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Is the majority online really idiots? (Ghostbusters Trailer)

Mattias Burling

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1 minute ago, Andrew Reid said:

It does not make them misogynists.

Of course not.  I don't like the trailer either.  

Haven't seen the film yet, obviously.  

But I'll stand by my criticism of internet culture.  I feel it's valid and has some bearing on the kinda negativity this film is getting and has been getting since it was announced it was going to be a female cast.

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7 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:

Internet culture is just a reflection of real life and the fact that there's vast majority of stupid people in the world.

And I'm just one of them.  

But, really, I do think it skews young and male.  

They're the people that've got the seemingly unending and disposable hours to burn.  My experience is anecdotal, but I have 6 male nephews under 20 years old and they are practically never detached from interacting online.  I swear to god, if one of them didn't have Pewdipie's YouTube channel in his life, he wouldn't know what to do with himself.

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11 minutes ago, fuzzynormal said:

And I'm just one of them.  

But, really, I do think it skews young and male.  

They're the people that've got the seemingly unending and disposable hours to burn.  My experience is anecdotal, but I have 6 male nephews under 20 years old and they are practically never detached from interacting online.  I swear to god, if one of them didn't have Pewdipie's YouTube channel in his life, he wouldn't know what to do with himself.

Do you know Tumblr? :astonished: The Horror...

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11 minutes ago, That Guy said:

Damn kids, get off my lawn!

Indeed.  I do not relate so well to the young guys these days.  Also, it's not as easy to feel empathy for the young when you're old.  Young'uns are blessed.  They can do things like get up out of their chair without pain.  The lucky bastards.  And what do they do with that luxury?  Sit around all the time.  Jerks.


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2 hours ago, fuzzynormal said:

Indeed.  I do not relate so well to the young guys these days.  Also, it's not as easy to feel empathy for the young when you're old.  Young'uns are blessed.  They can do things like get up out of their chair without pain.  The lucky bastards.  And what do they do with that luxury?  Sit around all the time.  Jerks.


Not to stray too far off topic, but I've never understood this. Currently 32 and have no problems remembering what is like to be 22, or even 12 for that matter. 


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Oh, I know what 12 was like. I peaked at 12.

Empathizing with those that are younger when you're a lot older is the trouble.

You do and don't.

I can't really explain it. It's bittersweet. One remembers how silly everything was, but recognizing that ignorance from an old fart's perspective is a certainly a blessing and a curse.

BTW, Rick Moranis was the funniest character in GB's.

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6 hours ago, Hene1 said:

Yes. Has nothing to do with Ghostbusters though.

Good to hear. Glad its not just me who observed it :)

8 hours ago, Oliver Daniel said:

I'm a massive, massive fan of the original Ghostbusters. 

For this new iteration, I think it's a great move to have female Ghostbusters - especially with some of Hollywoods best female comedy actors and Paul Feig. 

There is a BUT though. The original films worked because the humour was so deadpan, dark and offset by silly yet terrifying visuals. It also had this kind of weird realism to it. It was serious, yet ridiculous. This trailer shows us this in reverse. 

To me, it looks like the Scooby Doo films (visually) and the humour seems to be a gag based affair, kind of like an Adam Sandler or Martin Lawrence movie. The tone seems very cartoonish and parody-like, reminiscent of the Scary Movie series - complete with "fat jokes" and "sick" gags. 

I feel the VFX from the original is superior, it's far more "black humoured" and equally quite scary for kids, whereas this would fit straight into a ghost level on a next-gen Mario game. 

The appeal does need to cater the new audience, however, they have done themselves no favours with the typical Hollywood comedy edit of this trailer for audiences who know the original. 

The female cast isn't the issue, but there a lot of other factors to be worried about if you're a fan of Ghostbusters. 

This is still a trailer and may not reflect the real movie at all. I remember the mouth watering Man Of Steel trailer which was almost art house like, very emotional and brooding - yet the real film was a Transformers style Superman destruction fest. Hardly the film I saw in the trailer. 

Maybe when we get to 27+ in age, we can't grasp this modern sparkly filmmaking because we have the nostalgia of the past versions. In my view, I much prefer the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to the new one as the characters felt real and grounded, based on the practical effects and smaller budget. The new one is like a video game where Shredder is the Final Boss and he's going to kill you with this Transformer mech style rocket blades. Just doesn't seem as good to me, but I'm not 10 years old with memories of the 90's eh? 

I want this Ghostbusters film to be good, but in my personal opinion, this trailer isn't a good start. I think Hollywood should "cut down their production scale. The visuals no longer look convincing or tangible, plus the studio has far too much power over content and creativity. Take the route of Netflix, who obviously give a massive degree of creative freedom to their talent. 

Oh Im with you. The movie will probably be ok at best.

Im absolutly allergic to cgi and family friendly comedy. Mainly because its made for familys in a more conservative country than my own. 


