Lee Kelly Posted July 16, 2016 Share Posted July 16, 2016 10 hours ago, veraguth said: As if lives were not ruined and jobs lost by virtual lynching in the internet. I don't know where you live, but in my place internet is part of the real life, and a very important one. I would suggest that you worry about your actual real world life and relationships, more than what strangers on a forum think of you. Sure, if your name has been dragged through the mud online, a simple google search will uncover that and you may end up having more strangers believe the hype but again, really? Do you really care what strangers think? Its not like this particular issue for this guy is going to affect his life too much. Its Egypt for starters, while most of us are NOT in Egypt. Its not like people are going to throw rotten fruit at him in the street or spit in his face! It saddens me to the core that so many people in this day and age put as much emphasis into their online presence as they do, often at the demise of their physical reality. Here I am getting involved with this rubbish while my kid wants to go see the new Finding Dory film. Geez I wonder what should be more important. Goodluck to all the victims but I think we know nothing will come of this. Write it off as a bad experience that brought the EOSHD community together. Some talented PIs in here. Head out and see the sunshine instead of critiquing photos of the sunshine online. Just saying... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ed_David Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 The radiology thread really kind of put me thru. Plus not using a real serial number. Don't get me wrong...the kid is smart and knows a lot about these cameras and tech and is a very good imagination but scamming at least 2 people out of 400 dollars isnt cool. Im still going to call that number tomorrow and give him the benefit of the doubt. If no response ill put together a team of egyptians to look further into this as well as see if he reported the stolen camera to the police. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fuzzynormal Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 56 minutes ago, Lee Kelly said: Write it off as a bad experience that brought the EOSHD community together. Some talented PIs in here. Well, as I've mentioned, it's hard to ignore a fascinating storyline. Perpetuating it is a strange compulsion. Maybe more so for those of us that fancy ourselves as just that: storytellers. We get to be a part of a so-called-real drama without all the physical messiness of it touching us. I'm sure there's a sub-study of psychoanalysis being developed in regards to the virtual-ness of this new culture. mercer and Ed_David 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emanuel Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 1 hour ago, Lee Kelly said: I would suggest that you worry about your actual real world life and relationships (...) Well, I'd say their losses actually were much of real ones to begin with... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ed_David Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 Catfish stories are always incredibly fascinating. My view now is that jr needed money badly all of a sudden and started doing this scam. Think this was mentioned before. He probably would have gotten away w it if he didnt call thomas a fool. Food for thought....next potential eoshd scammers! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Ebrahim Saadawi Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 This is Saadawi Jr. The one you've all just slaughtered. I've just been infomred of this thread and whole matter after a theift occurred from our garage (A Canon 1DC body) and while talking to my grandad about potential suspects he told me about this scam and this thread. First things first, The Vimeo video, id you look at the date, was a long time ago, more than a year, it was a video where I pulled many footage that I loved and learned editting on them and uploaded them, My English is a third language and I never claimed the footage was mine, proof this was not a typical stealing of footage is that the video has practically no views, I've never had it shown to anybody for credit. Never used it. And when I was told now the shooter is upset I deleted it. Apologies to him, it's a mistake and I hope your forgive me. Second, I did not scam anyone. Period. If I wanted a couple of hundred dollars I'd have asked my granddad. Actual proof that I didn't, is do you think I am so stupid/naive to scam someone using my own Facebook account showing my address/Phone/occupation/name? The scammer even admit in the facebook messages that I read that he's not Ebrahim Saadawi and that a scammer would never do that (use his real information), I can screenshot it if you want. Second proof is how much time I spend on this forum (my contributions through the three years here are more than my grandpa's so you actually know me more than him!). We have filed a case and an investigation regarding the 1DC matter, (By the way, this is the SN, or at least a number that was written on the camera - you can call and ask Canon if it's real or not - and the taxes have extra customs and importing cars/cameras have a 265% tag, you can try or ask. But Ed, seems to be working a Shelock holmes case through google. Something he enjoys doing from the early days of the forum) Your friends in Egypt are most welcome to the address given earlier. But you should know as a very basic thing that filing a case is not something you can share the file or show it to people and it's confidential). They will come here and be treated will and leave. That's it. There's nothing they can do to help. But again they're most welcome. We can no more do than wait for the investigation to end, and then refund the scammed users from the bastard's money and get back the camera body, but even if it didn't happen and the case went to unknown, my grandpa is saying he will refund them through his own pocket. Something I disagreed with because he has been a victim just as much as them, actually more, he has people talking about him know and ruining his reputation online while those who were scammed just lost a few dollars. Yet he insists. The thief that did this is someone who works under Saadawi, someone