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NX1 - Firmware Update V1.41!!!


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On 16/05/2016 at 6:46 PM, Andrew Reid said:

So let me get this straight... Samsung brought their firmware team out of retirement to make sure the NX1 was definitely dead, they don't like the idea of mods bringing it to life again!

No. They planned all along to update the Android app to MM compatibility, and took advantage of this ongoing (at the time) project to bolt on some additional things to annoy us.

You cannot do a complex update like they did (MM communications) (and just look at the binaries they changed - many) on the back of the hand. Look how slowly they manage to update important hardware (how many of their flagship phones have moved to MM?). Do you think they would move faster on the NX than on their Galaxy devices?

Do you really think a mod would piss them off enough to put resources in (starting from zero) to kill it? No way, and even if they did want it, they would not be able to do it in just a couple of months.

IMO the MM update was on the roadmap from Sep/Oct, and they planned to start working on NX update once the Galaxy MM ROM's were in an "almost baked" state - that is, probably somewhere in Jan.

Add to this the ramp-up time, tests, etc. and you get to May.

It just so happened that the mods came when they had resources already working on NX and they could accommodate a bit of extra work just for us :-) without major changes to their schedule.

just my 2 cts.

On 19/05/2016 at 5:06 AM, kidzrevil said:

@M Carter @tugela @Andrew Reid Andrew is right. They brought their engineers back from the dead JUST to fry the hack. Vasile proved it when he stated that they rewrote how to access the bitrate etc.

thank you Samsung for 1.4.1 but you get a big f$#@ you from me for purposely trying to kill the product


Not me, I did not say that - @KinoSeed tested and reported.

I am just starting to look into the bitrates.

What I did state was that current mods do not work (and I said that because I saw the patched libraries change position in RAM) and then, after some preliminary tests showed that the DEV menu access seemed to disappear, I looked into it and discovered their handiwork - really interesting - on trying to disable access for us by hiding the new method of access.

Remains to be seen exactly what and how they did to the bitrates and why KinoSeed was unable to relocate the patches (something that he did previously) - I am setting up my environment with partition dumps, etc. etc. so I can properly look for differences but cannot yet say anything about what they did to the bitrates beyond simply relocating the library.

I will have more news this weekend.


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Im confused so the update just coincidentally  happens to make the mod/hack more difficult to use ? One hell of a coincidence. I personally found it strange that a company that never formerly addressed a firestorm of shutdown rumors as we watch the nx1 stock dissapear they return to update the samsung camera manager app ? I'll believe it if you do but it sounds weird to me. So sorry for misquoting you & great job on the updates. We are all merely speculating about why this update & why now

cheers @vasile

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I think Vasile stated it quite clearly.
The update was coming for a while. While they were working on it, they saw the recent hacks by the community and decided to patch them up quickly as well.
So it's not a coincidence. But they did not resurrect a whole team JUST to patch the recent hacks. :)

I'm just gonna stay on the 1.40 FW for the moment though... ;)

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I mean damn I think you guys are taking the "resurrection" thing tooooo literally. Im not saying Samsung put together a budget for some epic team like Ocean 11 / Mission Impossible or something. Im saying I KNOW the firmware update was to derail the hack, even though we got a super awesome update to ensure compatibility with an android app. I have not seen one company be it Apple,Sony etc. that will not try to block a hack or a jailbroken phone with firmware updates. So idk what I am saying that is sooo far fetched and unbelievable here but ok, guess who's not updating to firmware 1.41 ? ? @antonis

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I haven't read every thread here, but essentially, is it crystal clear that the new firmware was specifically designed to prevent firmware hacks? Or is it incompatible with the current hack and it's start-from-scratch time? Or is getting into the firmware now impossible?

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