Super Members Mattias Burling Posted March 5, 2016 Super Members Share Posted March 5, 2016 I dont give two shits if they are women or not. And I was a hard core fan as a kid in the 80s. But seeing the comments and disslikes. And people like all the other CGI crap that gets rebooted. So to my eye the only difference is that its girls. In a way it makes me even more happy Sony whent this way. You know, spite. Sticking it to those irritating troll kids. So in a way, Sony used one of the most mainstream, mearchendise pushing genres, that I normally avoid for a good deed Good for you Sony. Might buy a RX100iv after all. Just to support. Thoughts? benymypony 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DayRaven Posted March 5, 2016 Share Posted March 5, 2016 A lot of the reaction videos are very negative because a video where people have a positive reaction don't get as many views maybe. I imagine some is about the gender of the cast, but the most legitimate complaints are that the trailer doesn't capture that special feel the original movies had, and that they seem to be making a fairly generic comedy with a ghostbusters theme slapped on top. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Members Mattias Burling Posted March 5, 2016 Author Super Members Share Posted March 5, 2016 4 minutes ago, DayRaven said: A lot of the reaction videos are very negative because a video where people have a positive reaction don't get as many views maybe. I imagine some is about the gender of the cast, but the most legitimate complaints are that the trailer doesn't capture that special feel the original movies had, and that they seem to be making a fairly generic comedy with a ghostbusters theme slapped on top. Have you read the comments? Honestly I saw 0 cooments that wasnt about them being girls. And ive never seen this reaction to any of the other Turtles, Avengers, etc. And Sony, if your reading. Big cuudoos on using regular women and not some Charlies Angles gang. Marco Tecno and IronFilm 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DayRaven Posted March 5, 2016 Share Posted March 5, 2016 Just now, Mattias Burling said: Have you read the comments? Honestly I saw 0 cooments that wasnt about them being girls. And ive never seen this reaction to any of the other Turtles, Avengers, etc. And Sony, if your reading. Big cuudoos on using regular women and not some Charlies Angles gang. I agree, the cast is awesome, and I have to admit, I have only seen 2 videos about it, one of which is the RedLetterMedia one, and hardly counts - but I try to stay away from the places on the net where the trolls lurk Mattias Burling 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nikkor Posted March 5, 2016 Share Posted March 5, 2016 Actually the movie is super racist, the three whites are scientists and the black one is just a low-wage stereotyped subway worker. I will never ever buy a sony camera. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Members Mattias Burling Posted March 5, 2016 Author Super Members Share Posted March 5, 2016 7 minutes ago, araucaria said: Actually the movie is super racist, the three whites are scientists and the black one is just a low-wage stereotyped subway worker. I will never ever buy a sony camera. Who cares, they are shooting Ghosts just because they are different. How can you be so ignorant against the un dead... BTW, Dan is the Racist according to you. Same story in the first movie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nikkor Posted March 5, 2016 Share Posted March 5, 2016 4 minutes ago, Mattias Burling said: Who cares, they are shooting Ghosts just because they are different. How can you be so ignorant against the un dead... I think you are taking this way to lightly, I will have to call the Social Justice Warrior Squad. Meanwhile you can put one on one of these, to deal with your guilt. Keep saying "mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super Members Mattias Burling Posted March 5, 2016 Author Super Members Share Posted March 5, 2016 4 minutes ago, araucaria said: culpaI think you are taking this way to lightly, I will have to call the Social Justice Warrior Squad. Meanwhile you can put one on one of these, to deal with your guilt. Keep saying "mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa." May I ask, what do you loose by this? You might claim that your joking, but if you are, youre not beeing clear enough. So I will go with it. What is it in your life that you feel becomes worse by this movie? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nikkor Posted March 5, 2016 Share Posted March 5, 2016 I don't loose anything ^^, I'm not into ghostbusters nor do I understand why people would get upset about it. But I wonder what Sony might gain by upsetting fans (because it's fan rant, I suppose). