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A6300, Flat profile other than slog

Alex Uzan

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Hi there,

New a6300 owner, I'm trying to find the best way to record videos.

Since I like postprod and color grading using Resolve, my first tought was to use a Slog profile.

Unfortunately with those two profiles, there are too much noise, artefact and banding to my taste, and with h264 compression, it doesn't look good.

You can see what I mean on this crop sample

Slog orginal (800 iso)



Slog graded (800 iso)



No profile (800 iso)


As you can see, a lot of color artefacts on slog graded.


So which other flat profile to choose ?



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EOSHD Pro Color 5 for Sony cameras EOSHD Z LOG for Nikon CamerasEOSHD C-LOG and Film Profiles for All Canon DSLRs

This mirrors my experiences with the RX10 MK2. Slog in 8-bit colorspace is most of the time more trouble than it's worth - especially with the noisy sensor of RX10, which causes some insane, splotchy macroblocking in the shadows. I also tend to want to shoot saturated, contrasty images and most of the time the Slog just fell apart when pushed that way.

I ended up using the Cine2 profile with Pro colorspace. Still not particularly fond of the look the camera produces, but it drastically reduced the headache I had in grading with it.


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Bro. I have found the best profile! I've shared it with so many people because they all want it it's so good. :) it's got a very "Canon" look to it and it grades so nicely. It really adds a ton of depth to the image that lacks in the normal Sony profiles. It's all about that "color depth". 


Black Level: 0 (it's disabled in s-log2 anyway)
Gamma: S-log2
Black Gamma: Range- Narrow, Level -7
Knee: auto
Color Mode: sgamut3.cine
Saturation: +32
Color Phase: -2 (this is for a7sII and a6300, for original a7s use -5)
Color Depth: +6 (all of them)
Detail: -6

Expose 1.5 to 2 stops over.

You may need to dial the green tint out in the white balance shift. Let me know how you like it. I found this profile somewhere on dvxuser and have fallen in love with it. Now all my friends shoot on it 



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  On 6/29/2016 at 7:42 PM, DaveAltizer said:

Bro. I have found the best profile! I've shared it with so many people because they all want it it's so good. :) it's got a very "Canon" look to it and it grades so nicely. It really adds a ton of depth to the image that lacks in the normal Sony profiles. It's all about that "color depth". 


Black Level: 0 (it's disabled in s-log2 anyway)
Gamma: S-log2
Black Gamma: Range- Narrow, Level -7
Knee: auto
Color Mode: sgamut3.cine
Saturation: +32
Color Phase: -2 (this is for a7sII and a6300, for original a7s use -5)
Color Depth: +6 (all of them)
Detail: -6

Expose 1.5 to 2 stops over.

You may need to dial the green tint out in the white balance shift. Let me know how you like it. I found this profile somewhere on dvxuser and have fallen in love with it. Now all my friends shoot on it 




I agree just tried those settings with my a6300 and wow! love what I'm seeing.

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reading the name of this thread i just realized that slog is a word ?  so perf


1. work hard over a period of time
"they were slogging away to meet a deadline"
synonyms: work hard, toil, labor, work one's fingers to the bone, work like a Trojan/dog, exert oneself, grind, slave, grub, plow, plod, peg; More
antonyms: relax
walk or move with difficulty or effort
"he slogged home through the gray slush"
synonyms: trudge, tramp, tromp, traipse, toil, plod, trek, footslog
"they slogged around the streets"

noun: slog; plural noun: slogs
1. a spell of difficult, tiring work or traveling
"it would be a hard slog back to the camp"
synonyms: hard work, toil, toiling, labor, effort, exertion, grind, drudgery
antonyms: leisure


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  On 6/29/2016 at 7:42 PM, DaveAltizer said:

Bro. I have found the best profile! I've shared it with so many people because they all want it it's so good. :) it's got a very "Canon" look to it and it grades so nicely. It really adds a ton of depth to the image that lacks in the normal Sony profiles. It's all about that "color depth". 


