERDATA_EVSTEP               | EVSTEP_ONETHIRD               |0x001B0000| 1769472|
[ 28]| USERDATA_ISONR                | ISONR_OFF                     |0x001C0000| 1835008|
[ 29]| USERDATA_LTNR                 | LTNR_OFF                      |0x001D0000| 1900544|
[ 30]| USERDATA_AEBRKORDER           | AEBRKORDER_PZM                |0x001E0002| 1966082|
[ 31]| USERDATA_AEBRKAREA            | AEBRKAREA_1OVER3              |0x001F0000| 2031616|
[ 32]| USERDATA_WBBRKSET             | WBBRKSET_AB3                  |0x00200000| 2097152|
[ 33]| USERDATA_PWBRKSTANDARD        | PWBRKSTANDARD_SET             |0x00210001| 2162689|
[ 34]| USERDATA_PWBRKVIVID           | PWBRKVIVID_SET                |0x00220001| 2228225|
[ 35]| USERDATA_PWBRKPORTRAIT        | PWBRKPORTRAIT_SET             |0x00230001| 2293761|
[ 36]| USERDATA_PWBRKLANDSCAPE       | PWBRKLANDSCAPE_SET            |0x00240001| 2359297|
[ 37]| USERDATA_PWBRKFOREST          | PWBRKFOREST_SET               |0x00250001| 2424833|
[ 38]| USERDATA_PWBRKRETRO           | PWBRKRETRO_SET                |0x00260001| 2490369|
[ 39]| USERDATA_PWBRKCOOL            | PWBRKCOOL_SET                 |0x00270001| 2555905|
[ 40]| USERDATA_PWBRKCALM            | PWBRKCALM_SET                 |0x00280001| 2621441|
[ 41]| USERDATA_PWBRKCLASSIC         | PWBRKCLASSIC_SET              |0x00290001| 2686977|
[ 42]| USERDATA_PWBRKCUSTOM1         | PWBRKCUSTOM1_SET              |0x002A0001| 2752513|
[ 43]| USERDATA_PWBRKCUSTOM2         | PWBRKCUSTOM2_SET              |0x002B0001| 2818049|
[ 44]| USERDATA_PWBRKCUSTOM3         | PWBRKCUSTOM3_SET              |0x002C0001| 2883585|
[ 45]| USERDATA_PWBRKCUSTOM4         | PWBRKCUSTOM4_SET              |0x002D0001| 2949121|
[ 46]| USERDATA_AFLIGHT              | AFLIGHT_OFF                   |0x002E0000| 3014656|
[ 47]| USERDATA_AEL                  | AEL_AEL                       |0x002F0000| 3080192|
[ 48]| USERDATA_COLORSPACE           | COLORSPACE_SRGB               |0x00300000| 3145728|
[ 49]| USERDATA_QUICKVIEWTIME        | QUICKVIEWTIME_OFF             |0x00310000| 3211264|
[ 50]| USERDATA_DATETIMEIMPRINT      | DATETIMEIMPRINT_YYMMDD        |0x00320001| 3276801|
[ 51]| USERDATA_MONITOROUT           | MONITOROUT_LCD                |0x00330000| 3342336|
[ 52]| USERDATA_HDMIOUT              | HDMIOUT_1080I                 |0x00340003| 3407875|
[ 53]| USERDATA_MOVIESIZE            | MOVIESIZE_FHD                 |0x00350000| 3473408|
[ 54]| USERDATA_MOVIEFRAMERATE       | MOVIEFRAMERATE_FPS30          |0x00360005| 3538949|
[ 55]| USERDATA_MOVIEFADER           | MOVIEFADER_OFF                |0x00370000| 3604480|
[ 56]| USERDATA_MOVIEAE              | MOVIEAE_P                     |0x00380000| 3670016|
[ 57]| USERDATA_3DMOVIEFRAMERATE     | F3DMOVIEFRAMERATE_FPS30       |0x00390001| 3735553|
[ 58]| USERDATA_LDC                  | LDC_ON                        |0x003A0001| 3801089|
[ 59]| USERDATA_ISOSTEP              | ISOSTEP_ONE                   |0x003B0001| 3866625|
[ 60]| USERDATA_ISOEXPANSION         | ISOEXPANSION_ON               |0x003C0001| 3932161|
[ 61]| USERDATA_SMARTFILTERTYPE      | SMARTFILTERTYPE_OFF           |0x003D0000| 3997696|
[ 62]| USERDATA_ISOAUTOMAX           | ISOAUTOMAX_ISO1600            |0x003E000B| 4063243|
[ 63]| USERDATA_MFASSIST             | MFASSIST_ENLARGEX5            |0x003F0001| 4128769|
[ 64]| USERDATA_FOCUSPEAKING         | FOCUSPEAKING_WHITE            |0x00400001| 4194305|
[ 65]| USERDATA_HDR                  | HDR_OFF                       |0x00410000| 4259840|
[ 66]| USERDATA_FDMODE               | FDMODE_OFF                    |0x00420000| 4325376|
[ 67]| USERDATA_IZOOM                | IZOOM_X1                      |0x00430000| 4390912|