who easily has access to the equipment and place, there are 6 who fit the bill. We will do our best to find him/her. (Another thing: those speaking of charging me and talking about preaching of international laws: the scammer was smart enough not to commit any illegal acts. There's no law against these men sending money to an Egyptian Citizen through WU (which has no connection about the purpose of the transfer). And that's all that happened. Someone sent money to someone through WU and he wants it back. Period.) The nature of the scam being "legal" is what's complicating things for us here in the case file. We cannot add the scam to the case alongside the 1D theft as it's not illegal, we showed the officer the messages that he was promising to send a product after receiving the WU transfer hoping this could make a case, and we were told it's not a crime we can act against, he promised someone he will send something that belongs to him and didn't. Just that. An Unfullfilled promise isn't a crime. And then receiving money on WU is not a crime and cannot be acted upon. So the case is just the 1D theft. But have no worries, as soon as we get the 1Dc thief we'll also know the scammer automatically. ***I hope the following does not come off as a threat but I HAVE been threatened and need to respond back. I have been told that ''I will send people to teach you some manner. I don't use law I deal with the streets code. I'll come over there and extract the money from your body, etc) So To these people who are threatening me: If you have any knowledge of Egypt's streets you would not say this. Because you would know that we live by the way of Tribes where we protect each other, with ammunition and heavy military machinery, you'd know that we're in a war zone, and that you'd need an actual army, to physically touch Saadawi either jr or sr. So good luck with that! I sincerely hope it doesn't come to that (for the other person's sake) and that someone would get hurt trying to reach a person he believes he scammed him but actually didn't. Would be a very sad situation. We changed all the building's locks, all the workers have been dismissed until further notice, we changed all the accounts passwords. None of us will respond here or anywhere else about the matter, will not even type eoshd.com again. The matter will take its natural legal course and as soon as the case is closed the people who've been scammed will be contacted. You can keep chatting and making threats/playing google-holmes as much as you can here. This is the last you'll here from us. Good day. 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Emanuel Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 1 hour ago, Ebrahim Saadawi said: (...) (Another thing: those speaking of charging me and talking about preaching of international laws: the scammer was smart enough not to commit any illegal acts. There's no law against these men sending money to an Egyptian Citizen through WU (which has no connection about the purpose of the transfer). And that's all that happened. Someone sent money to someone through WU and he wants it back. Period.) The nature of the scam being "legal" is what's complicating things for us here in the case file. We cannot add the scam to the case alongside the 1D theft as it's not illegal, we showed the officer the messages that he was promising to send a product after receiving the WU transfer hoping this could make a case, and we were told it's not a crime we can act against, he promised someone he will send something that belongs to him and didn't. Just that. An Unfullfilled promise isn't a crime. And then receiving money on WU is not a crime and cannot be acted upon. (...) Be careful, dude! You're somehow entering in dangerous quicksand. It was/is surely a crime! No one can mislead a third party (THE REAL victims over there, in a classic scam case whether you have the Eiffel Tower for sale or whether not) and trying to play the law-expert-fellas part, come to unashamedly say that "there's no evidence because the money received actually wasn't counterfeited, therefore, it can perfectly be fulfilled as income directly into the tax statement and safely rest in the bank account..." Do you follow my analogy here? ; ) There's also room for the KISS* principle, even technically/legally speaking. Refund the guys and put an end to this whole embarrasing situation and a shame for this community! Not well deserved at all by years of healthy motivation on endless articles and Andrew's hard work. IMO, I'd even dare to say, neither your country/culture/people nor the quality of your posts written from your user account. A community like EOSHD takes years to form with. Trust these friendly words, coming from a law graduate for 2 decades now, conferred by more than 7 centuries of law school as historical background in those solid walls for such demanding exams you were not born yet. That is, once you are 19 years old, right? ;-) *Keep It Simple, Stupid! Ed_David 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chrad Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 Care to provide any of the evidence of your grandfather's identity or media company that people have been requesting in this thread? You sound exactly like the fucking scammer. Funny how you break your word not to return now that you're freaking out about things getting too hot. You are pathetic, Ebrahim. tweak and Ed_David 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