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fuzzynormal Posted March 5, 2016 Share Posted March 5, 2016 It's just plain basic misogyny. I don't know why anyone should be shocked by this sort of reaction. The internet is run by 15 year olds. 15 years old, literally and figuratively. Insecure dudes need a scapegoat for their sexual anxiety. Also, they have a hard time relating to gals as regular complex human beings. As such they don't want anything other than the simple objectified stereotypical woman in their pop culture. Which, by the way, I think they view pop culture a little bit as their entitlement. --And I would note that, in a sense, they deserve to feel this way as MOST successful pop culture and commercial marketing caters directly to them. And they like that stuff segregated. The ladies can have their own stuff, but their response is to relegate it to the dismissive Chick Flick category, "Put it in the corner. There we go. Okay, that feels better." When a well regarded pop culture franchise goes against the norm, they get bent out of shape, simply because they're not very sophisticated people. Some of them might be some day, but at the moment many are not...might not ever be. I suppose it's good to try and push back against this ridiculousness, but it's like trying to push back the tide with a broom. So, dial up the SJW umbrage if you feel you must. Be aware that most young guys are just stupid and confused. Although, might as well try to get through to a few, I suppose. Worse things to do. All that said, hey, it might not be a great movie. DayRaven 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Oliver Daniel Posted March 5, 2016 Share Posted March 5, 2016 1 hour ago, Mattias Burling said: I dont give two shits if they are women or not. And I was a hard core fan as a kid in the 80s. But seeing the comments and disslikes. And people like all the other CGI crap that gets rebooted. So to my eye the only difference is that its girls. In a way it makes me even more happy Sony whent this way. You know, spite. Sticking it to those irritating troll kids. So in a way, Sony used one of the most mainstream, mearchendise pushing genres, that I normally avoid for a good deed Good for you Sony. Might buy a RX100iv after all. Just to support. Thoughts? I'm a massive, massive fan of the original Ghostbusters. For this new iteration, I think it's a great move to have female Ghostbusters - especially with some of Hollywoods best female comedy actors and Paul Feig. There is a BUT though. The original films worked because the humour was so deadpan, dark and offset by silly yet terrifying visuals. It also had this kind of weird realism to it. It was serious, yet ridiculous. This trailer shows us this in reverse. To me, it looks like the Scooby Doo films (visually) and the humour seems to be a gag based affair, kind of like an Adam Sandler or Martin Lawrence movie. The tone seems very cartoonish and parody-like, reminiscent of the Scary Movie series - complete with "fat jokes" and "sick" gags. I feel the VFX from the original is superior, it's far more "black humoured" and equally quite scary for kids, whereas this would fit straight into a ghost level on a next-gen Mario game. The appeal does need to cater the new audience, however, they have done themselves no favours with the typical Hollywood comedy edit of this trailer for audiences who know the original. The female cast isn't the issue, but there a lot of other factors to be worried about if you're a fan of Ghostbusters. This is still a trailer and may not reflect the real movie at all. I remember the mouth watering Man Of Steel trailer which was almost art house like, very emotional and brooding - yet the real film was a Transformers style Superman destruction fest. Hardly the film I saw in the trailer. Maybe when we get to 27+ in age, we can't grasp this modern sparkly filmmaking because we have the nostalgia of the past versions. In my view, I much prefer the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to the new one as the characters felt real and grounded, based on the practical effects and smaller budget. The new one is like a video game where Shredder is the Final Boss and he's going to kill you with this Transformer mech style rocket blades. Just doesn't seem as good to me, but I'm not 10 years old with memories of the 90's eh? I want this Ghostbusters film to be good, but in my personal opinion, this trailer isn't a good start. I think Hollywood should "cut down their production scale. The visuals no longer look convincing or tangible, plus the studio has far too much power over content and creativity. Take the route of Netflix, who obviously give a massive degree of creative freedom to their talent. kaylee, DayRaven, AaronChicago and 2 others 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sandro Posted March 5, 2016 Share Posted March 5, 2016 I love the cast. