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Perfect "pro enthusiasts" camera - hope blackmagic sees this topic


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I know it was said before but i really hope i'll see it done sooner than later. Fingers crossed for this NAB which is about to come.

I am hopping for a BMCC 2.5K in a pocket like body with the raw capability of the first one in 60p. Add a proper screen and a 1.5h lasting battery and you have the best run and gun, pro enthusiasts, camera. I don't hope for a global shutter, the rolling shutter on the micro cinema is just good enough. The technology is there. Please BM make it happen before SONY comes and steals the thunder again.


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This has all been conveyed to BM directy and indirectly many times. What they do or don't do.....

I'm not sure what you mean by "again" regarding Sony. They're very diffferent cameras and companies in about every way, and if IQ is your concern then there isn't any way Sony is going to be stealing any thunder from them.

If affordable, feature packed cameras are your desire then Sony will release another three or four of those before I finish typing this.

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I am probably not so updated like you guys so I don't claim that i have the absolute true regarding the overall market. I am just looking around me and i am, as an art director, working with many production studio/ videographers/ call them whatever you want from run and gun guys to bigger productions, and i see more and more people shooting with A7s mark 2 and FS7 or FS5. Even the guys that used to shoot on BMCC are moving to A7S mark2 for different reasons. Don't know, maybe is just me.

Honestly i was waiting so long for BMMCC to be released and had hopes for that little monster. Still is a nice match for my olympus super primes lenses but would be just a dream come true if i would get the BMCC 2.5k in a small body, not even necessary smaller but with functionality and battery fixed. Don't get me wrong, i love the color sience and the organic look of the small BMPCC/BMMCC, it's just i know it will be even better with the BMCC sensor in terms of noice and resolution. And the technology is there, probably is about to happen sonner or later.

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Production people that are moving to Sonys from BlackMagics are probably doing it for features/aspects that BM is likely never going to attempt to tackle, at least not for a long time- full-frame sensors, autofocus, small compressed codecs, photos, NDs, buttons for everything, ultra-compact 100% custom body designs (possible because of custom internals), 99.5% reliability/delivering on specs, etc.

So it's not really fair to hold that against Blackmagic, they're not really trying to compete with Sony on all fronts. The Venn diagram of each company's intended customers has some overlap but not completely.

I would also love a Micro or Pocket with a larger faster global 2.5K sensor, but I'm not sure they'd be able to fit the necessary faster media (CFast, SSD) in those compact form factors.


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Maybe they can buy up the NX1 production line now that Samsung has no use for it and start inserting some BMD touches to it. I'd prefer a camera NX1 sized that has impressive features and performance as well as decent batterylife and screen on the back that could be used as-is, standalone, over a smaller formfactor that's more or less a sensor in a box and that's that. But I think they don't do that, because they don't want to appeal to the consumer market, but the pro/indy one.

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If you've shot with the Pocket (we use a couple) then you've got it rigged for your uses (we have one in a cage and rails and one moves around.) Both have MBSBs and we pull maunal focus. That's how you use these cameras. They have shi*&y little buttons and a horrible screen and no variable frame rate beyond 30.

So if you love the look and codecs - which is why we all love using them - then you work with the limitations.

So logically, especially after refining their camera/feature chops wih the new Ursa Mini, EVF and Video Assist, if they built a Pocket II with a VA level screen, a bit more mature interface and (of course ideally) a super 16 crop version of the new 4.6 sensor - you've got the camera of the year for this market.

It doesn't have to be fieature rich for people who already shoot wih their cameras...like  you would with film cameras. They just need to mature it with the tech and functionality they've come along with. I think we'll see something like this at NAB.  

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On April 11, 2016 at 3:50 AM, cojocaru27 said:

I know it was said before but i really hope i'll see it done sooner than later. Fingers crossed for this NAB which is about to come.

I am hopping for a BMCC 2.5K in a pocket like body with the raw capability of the first one in 60p. Add a proper screen and a 1.5h lasting battery and you have the best run and gun, pro enthusiasts, camera. I don't hope for a global shutter, the rolling shutter on the micro cinema is just good enough. The technology is there. Please BM make it happen before SONY comes and steals the thunder again.


The perfect camera test camera.

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Thx guys for the comments. I fully agree. i don't have the big picture like u do so i give you the full credit.  I think Jim here nailed what i was trying to say in my poor english : a mature pocket II camera with a super 16 crop ver of $.6 sensor would be my dream come true. Cheers Guys.

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16 hours ago, aldolega said:

I would also love a Micro or Pocket with a larger faster global 2.5K sensor, but I'm not sure they'd be able to fit the necessary faster media (CFast, SSD) in those compact form factors.

Would it necessarily have to write 2,5k files? You see it in the BMCC: 2,5k sensor, but 1080 in ProRes. Due to debayering, it's better HD. 

7 hours ago, Jim Giberti said:

So if you love the look and codecs - which is why we all love using them - then you work with the limitations.

As far as I am concerned (my biggest failure: to have sold the Pocket, influenced by a friend who lured me to the Sony FS7/A7rii -4k- route), somewhat below-HD resolution is the only limitation of the Pocket/Micro sensor, not so apparent in ProRes, but sometimes very annoying in raw (*m*o*i*r*e*) ...

Don't need GS if RS artifacts are few and if GS meant smaller DR.

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You're probably more likely to see the insides of the Pocket/Micro in the 2.5k body than you will the reverse - if they could make the Pocket/Micro sensor do s16 & s35 [in 2.5k?!] that would be a real bonus. This would make a lot of sense, since they already have the bodies for the 2.5k & there are a lot of accessories for it already.

The pocket will almost certainly remain & if they do update, they would keep the same form factor, it might have a better battery and/or screen - no increased frames rates etc...

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