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Using Andrews NX1 Log LUT on the NX500

Mattias Burling

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So I bought an NX500 since its cheaper than chips, pocketable and can cary all my Nikon lenses.
Also the Samsung Pancakes are even cheaper theses days.

But I was a bit jealous about the Log LUT from Andrew that people put on their NX1 footage. The NX500 doesn't have the DR setting.
I decided to experiment and here is what I have so far.

Disclaimer: Im not a colorist. I just want it to look decent and be able to use the LUTs I normally use. But mostly I want the footage to behave like I expect it to. I haven't tried to nail the skin or anything. Im mainly looking at latitude here.

Firstly I tried to use the OSIRIS Rec 709 to Log LUT. But that looked like garbage.
Next I tried to use Andrews NX1 LUT and curves. This looked much better, but it felt very uneven and un-precise.

So I tested to flip through the PPs and found that "calm" gave a pretty decent result.

Picture Profile "Standard"
This is done with Edit Ready and Andrews LUT

Picture Profile "Standard"
Here I put on a LUT for Generic Log (same will be used through out)
Picture Profile "Calm"
Same as above

Picture Profile "Calm"
Same as above

As you probably see, the LUTs can be used with a bit of tweaking and curves. But the big cow on the table is the black in the pillow and on the chart. 
That the darkest square is crushed, fine, but the entire pillow... no thanks.

No matter what I couldn't get it to work. I realized that if I could switch the Luminance in the camera ll would be fine... but thats a NX1 feature...

So I gave up.
But before I went to bed I thought I try converting in Rocky Mountain and then ad Andrews LUT in post. But when opening it I realized it also supports input Luts (don't remember if it used to).

And Bingo!

Picture Profile "Calm"
Andrews LUT + Rocky Mountain

Picture Profile "Calm"
Andrews LUT + Rocky + Grade LUT

Its late but I feel that Im on the way to getting me a decent workflow. Its no super important for this camera since its a BTS/travel camera for me. But still, I want footage to behave the way I expect it to when coloring.
Hopefully Im free in daylight to actually shoot with the thing soon. Will try to match it to the Red as well.



One more with a Osiris Kodak Vison LUT + Grain



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21 minutes ago, Cinegain said:

Dunno, is it me or does the skin look a little Barbie plastic like that?

I guess you could make your own profile and make a LUT out of it?

Like I wrote,

I have done absolute Zero effort to get the skin right. This first step was all about preserving shadows.

Color is the next thing to takle, but not today.

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Thanks for buying the guide and LUT dude.

I have an NX500, might tweak the LUT for it.

That's quite a huge difference between EditReady and RockyMountain.

I believe due to EditReady expecting 16-235 footage and the NX500 delivering 0-255 maybe... On my NX1, setting in-cam to 16-235 helps with the crushed shadows.

The D750 and D5500 have more dynamic range either way.

Might try RockMountain on my PC. It is PC-only right?

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5 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

Thanks for buying the guide and LUT dude.

I have an NX500, might tweak the LUT for it.

That's quite a huge difference between EditReady and RockyMountain.

I believe due to EditReady expecting 16-235 footage and the NX500 delivering 0-255 maybe... On my NX1, setting in-cam to 16-235 helps with the crushed shadows.

The D750 and D5500 have more dynamic range either way.

Might try RockMountain on my PC. It is PC-only right?

No prob, found it an interesting read as well.

Yeah those Nikons are really something these days.

No there is a Mac version and I belive your spot on about the 16-235. Thats why I tried it, remembering that I tried both with the NX1.

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