[ 68]| USERDATA_3DSHOT               | F3DSHOT_OFF                   |0x00440000| 4456448|
[ 69]| USERDATA_3DAUTOMODE           | F3DAUTOMODE_ON                |0x00450001| 4521985|
[ 70]| USERDATA_DMF                  | DMF_ON                        |0x00460001| 4587521|
[ 71]| USERDATA_FASTCONTINUOUS       | FASTCONTINUOUS_OFF            |0x00470000| 4653056|
[ 72]| USERDATA_HDRLEVEL             | HDRLEVEL_LV2                  |0x00480001| 4718593|
[ 73]| USERDATA_OBJECTTRACKING       | OBJECTTRACKING_OFF            |0x00490000| 4784128|
[ 74]| USERDATA_PANORAMATYPE         | PANORAMATYPE_2D               |0x004A0000| 4849664|
[ 75]| USERDATA_SMARTPROMODE         | SMARTPROMODE_BEAUTYFACE       |0x004B0000| 4915200|
[ 76]| USERDATA_EFS                  | EFS_ON                        |0x004C0001| 4980737|
[ 77]| USERDATA_WIFIMODE             | WIFIMODE_OFF                  |0x004D0000| 5046272|
[ 78]| USERDATA_VIDEOOUT             | VIDEOOUT_NTSC                 |0x004E0000| 5111808|
[ 80]| USERDATA_3DFORMAT             | F3DFORMAT_SIDE_BY_SIDE        |0x00500001| 5242881|
[ 81]| USERDATA_FOCUSPEAKINGLEVEL    | FOCUSPEAKINGLEVEL_MID         |0x00510002| 5308418|
[ 82]| USERDATA_LENSMOUNT            | LENSMOUNT_NX_MOUNT            |0x00520000| 5373952|
[ 83]| USERDATA_OVEREXPGUIDE         | OVEREXPGUIDE_OFF              |0x00530000| 5439488|
[ 84]| USERDATA_SHUTTERMIN           | SHUTTERMIN_AUTO_0             |0x00540001| 5505025|
[ 85]| USERDATA_DEPTHBRKAREA         | DEPTHBRKAREA_1                |0x00550003| 5570563|
[ 86]| USERDATA_INTERVAL             | INTERVAL_OFF                  |0x00560000| 5636096|
[ 87]| USERDATA_TIMELAPSE            | TIMELAPSE_OFF                 |0x00570000| 5701632|
[ 88]| USERDATA_VIDEOSTABILIZER      | VIDEOSTABILIZER_OFF           |0x00580000| 5767168|
[ 90]| USERDATA_WFLASHMODE           | WFLASHMODE_OFF                |0x005A0000| 5898240|
[ 91]| USERDATA_WFLASHCH             | WFLASHCH_1                    |0x005B0000| 5963776|
[ 92]| USERDATA_WFLASHMASTERMODE     | WFLASHMASTERMODE_OFF          |0x005C0000| 6029312|
[ 93]| USERDATA_WFLASHGROUPAMODE     | WFLASHGROUPAMODE_OFF          |0x005D0000| 6094848|
[ 94]| USERDATA_WFLASHGROUPBMODE     | WFLASHGROUPBMODE_OFF          |0x005E0000| 6160384|
[ 95]| USERDATA_WFLASHGROUPCMODE     | WFLASHGROUPCMODE_OFF          |0x005F0000| 6225920|
[ 96]| USERDATA_HDMI3DFORMAT         | HDMI3DFORMAT_SIDE_BY_SIDE     |0x00600001| 6291457|
[ 97]| USERDATA_LENSZOOMSPEED        | LENSZOOMSPEED_LOW             |0x00610000| 6356992|
[ 99]| USERDATA_SEPARATEAEAREA       | SEPARATEAEAREA_OFF            |0x00630000| 6488064|
[100]| USERDATA_OLEDCOLOR            | OLEDCOLOR_OFF                 |0x00640000| 6553600|
[101]| USERDATA_MULTIMOTION          | MULTIMOTION_NORMAL            |0x00650002| 6619138|
[103]| USERDATA_RVFDPSIZE            | RVFDPSIZE_FHD                 |0x00670000| 6750208|
[104]| USERDATA_RVFDPFRAMRATE        | RVFDPFRAMRATE_FPS30           |0x00680005| 6815749|
[106]| USERDATA_HDMI3D               | HDMI3D_OFF                    |0x006A0000| 6946816|
[109]| USERDATA_MOVIE_AF_MODE        | MOVIE_AF_MODE_CONTINUOUS      |0x006D0001| 7143425|
[110]| USERDATA_RAW_SAVE             | RAW_SAVE_OFF                  |0x006E0000| 7208960|
[111]| USERDATA_SSIF_RAW             | SSIF_RAW_OFF                  |0x006F0000| 7274496|
[112]| USERDATA_RAW_BIT              | RAW_BIT_14BIT                 |0x00700000| 7340032|
[113]| USERDATA_RAW_PACK             | RAW_PACK_PACK                 |0x00710000| 7405568|
[114]| USERDATA_RAWQUALITY           | RAWQUALITY_LOSSLESS           |0x00720000| 7471104|

