FilmMan Posted August 13, 2016 Share Posted August 13, 2016 Hey did anyone see this movie? The trailer is at the bottom of this website (scary shit above the trailer for conspiracy theorists). Or trailer here: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fuzzynormal Posted August 13, 2016 Share Posted August 13, 2016 Naw, but I was in the USA mid-west (Michigan) visiting family and the local multiplex had the lobby card displayed. Which sorta reminded me as to why that place has always annoyed me through the years. The management has never ran it like they actually care about cinema. You can just tell there's no serious consideration for the medium, just the business. For instance, the damn preview screens above the concession stand have always been set at the wrong aspect ratio and the freakin' frame interpolation is turned on. There's literally more than a half hour of commercials projected before the film starts. Endless other nits and picks too about the place that bug me. Basically I'm saying this particular business is kinda lame. And running a D'souza movie just confirms it. More power to 'em, I guess. Just ain't my thing. I don't know... I do know there's always a niche market for that sort of ideological rhetoric movie that gins up the wingnuts with propaganda (much less one from this D'souza dude that pleaded guilty to a felony violation of campaign finance law) -- but on the other hand, this local muti-plex has never run any Michale Moore flicks, so there's probably just a political bent with the owner/manager. And who knows? Might even be some sort of corporate thing. So there you go, you now know my inconsequential gripes about my local theater. Oh, and the skin tones in the film look great. Love me some skin tone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FilmMan Posted August 13, 2016 Author Share Posted August 13, 2016 Skin tones do look good. The music in the trailer is quite pronounced. Cheers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jonesy Jones Posted August 13, 2016 Share Posted August 13, 2016 1 hour ago, FilmMan said: Hey did anyone see this movie? The trailer is at the bottom of this website (scary shit above the trailer for conspiracy theorists). Or trailer here: Haven't seen it yet but I've heard its very good. Just haven't had the chance to see it myself yet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AaronChicago Posted August 13, 2016 Share Posted August 13, 2016 That guy is a hack. He's one of the biggest trolls in politics. tigerbengal, HelsinkiZim, MountneerMan and 3 others 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fuzzynormal Posted August 13, 2016 Share Posted August 13, 2016 51 minutes ago, Jonesy Jones said: Haven't seen it yet but I've heard its very good. Just haven't had the chance to see it myself yet. I think it'll be very good for those of a certain sensibility, no doubt. Not a complaint, just acknowledging. BTW, what exactly is the big "secret?" All the stuff in the flick is American history I remember from 8th grade high school. And then there's the American history and political shift that starts in the 1960's that apparently the film seems to ignore. Which is rather odd considering Clinton was, ironically, a Goldwater Gal. Anyway, much like Michael Moore stuff, it looks like cherry picked facts dramatized for an extreme ideological narrative. Well, melodramatized and reenacted actually in this case; certainly not objectively journalistic. At any rate, what I just wrote is way too wonky for this blog. Apologies. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flynn Posted August 13, 2016 Share Posted August 13, 2016 I'm no fan of Hillary at all, Bernie Bro here, but I think this looks hilarious. Pretty much over the top propaganda. But if someone else digs it that's cool. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
silvertonesx24 Posted August 13, 2016 Share Posted August 13, 2016 I hate Hillary (and Bernie, and Trump) and this guy is a hack. Saw his first film and walked out thoroughly unimpressed. I guess he's just popular as there aren't that many red meat conservative films out there if that's your thing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jonesy Jones Posted August 13, 2016 Share Posted August 13, 2016 1 hour ago, AaronChicago said: That guy is a hack. He's one of the biggest trolls in politics. You know this because.... An assertion needs evidence to add validity. Btw, i believe he is a filmmaker and not in politics himself. 1 hour ago, fuzzynormal said: I think it'll be very good for those of a certain sensibility, no doubt. Not a complaint, just acknowledging. BTW, what exactly is the big "secret?" All the stuff in the flick is American history I remember from 8th grade high school. And then there's the American history and political shift that starts in the 1960's that apparently the film seems to ignore. Which is rather odd considering Clinton was, ironically, a Goldwater Gal. Anyway, much like Michael Moore stuff, it looks like cherry picked facts dramatized for an extreme ideological narrative. Well, melodramatized and reenacted actually in this case; certainly not objectively journalistic. At any rate, what I just wrote is way too wonky for this blog. Apologies. Have you seen the movie? Me neither. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fuzzynormal Posted August 13, 2016 Share Posted August 13, 2016 1 hour ago, Jonesy Jones said: Have you seen the movie? Me neither. Nope. I'm watching the trailer and I've read a few think pieces about the film's content. Also I know the guy's MO. He's a fabulist. So what? Look, it's kind of funny when the trailer features a shot of a proxy Clinton stomping down the hallway while an intern cowers in fear as she walks by. Say what you will about seeing or not seeing the movie, but it's obvious it's a film catering to political ideologists and it's not objective. And again, I can't fault the guy for trying to make a buck. It's nothing that Michael Moore doesn't do, but let's not kid ourselves here. We're better than that. AaronChicago 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AaronChicago Posted August 13, 2016 Share Posted August 13, 2016 6 hours ago, Jonesy Jones said: You know this because.... An assertion needs evidence to add validity. Btw, i believe he is a filmmaker and not in politics himself. He's been around forever. Used to be a speech writer for Reagan. Was married to Ann Coulter who is another top notch troll. Just go back and look at his old writings/twitter/books. He claimed Obama was a secret Muslim who was planning on destroying America. I've read some of his books on religion which are actually pretty interesting. He's a very smart guy but he's gone totally bat shit crazy in the past few years on conspiracy theories. He was arrested for campaign fraud and is crying out that Obama is after him, and sent his minions to arrest him. Don't get me wrong. I'm not a super political person and I respect all points of view but the people like him and Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Moore, (sometimes) Bill Maher are just bad for the country. They cause so much unnecessary divisiveness. It's actually quite sad b/c he used to be one of the best debaters around. He would debate Christopher Hitchens frequently on religion and hold his on. Hitchens respected him and they were friends. He wanted to debate Richard Dawkins but Dawkins was hesitant. They finally debated on Hawkins terms (which was prerecorded responses). Great debate. Just in the past 6 years or so he's gone kind of crazy and paranoid. Such a bummer. I saw the Obama movie just out of curiosity and it was so awful. I don't think I could sit through this. Check out Rotten Tomatoes though and you'll get an idea of the reviews: HelsinkiZim, WyattMaurer, Jonesy Jones and 3 others 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tigerbengal Posted August 13, 2016 Share Posted August 13, 2016 Well said Aaron, whoever was married to Ann Coulter must had something bad in his brain/soul, these people are so full of hate and b... sh...t......, I will not watch this movie that I know is pure right wing propaganda full of lies...even though Hillary is not perfect I prefer her over the crazy scam Drumpf!! AaronChicago 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HelsinkiZim Posted August 13, 2016 Share Posted August 13, 2016 I hate hacks and respect them at the same time. They are super intelligent people that know how to push buttons of segments of society. A word here and there, and they are repeating facts, but molding your opinion at the same time with adjectives, word placement and headlines for these facts. Edit: I always look at the Drudge Report everyday before I look at the BBC, because I find it so fascinating how Drudge molds opinions with a single headline or omission. BBC says the Trump did something insane, a black man gets shot in the back, or next to his girlfriend and dies on mobile video, and no mention on Drudge or even an acknowledgement... but his followers believe he is reporting the 'truth'. Fascinating. But I am old enough to know that even the BBC is anti-trump, which in itself is not great. They constantly add stuff like his exact dialogue in quotes and of course that makes him look dumb because he is not a public speaker. I can hear the journalist chuckling to himself. I consider someone writing for the Sun, Daily Mail, Daily News, NY Post, the Mirror, etc... hacks. But they all have Master's degrees or excelled in school and they know what they are doing. In the UK you would be hard pressed to find a journalist on Fleet Street who did not go to Cambridge or Oxford. Even at the tabloids. These are professional (and the original) trolls. Piers Morgan for example. Documentary has the same. Jonesy Jones, Flynn and FilmMan 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HelsinkiZim Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 I hate talking politics because its a zero-sum game. Nobody wins. Every ideology is flawed, because we as humans are flawed. A liberal management unchecked will exploit capitalism and everyone suffers when free