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cinegain Posted March 5, 2016 Share Posted March 5, 2016 I don't really mind... however, they could've left Melissa McCarthy out of it. She's like the female equivalent of Kevin James in these cringeworthy Adam Sandler type movies. Can't stand her. Quote For this new iteration, I think it's a great move to have female Ghostbusters [..] There is a BUT though. The original films worked because the humour was so deadpan, dark and offset by silly yet terrifying visuals. It also had this kind of weird realism to it. It was serious, yet ridiculous. This trailer shows us this in reverse. [..] they have done themselves no favours with the typical Hollywood comedy edit of this [..] The female cast isn't the issue, but there a lot of other factors to be worried about if you're a fan of Ghostbusters. Amen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kingswell Posted March 5, 2016 Share Posted March 5, 2016 The bastardisation of the Ghostbusters theme is more than enough reason for the hate. We don't even need to discuss the complete failure of the comedy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fuzzynormal Posted March 5, 2016 Share Posted March 5, 2016 13 minutes ago, Oliver Daniel said: The female cast isn't the issue, but there a lot of other factors to be worried about if you're a fan of Ghostbusters. Indeed. That's the thing about "Muley" Harold Ramis. He definitely pulled his comedy from some weird pathos, and it always made it rather grounded for me. But then, I've been a fan of his since SCTV, so I'm biased. The best comedy, imho, is tragedy. Slapstick is okay, but needs to be moored to some sort of human truth for it to work effectively and resonate. Folks dismiss comedy simply because they view it as silly, but the best comedy is stronger than any straightforward drama --because life itself is a tragedy. After all, we all know how it ends and there's nothing we can do about it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Chris Posted March 5, 2016 Share Posted March 5, 2016 I thought Ghostbusters was a comedy. Just watched the original and Pt.2 last week, they were funny even though the sequel was an obvious cash grab. RIP Harold Ramis, was hoping they would get together for a Pt. 3 as it seemed like Murray was hinting about the possibility, but his passing meant that was never going to happen. Don't care about the gender of the cast, comedies should be funny. The trailer isn't funny at all and it looks like the reboot is exactly what I thought it would be -- Bridesmaids (not funny either) ripping off a classic. Melissa McCarthy = Adam Sandler to me, can't stand either one. I'll wait for the DVD on Netflix. Many of the comments are from morons, the anonymity of inter web strikes again. But this one was funny: "Sony next venture is telling the story of the black panthers...staring 4 white dudes" Nikkor, Cinegain and Kingswell 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MattH Posted March 5, 2016 Share Posted March 5, 2016 I'll give it a chance. They are obviously going full camp with it so at least it has no pretention of seriousness like most reboots. The thing that annoyed me most about this trailer was the incessant 'booming'. 'dun!', 'dun!' , 'dun!'. Right, we get it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fuzzynormal Posted March 5, 2016 Share Posted March 5, 2016 Well, let's also be honest. The trailer isn't doing the movie any favors. It's bad. Mundane while being too revealing of plot. Maybe Sony should've considered hiring out this guy's editing and storytelling skills: Cinegain 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AaronChicago Posted March 5, 2016 Share Posted March 5, 2016 The trailer was disappointing but I'm holding out hope. Paul Fieg is a good director. Bridemaids is a classic in my opinion. I think it's not a bad idea for reboots to change in tone (21 jump street). Ghostbusters is a massive reboot to nail though. So many emotions tied to it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Andrew Reid Posted March 5, 2016 Administrators Share Posted March 5, 2016 People are all entitled to not like a film for whatever reason they care to choose. It does not make them misogynists. I honestly don't think anyone 15-35 of my generation even know what sexism is any more. The term is applied so liberally to so many things. People need to learn the difference between prejudices, tastes, personal preferences and the -IST words. You might prefer pizza over burgers. This is a preference for pizza, it is not a form of food-racism. I am sure many of the people upset at the new Ghostbusters movie are just saying that the don't like it, rather than saying that they think men are superior to women, whites superior to blacks, slimer superior to marshmallow man. I think if they substituted Lara Croft with Rambo in the next Tomb Raider, fans of the series would be equally disappointed. And that is mostly the sentiment here. I am sure we all have our preferences when it comes to much loved 80's films and what made them work in the first place. For me the male buddy-comedy central characters were a big part of that. This does not make my opinion sexist. Now some will say that preference for a male cast is sexist... some will say it is anti-feminist, anti-woman, even anti-ghost. This shows they do not know the definition of terms like sexism and racism. Do I like the trailer? Nah. Fan edited one is better than the studio's own! It is definitely not a feminist film despite what the marketing and the gender of the cast wants you to believe. Crude vagina joke, lame script, poor VFX. The reboot is far more a cynical box office plot to appeal to a larger female demographic than anything else. Cinegain, Nikkor, Jonesy Jones and 1 other 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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