jcs Posted January 13, 2017 Share Posted January 13, 2017 11 minutes ago, iamoui said: Do you actually understand the unconscious mind? Does anyone? Does anyone REALLY understand what's happening in our brains? The hard problem of consciousness. Sure, there are many theories. But you can't go around acting like you know for sure just because you believe one theory to be better than another. Where am I putting down your work? I congratulated you on your accolades and achievements. What you've highlighted are things I said AFTER you already accused me of ad hominem. What you highlighted is not ad hominem anyway because it is non fallacious and it is relevant to the issue. I'm not trying to win an argument. I enjoy the civil discourse. Also I'm always open to learning something new, as long as there is evidence to back it up. Again, open mind, not so open your brains fall out. I'll watch the video and get back to you. According to your YouTube page, Cosmic Flow is "Where Physics & Psychology meet Metaphysics & Spirituality." Those words carry a heavy weight and with them, a responsibility (moral, intellectual, and otherwise). The videos about Bigfoot and Area 51 did not seem tongue-in-cheek or humorous (at least in the ways you may have thought) to me. The video I saw takes the idea of Bigfoot seriously. Also there is not tons of evidence for UFO's as they relate to other worldly beings. Have you read "The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark" by Carl Sagan? Your business partner can believe whatever he or she wants, regardless of the lacking of evidence. I can also criticize those beliefs for being foolish. I choose not to belief things on insufficient evidence or where evidence is lacking altogether. You claim to know through quantum physics how we can change the world and that the universe reacts to how we interact with it and that it's even "intelligent" then say, "Who knows what's really going on in the universe?" Lot's of things can be proven. The definition of prove is "to establish the truth or genuineness of, as by evidence or argument." However, something that is proven can later be disproven. Science constantly rewrites itself when there is evidence to do so. That's the great thing about science. It is not absolute like religion is. The onerous is not on me to prove. You're the one making the claim(s). The burden of proof is on you. Where is the evidence that supports "positive thoughts result in success?" I would agree that people thinking more positively might have a better chance at success. But you can't just make a blanket statement. There have been a lot of "successful" people that have negative thoughts, mental disorders, etc. I'm extremely happy with my life. If I weren't I'd change it. But not just by "thinking positive thoughts." That's woo woo. Of course people who work together will probably get more done than people who fight each other. But in the same token people who work together might then start fighting each other. I take things on a case by case basis. There's a lot nuance involved here. You can't just make general claims or beliefs and try to pass them off as fact without evidence. I practice yoga and meditation regularly. I believe it helps me physically, mentally, and emotionally and helps me to lead a better life and be a better person. But I wouldn't go and make a blanket statement like "Practicing yoga will make you a better person" or "Practicing yoga will improve your life" because for some people it wouldn't! Can you prove that the Poseidon, god of the sea and protector of all aquatic features, is not at the bottom of the ocean right now? Right, you can't. Can you prove that negative thoughts don't result in success? When are you ever called upon to prove a negative? It's a fallacy. Unconscious mind- to understand it fully requires a complete simulation of the neural network of the brain, and then perhaps an AI to explain it to us. We don't need to fully understand it to reprogram it. MSM has been using NLP to brainwash the masses for a long time. I encourage you to learn NLP as a tool for yourself as well as to protect yourself from manipulation. If you really want to understand your unconscious mind, research DMT. DMT is a key to world peace. Read Terence McKenna's "Food of the Gods" (or get the audio book on Audible). Nothing can be proven to someone who's already made up their mind that they already know everything. It's OK to think that way, we all get to create our own reality, our own personal simulation of what is real or not (each of our brains synthesizes a virtual reality from real-time inputs). It gets tricky when interacting with other people, especially when resources become scarce (which is what is happening in the world today). You watched the entire Bigfoot video and thought we were serious? You're kidding, right? Of course you can't prove a negative, that was my point. However you can use the scientific method and use a Null Hypothesis such as, "Positive thinking has no effect on successful outcomes" then design an experiment (ideally double blind) and test it. I've seen enough evidence in life experience, books, and through simulations and understanding of biological systems to be confident that it's real, as common sense. If your test showed otherwise I'd be curious to understand why. This has been studied scientifically (positive MSM content- it's not all bad)... Lots of good enough here: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2016/02/07/physicists-examine-consciousness-conclude-the-universe-is-spiritual-immaterial-mental/ Consciousness may be primary, not materialism. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/carla-schesser/the-extraordinary-scienti_b_8353068.html (same point regarding quantum physics- if it doesn't make sense that an observer causes the environment (quantum effects) to change, and you don't see how that can effect your reality at the macroscopic level, then no worries. http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/allinthemind/the-scientific-evidence-for-positive-thinking/6553614 http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/04/how-the-power-of-positive-thinking-won-scientific-credibility/256223/ http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/11/business/the-science-behind-positive-thinking/ http://nymag.com/scienceofus/2014/12/positive-thinking-doesnt-work-heres-what-does.html Here someone says it doesn't work, however that's just a headline to get readers. They are also mentioning an important fact, that positive thinking without action doesn't help much (which is also taught by NLP). Positive thought + action = attaining goals. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
squig Posted January 13, 2017 Author Share Posted January 13, 2017 THIS is woo woo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kaylee Posted January 13, 2017 Share Posted January 13, 2017 5 hours ago, jcs said: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/carla-schesser/the-extraordinary-scienti_b_8353068.html (same point regarding quantum physics- if it doesn't make sense that an observer causes the environment (quantum effects) to change, and you don't see how that can effect your reality at the macroscopic level, then no worries. good article, this is EXACTLY what im talking about when i tell people how profound this is. i fundamentally agree with what youre saying tbh Quote HuffPo: "[The scientists] discovered that the fundamental building blocks became waves or particles depending on the expectations of the scientist doing the experimenting. If the scientist expected them to be particles, that’s what they appeared as; if the scientist expected them to be waves, that’s what they appeared as." we might not know HOW that changes our day to day reality in a literal way, but it MUST, right? i say yes but i am not richard feynman 11 hours ago, iamoui said: "If you think you understand quantum mechanics then you don't understand quantum mechanics." - Richard Feynman (look him up) "look him up" was a little condescending lol. btw id like to recommend a great book to everyone called Feynman's Rainbow. the author Leonard Mlodinow details his time as a postdoctoral student spent under Feynman's wing, and although its a little sad as feynman fights cancer, the author makes a lovely analogy between artists and theoretical physicists, in that both must create a problem to solve, or find one to work on that cant be solved – theres more, its fascinating. good book "I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics." ~ Richard Feynman 3 hours ago, squig said: THIS is woo woo jcs and webrunner5 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jcs Posted January 13, 2017 Share Posted January 13, 2017 11 hours ago, iamoui said: Specifically toward the end when an ACTUAL quantum physicist puts Deepak in his place. "If you think you understand quantum mechanics then you don't understand quantum mechanics." - Richard Feynman (look him up) Yes, Feynman was a great teacher (Six Easy Pieces & Six Not-So-Easy Pieces are good books, he explains the concepts clearly and the math is relatively simple (not a lot of it if one isn't into math; simple calculus and linear algebra)). The reason he said that is because unlike classical physics, we can't make predictions in quantum physics, only estimations based on probability. We need more dimensions than 3 space + 1 time to describe this universe. Superstring theory requires 9 space + 1 time dimensions, and M-theory which unifies superstring theories requires 10 space + 1 time dimensions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M-theory . The challenge so far is coming up with a way to test them. These theories also give rise to 'many worlds', parallel universes, and are very interesting for both physicists and lay people alike (tons of cool Sci Fi based on these concepts). Have you watched Rick & Morty? Amazing writing! It's on Hulu & YouTube if you don't get cable. Also see The Man in the High Castle on Amazon Video. What she says and Deepok says is good (video starts at the point I'm talking about): I jumped around, didn't find anywhere Deepok was schooled- what part specifically? Deepok made more sense than Shermer. kaylee 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kaylee Posted January 13, 2017 Share Posted January 13, 2017 @jcs one of the things i wanna kno is, regarding quantum entanglement: how the heck can something done here on earth effect its "twin" or whatever on the other side of the universe? and how does that fit into a multiverse ??? i mean, i get the concept, but einstein called it spooky for a reason... it is! ...so what does that mean about the nature of reality ?? ? ? ? ? ? this thread has rlly gotten good btw Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jcs Posted January 13, 2017 Share Posted January 13, 2017 2 minutes ago, kaylee said: @jcs one of the things i wanna kno is, regarding quantum entanglement: how the heck can something done here on earth effect its "twin" or whatever on the other side of the universe? and how does that fit into a multiverse ??? i mean, i get the concept, but einstein called it spooky for a reason... it is! ...so what does that mean about the nature of reality ?? ? ? ? ? ? this thread has rlly