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2 hours ago, hirsti said:


It doesn't work on the NX1 as there is no usr 117, the list only goes upto 114.

There is no variable in the complete list for ADJUSTSHUTTERTYPE_

Here is the list from the NX1 from a st cap capdtm getusr

     + Data ID Name                  | Param ID Name                 + ID(Hex)  +ID(Dec) +

[113]| USERDATA_RAW_PACK             | RAW_PACK_PACK                 |0x00710000| 7405568|
[114]| USERDATA_RAWQUALITY           | RAWQUALITY_LOSSLESS           |0x00720000| 7471104|

What does these two settings do?

[113]| USERDATA_RAW_PACK             | RAW_PACK_PACK                 |0x00710000| 7405568|
[114]| USERDATA_RAWQUALITY           | RAWQUALITY_LOSSLESS           |0x00720000| 7471104|

Will it enable me to spit out lossless RAW photos? 

I always wanted to see what the NX1 would do with lossless raw images because I noticed blacks gets crushed on the extreme end and it looks more like compression artefacts than something the camera would not be able to capture.

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1 hour ago, SMGJohn said:

What does these two settings do?

[113]| USERDATA_RAW_PACK             | RAW_PACK_PACK                 |0x00710000| 7405568|
[114]| USERDATA_RAWQUALITY           | RAWQUALITY_LOSSLESS           |0x00720000| 7471104|

Will it enable me to spit out lossless RAW photos? 

I always wanted to see what the NX1 would do with lossless raw images because I noticed blacks gets crushed on the extreme end and it looks more like compression artefacts than something the camera would not be able to capture.

Looks pretty self-explanatory to me... and the NX1 manual (nor menus) does not offer a choice.

What you see above simply confirms that NX raw files are losslessly compressed.

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19 minutes ago, vasile said:

Looks pretty self-explanatory to me... and the NX1 manual (nor menus) does not offer a choice.

What you see above simply confirms that NX raw files are losslessly compressed.

Yes looking at the setting, these are the options with the defaults marked:

RAWQUALITY_LOSSLESS (0x720000) - Default on NX1

RAW_PACK_PACK (0x710000) - Default on NX1
RAW_PACK_UNPACK (0x710001)

RAW_BIT_14BIT (0x700000) - Default on NX1
RAW_BIT_12BIT (0x700001)

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55 minutes ago, hirsti said:

Yes looking at the setting, these are the options with the defaults marked:

RAWQUALITY_LOSSLESS (0x720000) - Default on NX1

RAW_PACK_PACK (0x710000) - Default on NX1
RAW_PACK_UNPACK (0x710001)

RAW_BIT_14BIT (0x700000) - Default on NX1
RAW_BIT_12BIT (0x700001)

There are also these setting options for RAW:

SSIF_RAW_OFF (0x6f0000)
SSIF_RAW_ON (0x6f0001)

RAW_SAVE_OFF (0x6e0000)
RAW_SAVE_ON (0x6e0001)

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This topic is awesome, is a live broadcast of a major technological (hacking) breaktrough!! As a recent NX1 purchaser (I have had the cammera for 3 months now) this is so exciting.