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feminism is the radical idea that women are people – crazy, i kno...

feminism is about equality, not about replacing men with women ?

although theres a ton of misogyny in those youtube comments, mattias has a valid point indeed, i dont see how this particular film benefits from 4 female leads

btw: i fucking LOVE ghostbusters. the original film is one of my favs of all time

when i watched the new trailer, i thought it was pretty good, but that was based on my expectation that it would be HORRID

why? an all female cast sounded like a would-be money grabbing gimmick to me, the particulars of the casting didnt change my mind, and i figured that contemporary half assed vfx would be the icing on the cake

one of the keys to me about ghostbusters – a film with a premise about "ghosts", campy, campy ghosts, that do not exist – is how the film feels real, in a way that many 21st century movies do not

i have a theory: the more absurd the story youre telling is in terms of general believability and moreover supernatural elements, the more it benefits from feeling like it takes place in the real world

ghostbusters feels like new york city – not just a city but that city. the cinematography and sound design just kills it. i feel like i can smell the exhaust from the cars on the street

the photography based sfx in ghostbusters feels completely tangible imo compared to vfx characters. for example, stay puft? is MADE OF MARSHMALLOW. hes a GIANT MARSHMALLOW MAN. for me, effects like that are more convincing than anything made from 3d vfx models, from lord of the rings to transformers

if i was directing ghostbusters (or transformers) in 2016, id take the same approach used in the original ghostbusters: id build models, shoot them carefully, and use the awesome technology we have at our disposal for compositing, with a subtle vfx sprinkle of sugar on top to tie it all together

in closing, the most fundamental thing i need to do as a filmmaker is:

use storytelling to make people wanna spend money

does this trailer do that?

maybe so, but i think it could be a lot better

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24 minutes ago, kaylee said:

, mattias has a valid point indeed, i dont see how this particular film benefits from 4 female leads


Sorry if I made you think that was my point. It isnt.

I dont see what this film has to loose switching to female characters. If anything it could make it better.

What I noticed and needed to went was that any new shiny CGI movie, no matter how bad it is, still gets more likes than disslikes. Some hate but not nearly as much.

And the only difference is the female actors. In every other aspect this, turtles, transformers, spiderman, tomato, and all M.Bay movies are identical to me. Same stuff,  almost the same movies. Stuff happens in slowmotion with no depth or story.

But ad girls and not only does it get a lot of disslikes. It gets double the amount from likes. Last I looked it was 240k to 120k.

I guess I get a bit upset because it touches the two fields of which Ive spent my career. And I hate to see both of them is such bad shape.

I think im just going to leave it at, yes, most people online are just as people off line, idiots.

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upon rereading my giant post about ghostbusters, it seems like that subject struck a nerve with me lol 

of course i cant edit it now... and i have to look at "youre" staring me in the face for the rest of my life smh

but, yeah, mattias has a point which is worth underscoring without me going on an sfx tirade:

if this were any other movie sequel with 4 male leads recast as 4 female leads, the reaction would be the same: a massive amount of dislikes for the trailer on youtube which is wildly disproportionate to the trailers for other mediocre films which are virtually identical 

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17 minutes ago, kaylee said:

upon rereading my giant post about ghostbusters, it seems like that subject struck a nerve with me lol 

of course i cant edit it now... and i have to look at "youre" staring me in the face for the rest of my life smh

but, yeah, mattias has a point which is worth underscoring without me going on an sfx tirade:

if this were any other movie sequel with 4 male leads recast as 4 female leads, the reaction would be the same: a massive amount of dislikes for the trailer on youtube which is wildly disproportionate to the trailers for other mediocre films which are virtually identical 


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I think the general consensus is that Transformers, Ninja Turtles, etc. are just bad and the reviews reflect that. There are franchise movies that will succeed at the box office despite bad reviews. Ghostbusters is a highly acclaimed franchise and has big shoes to fill. I get that they're trying to make a new twist for a new generation but I can see that all of the backlash is due to the orginal movie comparisons. Which isn't really fair to pass the movie off based on a trailer.

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18 minutes ago, AaronChicago said:

I think the general consensus is that Transformers, Ninja Turtles, etc. are just bad and the reviews reflect that. There are franchise movies that will succeed at the box office despite bad reviews. Ghostbusters is a highly acclaimed franchise and has big shoes to fill. I get that they're trying to make a new twist for a new generation but I can see that all of the backlash is due to the orginal movie comparisons. Which isn't really fair to pass the movie off based on a trailer.

I think you are dead wrong. The people making those coments have most likely never seen Ghostbusters. I love it but lets face it. Its an 80s movie. The people making these comments are youngsters. The difference is to f...ing massive to try and write it of as coincidence, strong franchise, etc.

BTW, Turtles, Transformers, Batman, Spiderman, X-men, etc have had some success before the latest reboots. In fact, they where all huge.

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13 minutes ago, Mattias Burling said:

The people making those coments have most likely never seen Ghostbusters.


I don't know about that :confused:

Haters are everywhere on the internet but if you go to Reddit you'll get the non troll comments displayed first and it seems like it's mostly Ghostbuster fans responding.

Example: Here is the Ghostbusters sub for die hard fans. You'll see the responses for the trailer which are arranged by upvotes. Very level headed responses without trolling or being mean spirited.


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