trade consumes their daily bread - like Uber to taxi drivers and AirBnB to hotel workers, or China and Mexico to automobile factory workers. A conservative management unchecked will end up exterminating... well anything that walks funny. But everybody embodies both ideologies at different times and in different situations. As a whole, people are stupid en-masse and selfish, but as Bronn said in Game of Thrones about Geofrey: There is no cure for being a cun* Davey, FilmMan and sudopera 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Davey Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 6 hours ago, HelsinkiZim said: I hate talking politics because its a zero-sum game. Nobody wins. Every ideology is flawed, because we as humans are flawed. A liberal management unchecked will exploit capitalism and everyone suffers when free trade consumes their daily bread - like Uber to taxi drivers and AirBnB to hotel workers, or China and Mexico to automobile factory workers. A conservative management unchecked will end up exterminating... well anything that walks funny. But everybody embodies both ideologies at different times and in different situations. As a whole, people are stupid en-masse and selfish, but as Bronn said in Game of Thrones about Geofrey: There is no cure for being a cun* Correct. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geoff CB Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 I have a story for you all: I work in a small non-profit independent movie theater. We saw a trailer for documentary on the economy that was well reviewed and booked it. Not thinking anything was amiss, just booking the documentary because it was well reviewed. What followed was a certain political party in town going absolutely ballistic. Calls came in that they would boycott our theater, one of our employees walked out (they came back, but would only work for us, but would never see a movie in the theater again...way to hold to you principles.), the leader of the party said in a public email to all their members that we were in cahoots with the other political party, that we had talked to party leaders and we should have our non-profit status revoked. Emergency board meeting was called, to give them credit, everyone on the board took a stand "Fuck em', show the film!" It was attended by every single board member and they told all their friends to go, it was the highest grossing documentary we have ever shown. It did far better than it would have if no fuss had been made. We threatened to take the party representative to court for slander unless he retracted his statement. They agreed, but only if we showed a political film from their side! During which a political candidate spent 20 minutes talking about the bad things the other party had done before the film started. Now when people come in asking for documentaries that have even the slightest political ties (most requests come from this party) we tell them we are never showing political documentaries ever again. People are no longer rational about these things, cannot take critism, and have created a us vs. them mentality. It's going to get really ugly before it gets better. AaronChicago, sudopera, FilmMan and 1 other 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FilmMan Posted August 14, 2016 Author Share Posted August 14, 2016 Geoff CB, Freedom of Speech. Yes it exists if you are on board with the bull$hit being thrown at you. If your opinion differs then your freedom of speech is nullified and you are tarred and feathered. Crazy world. I agree with you about people in general. Rationality goes out the window when individuals are criticized. Debate is supposed to be a method of formally presenting an argument in a disciplined manner. Now debate has eroded to insults and misinformation being skewed by media through their biased/paid experts. One needs to spend time investigating topics on the internet to try to interpret the real truth on issues. When we watch a movie, we’ll say if we like it or not. Our opinion may not be to the liking of everyone. To justify our liking or disliking, most people will support their opinion with some evidence – no character development, relied too much on CGI, story lacked emotion, etc. Criticizing, when warranted, allows individuals to improve. I remember when the first Terminator came out. Experts denounced it due to the excessive violence rather than dive deeper and look at the underlying message about technology and man’s ability to control his fate. Yes it was violent but there was substance. I did like the cinematography too. When the movie made a lot of money, and the next Terminator came out, many of these experts changed their opinion. It is interesting how your theatre was threatened due to showing Hillary. Your statements seem to support what the hacker, Guccifer 2, has stated – “the U.S. presidential elections a “farce” that is “being settled behind the scenes as it was with Bernie Sanders.” He added, “I wonder what happened to the true democracy, to the equal opportunities, the things we love the United States