If at some point it is decided to create some sort of financial support for the hacking effort, count with me!!

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I tried recording with the record limit off, some strange results to say at least.

I noticed it goes to one hour just fine even when the battery runs out it saves the file before it shuts down.

But once it hits 73 - 75 minutes it stops recording, the camera goes into power saving mode right off the bat, and I monitor the camera. I did the test 6 times while having pauses in between to let the camera cool down, but two times did it hit 73 - 75 minute mark and it stops recording and goes to power saving mode. The file size is always 43GB but the file is corrupted and cannot be read at all.

My setup was:

2160p25 UHD mode PAL

SDXC Lexar 128GB 400x Class 1 UHS-I (exFat obviously)


At first I thought it was overheating but it would do another 40 minute with no issues right after the 73 - 75 minute file failed and it did 40 minutes extra until the battery went flat. And I did constantly touch the camera to feel how hot it was simply because I did not have any sort of instruments to measure heat at the moment on me. It was all miles away for now.

Can anyone confirm the same results? The exFat maximum file size is 16EB so something odd is going on, either the memory card causing it, I am going to do another test with Samsung's SDXC 64GB Class 10 UHS-I card to see if I get different results, funny enough the maximum record time is calculated automatically by the camera, 212 minutes on 128GB and much less on 64GB


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4 hours ago, hirsti said:

Yes looking at the setting, these are the options with the defaults marked:

RAWQUALITY_LOSSLESS (0x720000) - Default on NX1

RAW_PACK_PACK (0x710000) - Default on NX1
RAW_PACK_UNPACK (0x710001)

RAW_BIT_14BIT (0x700000) - Default on NX1
RAW_BIT_12BIT (0x700001)

So this sounds like lossy RAW on NX1 might be possible.

does anyone have an idea on how to easily toggle this lossy raw setting, if it's possible at all?

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1 hour ago, SMGJohn said:

I tried recording with the record limit off, some strange results to say at least.

I noticed it goes to one hour just fine even when the battery runs out it saves the file before it shuts down.

But once it hits 73 - 75 minutes it stops recording, the camera goes into power saving mode right off the bat, and I monitor the camera. I did the test 6 times while having pauses in between to let the camera cool down, but two times did it hit 73 - 75 minute mark and it stops recording and goes to power saving mode. The file size is always 43GB but the file is corrupted and cannot be read at all.

Maybe try to check also DISABLE POWER SAVE in DEV menu (?)

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21 hours ago, Syme said:


Please quit saying that without any evidence. The processor does not limit the readout speed of each individual frame. The RAM in the NX1 is fast enough to store the data to be processed in way under 1/30 of a second (you can see the clock speeds for the RAM in the kernel source). It can do that in its sleep. Literally. According to the source code, the RAM is running at 400Mhz in sleep mode. There is no way it is de-bayering, scaling, and encoding the video line by line without putting it in a framebuffer first. Yes I know a Samsung representative said the sensor was really fast in an interview, but the official Samsung website says otherwise. Furthermore every third-party test indicates otherwise. The proportionality between rolling shutter and lines of resolution in all real world tests agrees with my estimates. The information in the firmware release notes is consistent with those limitations. Every other camera ever made works like that.

The only way the processor could determine the rolling shutter is if they forced the LVDS receivers on the main SoC to run at a fraction of the rate they could be run at. That would be spectacularly stupid, since there are much easier ways to cripple a camera. Even if they knew about the details of the camera's operation, I doubt Samsung executives would choose to limit the camera in such a dumb, arbitrary way.

Unless you actually have evidence, stop spreading misinformation. It's a waste of time to keep explaining this over and over.

The specs for the sensor in the NX1 have not been published AFAIK. Samsung do have sensors for commercial use that have specs published, but there is nothing to suggest that those are the same sensors used in their cameras.