squig Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 The boy who cried wolf. My first impression of Ebrahim Jnr from our initial exchange on this forum was: he's a punk. He got all territorial and thought he could push me around, so I had to spank him. Everything that's transpired here has reinforced that view. It's highly likely he's been role playing all along. I have more than enough legal experience to tell you Ebrahim's talking out of his arse. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me again shame on me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chrad Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 Notice how Ebrahim says he's just been informed of this thread, but he made the Vimeo video private over 12 hours ago. He didn't think the whole 'the scammer can't be me because he admitted he's not Ebrahim Saadawi!' thing through either. We know the money was collected by someone named Ebrahim Saadawi. This whole situation is a farce. Shows how far a pathological liar will keep digging. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emanuel Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 Some food for his thought, I guess. Perhaps to require some professional help, we never know. A principle: people should never underestimate the other side. It is a pity because I've been used to read the posts from Ebrahim Saadawi's account as one of a kind of the finest content you can find in these or other similar pages. Those posts deserved much better reputation now and for days to come. I am sincerely sad to hear that, Ebrahim, you've always seemed the kind of guy we appreciate to have for dinner here at home. Nevertheless, a better solution as ultimate outcome is still in your hands when people are still alive and able for wise kicking. Dessert for thought. Let's not play the Ostrich part. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richard Bugg Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 I suspect the lad is under an enormous amount of pressure at the moment. I'd personally rather lose a few hundred dollars than be in such a position. I don't know the real story, but I can imagine that a young man wanting to be respected and liked, and with an underdeveloped sense of judgement and perspective, might make a series of bad choices. I was young once and I sometimes cringe at the things I have done. I suppose it is normal. But I am not the same person now that I was. A crisis can sometimes be a useful catalyst for change. In many stories the hero sets out on a quest of some sort. But he has a weakness of character, exposed by some circumstance, which causes him to stumble and fail, possibly becoming ostracised, or at least diminished in the eyes of others, in the process. Seeing how the hero responds to the difficult road ahead despite their weaknesses and failings is what keeps us on the edge of our seats. Good luck to all. sudopera, Emanuel, Mattias Burling and 1 other 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IshootbeforeItalk Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 The jig is up kid. Pay up. If you've blown that cash, send the rangefinder now and proof it. @Timotheus and I will sell it and divide. If we don't receive compensation by 12:00 your personal network will be envolved. Put and end to this @Ebrahim Saadawi Grimor, tweak, AaronChicago and 1 other 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
squig Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 The way I see it @Ebrahim Saadawi you have two choices: Own up to your offences, apologise, and pay back all the money; OR you can crucify yourself and be banished from the world indie film community for all eternity. If you think for a second you can reincarnate yourself and rejoin the forums with a new identity, you're a fool. Grow up mate, our patience for your bullshit has run out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chrad Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 For a good laugh: Apparently not only did he run a radiology centre with a work force of 300 (!) but he also directed 'feature films that defined a transitional era of Egyptian Cinema'. All this without an online presence for his practice or an IMDB profile! I wonder if the radiologist detail existed before the thread about radioactive lenses? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emanuel Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 Ebrahim, time enough to stop all this! The post after, the worse at your table. Everyone knows you're lurking over here. No single argument can work out as excuse. No large room able to hide the absence of action from your side. Useless to think you are safer outside. This world is tiny when we are enough committed to it. World affairs have stronger arms and ties. Truly radioactive ones, not made in North Korea. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prefabsprout Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 Guys..we have all been scammed. Those Saadawi guys doesn`t exist. It must be someone else with much more camera knowledge..( read the threads that they have been involved in). When Mr Reid comes back to the forum, he can sort it out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chrad Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 In April 2014, he got his PhD in radiology about 30 years ago. But by November of that year, he'd earned his PhD 20 years ago. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emanuel Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 16 minutes ago, Prefabsprout said: Guys..we have all been scammed. Those Saadawi guys doesn`t exist. It must be someone else with much more camera knowledge..( read the threads that they have been involved in). When Mr Reid comes back to the forum, he can sort it out. Saadawi or some other as family name, although, the style matches. 14 minutes ago, Chrad said: In April 2014, he got his PhD in radiology about 30 years ago. But by November of that year, he'd earned his PHD 20 years ago. Beer's fault, perhaps ; ) As previously stated, the older of both virtual IDs (grandpa/father/uncle/whoever) was dentist instead. It is really sad. Yet, let's hope for more good sense still to praise if comes. And the dust to settle down for a different plot. Time is usually helpful on much of it but, when we let it make to happen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mercer Posted July 17, 2016 Share Posted July 17, 2016 Wow. This is absolutely hilarious. Not for the scammed, I really feel for you guys, but that this dimwit even exists in the world... Even if it is the third world. The crazy thing is... There is more to this story... More fake names... More half truths... More scams. What a dummy. Seriously... No crime was committed?! What a dope. Or maybe we're the dopes, because I partially believe that this whole fucking thing is fake and it has been from the start. There is no Ebrahim Saadawi to find because he never existed because he was made up by somebody, and not somebody in Egypt. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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