for. The big money bags are fighting for power today. They are lying constantly and don’t keep their word. The MSM are producing tons of propaganda hiding the real stuff behind it. But I do believe that people have right to know what’s going on inside the election process in fact.” I’ll probably take in this movie at some point to see what it is all about. Cheers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fuzzynormal Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 I've often strategized that I should make a doc or two and pander to a specific ideological market. It's not a bad way to make a living. You can exploit people that are eager to hear the choir sing. But, I guess I just can't be so cynical to do that. It would feel too gross. I'm always trying to see things from all sides. For instance, my best friend is sort of a hard core right-wing religious socially ultraconservative dude, but he's still an awesome guy with a lot of love in his heart. So I don't care for caricatures that refuse to see people as whole. FWIW, I consider myself to be in the middle of the ideological spectrum, leaning left. (by USA standards) We're a wonderfully weird and messy nation. Corrupt and noble simultaneously. Prejudiced and fair. Violent and compassionate. Hey, we're human. And we're not homogenized, so it's never going to be easy. People are people after all. Tribal. There's comfort in in being tribal, so I get that desire even though I like to think I can avoid it. As things like this D'souza documentary continue to polarize opinion, I don't see it as a healthy shift in American culture. But, we've always been a bit nuts in that regard. Lot's of pundits tend to be incredulous about the current level of discourse, but it doesn't seem any more vexed than previous elections; it's just that those wildly contentious elections took place before any of our lifetimes. We've even had weirdos like Trump on major party tickets before too. Those guys tend to be forgotten as time passes. This year the GOP is in disarray. (has been for awhile) It's pretty much like a retired guy that's upset kids are playing on his lawn; loud, cranky, attracts a lot of attention, but wildly outnumbered. What's happening this year is just a fever. It'll eventually break and then we'll be inoculated for awhile until the next virus hits. In the meantime, the only cure is more cowbell. 3 hours ago, Geoff CB said: documentary on the economy that was well reviewed and booked it. An economics movie that was so ideologically loaded it caused that sort of uproar? Can't think of anything mainstream that came down the pipe recently which would cause such a reaction, unless you're in a really ideologically biased community. Was it more of a fringe movie like "Hillary's America"? And was it more of a righty film or a lefty film? Geoff CB 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bill Sepaniak Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 On August 13, 2016 at 2:43 AM, AaronChicago said: Was married to Ann Coulter who is another top notch troll. ... Wrong. D'Souza was never married to Ann Coulter. They dated. In fact, Coulter has never been married. See: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geoff CB Posted August 14, 2016 Share Posted August 14, 2016 6 hours ago, FilmMan said: It is interesting how your theatre was threatened due to showing Hillary. Your statements seem to support what the hacker, Guccifer 2, has stated – “the U.S. presidential elections a “farce” that is “being settled behind the scenes as it was with Bernie Sanders.” He added, “I wonder what happened to the true democracy, to the equal opportunities, the things we love the United States for. The big money bags are fighting for power today. They are lying constantly and don’t keep their word. The MSM are producing tons of propaganda hiding the real stuff behind it. But I do believe that people have right to know what’s going on inside the election process in fact.” I’ll probably take in this movie at some point to see what it is all about. Cheers. I wasn't threatened for showing the Hillary film. It was Inequality for All: 4 hours ago, fuzzynormal said: An economics movie that was so ideologically loaded it caused that sort of uproar? Can't think of anything mainstream that came down the pipe recently which would cause such a reaction, unless you're in a really ideologically biased community. Was it more of a fringe movie like "Hillary's America"? And was it more of a righty film or a lefty film? See above. I honestly think it is getting worse than previous elections, the volume of insults being thrown around by everybody is insane. "Hey did you hear about the ground war in Syria in which the U.S. is funding a democratic based uprising and the Russian government is offering ground support to the country leaders?" 9/10 people that I interact with on a daily basis don't know about this at all. Because actual political talking points no longer matter. FilmMan 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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