gotten good btw Easy- we just need more dimensions (we currently can't detect them). Superstring and M-theory try to address it (10 & 11 dimensional theories). Everything in the universe appears to have come from a single point, a singularity (not even a point really- one undefinable spot). Then the question becomes, what came before, why did it start, etc. Ancient man has been saying we are all still connected, and I believe they are right- in higher dimensions. We create quantum entanglement with a beam splitter and perhaps in nature by other means. There aren't necessarily twins on the other side of the universe (there could be though). A natural question is if we create a quantum entangled pair with a beam splitter, can we repeat the process and get many all entangled together or does the next beam split break the prior connection? DMT journeys can provide some clues, however what is experienced is beyond words, so hard to explain in human form. What is commonly observed is that we are all part of a continuum consciousness, collectively God. The Dominator culture (I first heard this term from Terence McKenna), which claims one god and promotes alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and processed food (sugar), is currently being challenged again by the Feminine Plant culture (again from McKenna), guided by the wisdom of plants: organic foods and for mind expansion- MJ, mushrooms, ayahuasca, ergotamine (synth as LSD). This last happened in the 60's, where we had the Vietnam war. The Dominators are trying to start a war with Russia and are using MSM and fake news to try to hold on to power. The internet and social media threw them a curveball as too many people have woken up and voted them out (both parties are the same- Trump is an outsider). We've got to keep waking people up, and make sure Trump does what's best for everyone and the planet. Lots of work to do, and everyone needs to be part of it (vs. expecting someone else to do it and blaming those in power). We've got to ease into a new way of sustainable living on this planet beyond capitalism. kaylee 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kaylee Posted January 13, 2017 Share Posted January 13, 2017 @jcs youre so fluent at talking about all this stuff terrance mckenna etc u should be a guest on coast to coast am when youve got more content to promote, you could be really good. im sure youve heard of c2c. also a more accessible platform could be darkness radio, the host dave does c2c on the weekends so u never kno ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iamoui Posted January 13, 2017 Share Posted January 13, 2017 14 hours ago, jcs said: Unconscious mind- to understand it fully requires a complete simulation of the neural network of the brain, and then perhaps an AI to explain it to us. We don't need to fully understand it to reprogram it. MSM has been using NLP to brainwash the masses for a long time. I encourage you to learn NLP as a tool for yourself as well as to protect yourself from manipulation. If you really want to understand your unconscious mind, research DMT. DMT is a key to world peace. Read Terence McKenna's "Food of the Gods" (or get the audio book on Audible). The same NLP that has been discredited as pseudoscience? To be honest NLP seems to describe more of a religious worldview than anything. https://www.quora.com/Is-NLP-Neuro-linguistic-Programming-a-pseudoscience Also, are you recommending that I take drugs in order to better understand? Are you suggesting that ingesting drugs will solve world peace?? 14 hours ago, jcs said: Nothing can be proven to someone who's already made up their mind that they already know everything. It's OK to think that way, we all get to create our own reality, our own personal simulation of what is real or not (each of our brains synthesizes a virtual reality from real-time inputs). It gets tricky when interacting with other people, especially when resources become scarce (which is what is happening in the world today). I openly admit that I know very little and am always open to learning new things as logic, reason, and evidence allow. I learn new things every day. It seems you, however, are the one that has already made up your mind. NLP is the light, the way. The only way. There's no changing that. You know everything. You know how to change the world, apparently. We don't get to create our own reality. That's called delusion and psychosis. 14 hours ago, jcs said: You watched the entire Bigfoot video and thought we were serious? You're kidding, right? This is the bigfoot video I watched. You take the concept of bigfoot seriously and interview a curator of the bigfoot museum as if bigfoot were alive and real. Was this whole video satire? It doesn't seem like it but I would challenge others on the forum to watch and decide whether or not you're serious. 14 hours ago, jcs said: This has been studied scientifically (positive MSM content- it's not all bad)... Lots of good enough here: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2016/02/07/physicists-examine-consciousness-conclude-the-universe-is-spiritual-immaterial-mental/ Consciousness may be primary, not materialism. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/carla-schesser/the-extraordinary-scienti_b_8353068.html (same point regarding quantum physics- if it doesn't make sense that an observer causes the environment (quantum effects) to change, and you don't see how that can effect your reality at the macroscopic level, then no worries. http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/allinthemind/the-scientific-evidence-for-positive-thinking/6553614 http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/04/how-the-power-of-positive-thinking-won-scientific-credibility/256223/ http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/11/business/the-science-behind-positive-thinking/ http://nymag.com/scienceofus/2014/12/positive-thinking-doesnt-work-heres-what-does.html Here someone says it doesn't work, however that's just a headline to get readers. They are also mentioning an important fact, that positive thinking without action doesn't help much (which is also taught by NLP). Positive thought + action = attaining goals. So the MSM is good when it fits your agenda and confirmation bias but all other times it is using NLP to brainwash the masses. Got it. Here is where an actual quantum physicist schools Deepak. You have to watch the entire video though to provide context but you can still get an idea from watching it from where I've time-stamped. What Jean Houston and Deepak say are "good?" Good how? They say a lot of nice sounding things, sure. But there's not a whole lot of substance. If you think Deepak Chopra makes more sense than Michael Shermer then I'm not sure that we will get any further in our discourse. You can believe whatever you want to believe. But please don't make claims and try to pass them off as truth. There is no evidence to support that NLP can change the world if we just practice it and we can find the truth if we just look for it. If you have all of the answers and it seems to be so easy, then why isn't everyone on board? Why aren't scientists all over the world championing this? Because the MSM is using NLP in a negative way to brainwash the masses? I don't need NLP to protect myself from manipulation. Thankfully I have my critical, skeptical and logical-thinking brain for that. NLP is just obfuscation. I think @kaylee is right, you'd be a hit with the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists on Coast to Coast. At least they'd be easier to influence. Good day! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ND64 Posted January 13, 2017 Share Posted January 13, 2017 The biggest clusterfuck of 2016 was Syria, where thousands of people, including many photo/video journalists, died and the world did absolutely nothing. Don Kotlos, rooney111, Thpriest and 2 others 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iamoui Posted January 13, 2017 Share Posted January 13, 2017 36 minutes ago, Eric Calabros said: The biggest clusterfuck of 2016 was Syria, where thousands of people, including many photo/video journalists, died and the world did absolutely nothing. Yeah but at least in 20 years we'll have an Oscar-winning movie called "Aleppo" and everyone will say "Something like that should never be allowed to happen again." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Don Kotlos Posted January 13, 2017 Share Posted January 13, 2017 1 hour ago, Eric Calabros said: The biggest clusterfuck of 2016 was Syria, where thousands of people, including many photo/video journalists, died and the world did absolutely nothing. Though in the past every time "the world" did something, it usually made things worse. webrunner5 and tomekk 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thpriest Posted January 14, 2017 Share Posted January 14, 2017 Very interesting thread. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kaylee Posted January 14, 2017 Share Posted January 14, 2017 1 hour ago, Thpriest said: Very interesting thread. its one of the biggest clusterfucks of 2017 Don Kotlos 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jcs Posted January 15, 2017 Share Posted January 15, 2017 On 1/13/2017 at 7:23 AM, iamoui said: The same NLP that has been discredited as pseudoscience? To be honest NLP seems to describe more of a religious worldview than anything. https://www.quora.com/Is-NLP-Neuro-linguistic-Programming-a-pseudoscience Also, are you recommending that I take drugs in order to better understand? Are you suggesting that ingesting drugs will solve world peace?? I openly admit that I know very little and am always open to learning new things as logic, reason, and evidence allow. I learn new things every day. It seems you, however, are the one that has already made up your mind. NLP is the light, the way. The only way. There's no changing that. You know everything. You know how to change the world, apparently. We don't get to create our own reality. That's called delusion and psychosis This is the bigfoot video I watched. You take the concept of bigfoot seriously and interview a curator of the bigfoot museum as if bigfoot were alive and real. Was this whole video satire? It doesn't seem like it but I would challenge others on the forum to watch and decide whether or not you're serious. So the MSM is good when it fits your agenda and confirmation bias but all other times it is using NLP to brainwash the masses. Got it. Here is where an actual quantum physicist schools Deepak. You have to watch the entire video though to provide context but you can still get an idea from watching it from where I've time-stamped. What Jean Houston and Deepak say are "good?" Good how? They say a lot of nice sounding things, sure. But there's not a whole lot of substance. If you think Deepak Chopra makes more sense than Michael Shermer then I'm not sure that we will get any further in our discourse. You can believe whatever you want to believe. But please don't make claims and try to pass them off as truth. There is no evidence to support that NLP can change the world if we just practice it and we can find the truth if we just look for it. If you have all of the answers and it seems to be so easy, then