Black Level: 0 (it's disabled in s-log2 anyway)
Gamma: S-log2
Black Gamma: Range- Narrow, Level -7
Knee: auto
Color Mode: sgamut3.cine
Saturation: +32
Color Phase: -2 (this is for a7sII and a6300, for original a7s use -5)
Color Depth: +6 (all of them)
Detail: -6

Expose 1.5 to 2 stops over.

You may need to dial the green tint out in the white balance shift. Let me know how you like it. I found this profile somewhere on dvxuser and have fallen in love with it. Now all my friends shoot on it 




Tried it out, Great color with the S-log highlight rolloff. Awesome stuff.

EDIT: Further testing. Amazing film like DR and great color. 

Normal Gamma with "neutral" look

Gamma Normal Daylight.jpg

Custom "The Sony Profile" PP7GAMMA S-LOG.jpg

Simple grade, only touched Contrast and Blacks in Lumetri


-5 Exposure

GAMMA S-LOG -5.jpg

+5 Exposure

GAMMA S-LOG +5.jpg

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  On 6/29/2016 at 5:10 PM, John_Harrison said:

Are you using SLog 2 or SLog 3? 

SLog 3 gives you a wider dynamic range, but I've heard a lot of people have had problems with it because of how compressed the XAVC-S codec is. SLog 2 has a milder curve which produces less artifacts when graded. 


Slog2 or 3 have the same artefacts (or color macrobloking).

Other gamma profiles are clean.


  On 6/29/2016 at 7:42 PM, DaveAltizer said:

Bro. I have found the best profile! I've shared it with so many people because they all want it it's so good. :) it's got a very "Canon" look to it and it grades so nicely. It really adds a ton of depth to the image that lacks in the normal Sony profiles. It's all about that "color depth". 


Black Level: 0 (it's disabled in s-log2 anyway)
Gamma: S-log2
Black Gamma: Range- Narrow, Level -7
Knee: auto
Color Mode: sgamut3.cine
Saturation: +32
Color Phase: -2 (this is for a7sII and a6300, for original a7s use -5)
Color Depth: +6 (all of them)
Detail: -6

Expose 1.5 to 2 stops over.

You may need to dial the green tint out in the white balance shift. Let me know how you like it. I found this profile somewhere on dvxuser and have fallen in love with it. Now all my friends shoot on it


Thanks for this, but I'm not sure that fix the macrobloking issue.

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  On 6/30/2016 at 1:20 PM, BrorSvensson said:

My favorite sony profile is portrait with -3 sharpness -2 saturation and -3 contrast


I read that somewhere, but still wonder, why to decrease sharpness ?

I get that we don't want to add artificial details by increase it.

But decrease ? We still can do this on postproduction if neccessary.

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  On 6/30/2016 at 1:27 PM, Alex Uzan said:

I read that somewhere, but still wonder, why to decrease sharpness ?

I get that we don't want to add artificial details by increase it.

But decrease ? We still can do this on postproduction if neccessary.


Lower the sharpness number to -3 isn't softening the image, its removing part of the in camera sharpening. 

its tried and true tested that adding sharpness in post gives much better results than doing it in camera.


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  On 6/30/2016 at 4:40 PM, Alex Uzan said:

What you say is, that sharpness 0 is actually +3.

So if I want the less processed image, sharpness -3 is the way to go.

Weird that Sony didn't name them as 0 to +6.


No 0 is the default amount of sharpening that sony wants to have on their jpgs/videos, -3 is lowering that number, +3 is making it more.

yes -3 is the way to go. 0 - 6 would make more sense.

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  On 6/30/2016 at 7:39 PM, DaveAltizer said:

Ya I love the profile. It's great. Grades really nicely. 


@DaveAltizer - Loving it as as well.  Seems like we are seeing the maximum quality 8 bit 4:2:0 can give with an 11bit equivalent log file.  It not only grades easy, but does not seem to fall apart like S-Log with standard settings.  I really appreciate you sharing this profile - Thank you!

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