The fact that stills don't have rolling shutter should give you a clue. Obviously the system is treating data differently when recording stills as opposed to video, and that will be purely processor related. The raw data may be going into the buffer, but how it is used once there is different. The raw data off the sensor is constantly being read into the buffer even if you are not doing anything. The sensor doesn't care if you are doing X, Y, Z or nothing with the data, it is going to be constantly churning it out. What happens later is purely processor related, as the processor selects part of the data set being streamed into the buffer for processing. The processor does not read the sensor directly, it reads the buffer and selects the data it is going to use based on what is there, not what is coming off the sensor. That is why the rolling shutter in stills, FHD and UHD is all different. There is a lag time based on how much processing is being done, and in that time parts of the data set are being overwritten - hence the increase in rolling shutter as processing demands go up.

The flow of data in the (and pretty every other) camera is: sensor - buffer - processor - buffer - card.

When the evidence is staring you in the face and you refuse to see it, what more can I say.

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It might be better to split into two topics, nx500 and nx1. Or front end and back end. The things Otto is doing to the nx500 are amazing, but less similar to what I am doing with going into the firmware. It may be better to have things split up so updates dont get lost in the posts. My work has less shareability and its not something someone would want to play with unless they want a nice nx1 sized brick. I will be doing a comparison on the nx500-nx1 firmware to see if things can be added or removed by just copying the .cpp files.

But if you compare the fcc internal photos https://fccid.io/document.php?id=2507770 nx500 and https://fccid.io/document.php?id=2394073 nx1 you can see the change in size of the drime-v and drime-vs. There is also the unreleased nxmini2 which had the drime-vs in it also https://fccid.io/document.php?id=2594973 nxf2

From my end the later updates of the firmware do have a lot of changes, obviously due to file size less changes, but the specific documentation is there. But things are still progressing on my end.

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10 minutes ago, Chant said:

It might be better to split into two topics, nx500 and nx1. Or front end and back end.

OttoK has a really good githud that he is updating regularly. Perhaps you could start a githud page for what you are working on (back end NX1 stuff). Even if its more of just sort of "blogish" updates at this point. I believe github is free but I honestly don't know. 

I am extremely excited reading the progress both of you have been making :). Keep up the good work, both of you.

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2 hours ago, tugela said:


The fact that stills don't have rolling shutter should give you a clue. Obviously the system is treating data differently when recording stills as opposed to video, and that will be purely processor related.

No. Stop repeating this. Camera's have a mechanical shutter that prevent rolling shutter artifacts with CMOS sensors. It's why silent mode on the A7 series DOES have rolling shutter in photo mode. https://www.quora.com/Why-do-DSLR-cameras-need-shutters

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17 minutes ago, MountneerMan said:

OttoK has a really good githud that he is updating regularly. Perhaps you could start a githud page for what you are working on (back end NX1 stuff). Even if its more of just sort of "blogish" updates at this point. I believe github is free but I honestly don't know. 

I am extremely excited reading the progress both of you have been making :). Keep up the good work, both of you.

I have a few githubs for other projects and its a good idea. it would be more of a blog, the amount of data I have examined would be too much to try to make sense of, as I said, I was working on this for my own personal goals a few months before I even found this thread.

Ill see if I can create something tangible in the next few days github wise and Ill post up. Alas text cant convey how excited I am as I go through all this info. I had a want for it to be a good system and it has surpassed my expectations. Great things can be done with it. 

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I'm mostly poking around and finding out what Samsung engineers already made but is not exposed through standard menu or keys. This is nowhere near actual "firmware hacking", but there's some useful stuff there.

I'm actually trying not to hack the firmware. I'm just too afraid to end up with even the nx500 sized brick ;) 

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HEVC seems to be in a separate block as PMU can shut off the power to HEVC block. It's most likely that days from sensor is handled by SRP that does demosaicing, curves, noise and similar and it's then fed to the HEVC block. 

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14 minutes ago, Otto K said:

HEVC seems to be in a separate block as PMU can shut off the power to HEVC block. It's most likely that days from sensor is handled by SRP that does demosaicing, curves, noise and similar and it's then fed to the HEVC block. 

It seems that way, or at least going down the bit stream things are implemented. There is so so so so many cpp files as you have probley seen. But thats part of the task haha! The hevc stream is interesting if you feed it into a parser. the compression is very dynamic. But pumping it up to the max of the sd bus speed could garner results. The gop of the file I tested was 15frames(500ms) So there is some possible quality improvements from there.

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