why isn't everyone on board? Why aren't scientists all over the world championing this? Because the MSM is using NLP in a negative way to brainwash the masses? I don't need NLP to protect myself from manipulation. Thankfully I have my critical, skeptical and logical-thinking brain for that. NLP is just obfuscation. I think @kaylee is right, you'd be a hit with the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists on Coast to Coast. At least they'd be easier to influence. Good day! Did you read the link you posted on NLP? Most of the replies backed up NLP as a useful tool. NLP is a form of hypnosis. Is hypnosis real or pseudoscience? They are both tools, and both can help people heal their minds and improve their lives. The pentagon, military, and large multinational corporations all use NLP. People in power would prefer you believed it to be bunk and ignored it. Is John Sarnow a legitimate scientist and MD? He found the mind-body connection with pain: https://www.amazon.com/Healing-Back-Pain-Mind-Body-Connection/dp/0446557684 . Here's another book on the mind-body connection with general pain: https://www.amazon.com/Great-Pain-Deception-Faulty-Medical/dp/0615462219/ . These concepts are taught in NLP- tools to program the unconscious mind to heal both the mind and the body (which form feedback loops; yoga and meditation also help to break negative feedback loops in the mind-body system). Do you think there are people who want this information suppressed? Maybe surgeons and big Pharma due to lost profits? I'm not recommending you do anything illegal in your state/country or anything you are uncomfortable with. I am recommending that if you use alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, or sugar/processed foods, that you give them all up and/or highly minimize usage as those substances are all harmful drugs. Not only hard on your biological body, but also harmful to your mind and to those around you from the resulting behavior. I do recommend that you read Terence McKenna's book Food of the Gods (Jim Carey will be playing him in an upcoming movie). MJ used to be illegal (politics dating back to hemp paper, then later with big Pharma protecting its profits). DMT is now in clinical trials to help with a variety of issues- someday it will be completely legal again, just like MJ (DMT is legal in ayahuasca for religious ceremonies in certain cases only right now beyond clinical trials). If you want to help the world, study DMT and voice support for legalization (minimally by prescription as MJ started out). Pharma SSRI, opioid, and similar meds are highly toxic and in the long run don't work (just another addictive profit tool for big Pharma; they're not looking to cure anything or heal anyone, only to make continuous profits forever). Alcohol and cigarettes are used by people to deal with stress with terrible long term consequences. Regarding the physicist and Deepok. The man started talking about locality and non-locality (non-locality describes non-local quantum effects, of which entanglement is part, however not required). Deepok brought up infinity (which in essence is a never ending process, like an infinite loop in software) the man agreed with Deepok's point on infinity, and they moved on. What specific exchange and points was Deepok schooled on? For example, when I said Deepok and Jean's comments were good, they were talking specifically about working together to provide solutions and helping each other vs using science for building weapons and promoting war. Can you provide a single specific example which illustrates your point that Deepok was schooled? I provided links to articles on scientific studies which show that positive thought effects are real and it works. Your response is that is confirmation bias because I don't have critical thinking skills since I don't reject all MSM as brainwashing? You're joking again, right? You're using a classic tactic in politics- accusing me of doing what you are doing. NLP calls this Perception is Projection. Your mind is a kind of computer. Your eyes cameras, ears microphones, nose olfactory sensor, body somatosensory input devices. Your consciousness is a kind of simulation, only to you it is not a simulation, it is primary. Everything you perceive is warped by your own personal filters, different from everyone else in the universe. You can't help insulting me in this debate because you are running on autopilot, unaware of your behavior, and this behavior is running in the software of your unconscious mind (you said you’d apologize if I pointed it out and you did not, and you keep doing it). When presented with information that challenges your worldview, you ignore it or throw distractions or insults, then move on to another topic. This is all happening without you being aware of it, right? Or are you doing it consciously? I truly hope that this experience will wake you up, and that you'll then help wake up others. Don't you feel better when you help people vs. insulting/harming them? This post will upset your ego and you'll get over it, but perhaps not before you throw more insults (I won’t take it personally, if it makes you feel good, go right ahead). You said you’d watch the video on Predatory Capitalism? Here it as again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-K8bf6dbYt4 . Comments? 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jcs Posted January 15, 2017 Share Posted January 15, 2017 On 1/13/2017 at 11:23 PM, kaylee said: @jcs youre so fluent at talking about all this stuff terrance mckenna etc u should be a guest on coast to coast am when youve got more content to promote, you could be really good. im sure youve heard of c2c. also a more accessible platform could be darkness radio, the host dave does c2c on the weekends so u never kno ? We have discussed contacting Coast to Coast as we both have contacts there. I contacted George Knapp (area 51, Bob Lazar stories) when we studied NLP in Vegas, however he was busy and we're not primarily focussed on UFOs or Area 51. There is something possibly very interesting going on in Antarctica- a discovery of a lost civilization, (advanced technology ruins), a break-away civilization (with advanced technology- zero point energy, antigravity, etc.), or aliens from other planets or universes. All these subjects are fascinating, as is the human mind and the nature of reality itself. While most of the reports of these things are bunk, hoaxes, etc., a few are very compelling, especially military, commercial pilots, and astronaut reports. The central theme of Cosmic Flow is mind expansion and healing. While my day jobs are executive leadership positions and I have no issues speaking to live audiences, my on camera performance needs work. Jacqui is a trained actress and comedian (+ hypnotherapist and NLP coach) and thus we've focused on putting the best talent in front of the camera. We'll both be talking at the Conscious Life Expo in LA Sunday February 12th (George Noory will be there (c2c), as will Sean Stone (Oliver Stone's son; we had him on Cosmic Flow as a guest talking about Aliens/UFOs)). Jacqui will be talking about past lives and I'll be talking about nutrition and health (we'll be selling my e-book on recommended supplements and experiences with nutrition and healing myself after facing death a few times (started after being poisoned with gadolinium for an MRA (MRI with contrast)). Facing death completely changes one's view on life. There is a way to experience facing death without actually almost dying: DMT can do it and especially 5MeO-DMT. I used to eat junk and didn't listen to people recommending that I stop and eat healthy, so I completely understand when people won't listen to truth- I ignored it too until facing death. Many people won't quit smoking, drinking, or eating junk until having a heart attack, stroke, or cancer, etc., and a doctor tells them you have a choice. Change your ways or die (some people still choose death, and that's OK too). kaylee 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Don Kotlos Posted January 30, 2017 Share Posted January 30, 2017 Apparently this not a fair poll, cause DT keeps reminding us every single day what a clusterfuck this election was for the whole world. Unfortunately, humanity tends to fuck things up really well before improving them again. But I guess that means that there is hope. Unless we annihilate ourselves. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
norliss Posted January 30, 2017 Share Posted January 30, 2017 The British vote to leave the European Union aka 'Brexit'. Or 'CollossalFuckUp' as I call it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mkabi Posted January 30, 2017 Share Posted January 30, 2017 Pretty soon, the people of the republic of North Korea, I mean the people of the republic of the United States, I mean the people of the United States will start believing everything coming out of DT's mouth. tigerbengal 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eleison Posted January 30, 2017 Share Posted January 30, 2017 23 minutes ago, mkabi said: Pretty soon, the people of the republic of North Korea, I mean the people of the republic of the United States, I mean the people of the United States will start believing everything coming out of DT's mouth. Well, he did say he was going to ban Muslims from coming in. He did say he was going to start building a wall... He did say he was going to tax companies moving production outside of the united states.. etc., etc...... Donald Trump has been pretty transparent as to what he is going to do and what he isn't... These were his campaign promises. It's not like he's hiding these ideas behind some sort of rhetoric. Just today, he said he was going to fix the H1b1 visa program (where US companies lay off employees in order to hire cheap labor) and it seems like his team is getting an execute order ready that will hopefully fix this issue. Perhaps it's time to believe what is coming out of DT's mouth. He's the president and, he likes to keep his promises. How refreshing people who promises something, and actually deliver. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
norliss Posted January 31, 2017 Share Posted January 31, 2017 15 hours ago, eleison said: Well, he did say he was going to ban Muslims from coming in. He did say he was going to start building a wall... He did say he was going to tax companies moving production outside of the united states.. etc., etc...... Donald Trump has been pretty transparent as to what he is going to do and what he isn't... These were his campaign promises. It's not like he's hiding these ideas behind some sort of rhetoric. Just today, he said he was going to fix the H1b1 visa program (where US companies lay off employees in order to hire cheap labor) and it seems like his team is getting an execute order ready that will hopefully fix this issue. Perhaps it's time to believe what is coming out of DT's mouth. He's the president and, he likes to keep his promises. How refreshing people who promises something, and actually deliver. I think it's the things that are happening behind the scenes that you should be worried about.... tigerbengal 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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