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Taking Lenses - brands, version and mounts?


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I've have an Iscorama that is getting rehoused at the moment - and i'm looking for some taking lenses (vintage) - but i'm not quite sure what to look for. I would prefer a set - like 50mm, 85mm, 135mm - and 28mm and 35mm for use without the Isco - and maybe even a 200mm


But what brand to choose. Any recommendations - i'm shooting with a Canon 5D mkIII?


I'm thinking Nikon AiS, Zuiko, Yashica, Pentax, Zeiss, Zenits etc. Preferably, I guess, a set from the same manufactor / time period, so that they match or have somewhat of the same characteristics/look.


I have a Zenit Helios 58mm 44-2. I like it. Nice build, not tack sharp, but I like the look. Can I match that with something else. I been looking at the Tair 11 - but i'm not sure if they would match up?


What to look for, if you want good sharpness, something that doesnt destroy the Iscorama-flare, nice characteristics/looks - and doesn't cost a fortune?

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Yep the Tair 11 does match & is very nice - actually excellent!

You could also get a Jupiter 9 85mm f2 or if you're feeling extravagant the Helios 40-2 85mm f1.5 (they've just released brand new ones, so you don't have to go secondhand).

All made by KMZ.


The one thing that i found with the Helios 44-2, was that it took a few buys to get a sharp one (zebra MMZ version was a winner for me) - but they cost between £10-20 & are the easiest lenses to take apart & clean/refurbish, a child could do it!

Together with the helios 44-2 & the Mir 1b 37mm, this is my lens set of choice with my Iscorama - great vintage looks. 


A lot of people say these lenses aren't sharp, but in my experience it just means they got a bad copy!

I had a whole set of Contax Zeiss a few years back & sold them - just didn't like the look anymore, horrible/sterile.

If you like the Russian look, then stick with it - some other brands will set you back a lot more.

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My Helios plays much better with the anamorphic than my Contax Zeiss set... it's weird, but true.


Sharp focus is easy with Helios, but really hard with Zeiss Contax 50mm. Probably the simplicity of the glass and coatings.

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I'll stick with Bioskop's tips. I do have the same russian set (Mir, Helios, Jupiter and Tair) and they are absolutely amazing. I got the single-coated versions, so they do flare a bit too much, but it's still pleasant. hahaha


As for the 200mm, I went with a Meyer-Gorlitz, f/4, which is also good looking, but a bit too dark for my taste. A simple lens, as well, quite easy to disassemble.


I'm curious about the mod as well. Can you give us more info on that?

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i've actually been enjoying the contax zeiss lenses, only have the 35/2.8, 50mm/1.4 and 135/2.8,... but the 85's and 100's are meant to be nice too.


they're affordable for the slower 2.8/3.5 versions, US$300-400, and are loverly to shoot with, sharp and contrasty,... almost too sharp, but they complement the not as sharp or micro-contrasty helios, mir and jupiter 9 i also enjoy shooting with.


it depends on what you're looking for,.. the russian stuff is more filmic/cinematic, but the contax zeiss, being sharper, is a bit more modern looking. here's a still from a project i'm working on,... the 50mm on a GH2:




the 135/2.8 is affordable,..about $200, not as good a reputation as the others, and you need to stop it down a bit. but other than that, the 85, 100, and up are all meant to be pretty decent.


i've found them no harder than anything else to focus with, but then i normally stop down to f2.8 on the GH2,... might be harder to nail focus on 5D at 2.8 maybe, shallower dof? the helios is very easy to focus with though.


the zooms, while nice, have a front that rotates while focusing which could make it a pain for anamorphic,... i'm still trying to decide on how much of a masochist i am,... :P

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Thanks for all the info. I will try the soviets and the old zeiss' - new cold war coming up :)


If finances allow, maybe I should buy a warm flair prone set - and a set with clean blueish no-flare multicoated lenses. Anyone tried old Hasselblad lenses?


Regarding the conversion/rehousing - it's the one from Van Dieme. Optics rehoused, converted to 58mm screw on. Short focus performance improved. Cleaned and lubricated. Focus-gearing added - and new focus scale engraved with either metric or US scale. Maybe you also get name or company name engraved - not sure about the last one. Price 800 pounds - roughly 1200 USD. You get a 2.5% discount if you pay everything in advance. Delivery normally 60 days after they receive lens and payment.


I'll post before-and-now pics when I get i back.

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Forgot the Super-Takumars which are v.sharp & work really well with an Iscorama - added bonus is that they're a hell of a lot cheaper than the Ziess lenses.

The Meyer lenses are good too (lovely colours & contrast) - the stand out ones are the 100,135 & 200mm

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for the 5d sensor? I'd suggest a set of Rollei Zeiss primes. 50mm f1.4, 85mm f2.8, 135mmf2.8 Maybe a bit of vignette on the 50mm but the 85mm will be stunning. I use 35, 50, 85 and 135 on an iscorama 36 with aps-c sensor, and have been playing with the idea of a van diemen mod however I have also thought about machining a custom rehousing to match the rollei zeiss styling.

This is the type im refering to:-http://www.ebay.com/itm/Carl-Zeiss-Sonnar-85mm-F2-8-f-Rollei-Rolleiflex-QBM-/380447471625?pt=DE_Foto_Camcorder_Objektive&hash=item58946fb809&ssPageName=RSS:B:SHOP:US:101

The 85mm is such a good match for the iscorama, as is the beautiful 135mm sonnar.
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ps.  Also take a look at my topic about custom taking lenses.  At the moment only 58mm is ready, but we will do a 35mm, 90mm and 135mm soon.  They'll be a little more expensive, but still very reasonable and if you got a set we would match each lens with similar contrast and colour, or remove the optical coatings all together for a very low contrast look - which will be superb on a Iscorama, as I have found with the 58mm.  Andrew here at EOSHD has been sent one with this in mind.  Tinted to match the single coated iscorama.  Hopefully he will chime in when he has had a chance to play with it:)

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just thought I'd mention this,...


been playing with my contax zeiss 135 f2.8 and my shigascope and they're not getting along.


i seem to have to stop down to atleast 5.6 before things get decently infocus,... any larger and it's horrible.


@jgharding does this sound like the trouble that you had with your 50mm?


i got mine from an auction so i cant vouch for it not being a lemon, where as my 35 was from a proper shop, and my 50 was listed as having been checked as well.

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just thought I'd mention this,...


been playing with my contax zeiss 135 f2.8 and my shigascope and they're not getting along.


i seem to have to stop down to atleast 5.6 before things get decently infocus,... any larger and it's horrible.


@jgharding does this sound like the trouble that you had with your 50mm?


i got mine from an auction so i cant vouch for it not being a lemon, where as my 35 was from a proper shop, and my 50 was listed as having been checked as well.


Yes, that's precisely my experience.


It's not the quality of the copy I'd say, I have many Zeiss lenses I used for years before getting an anamorphic. They're amazing alone, but can't focus well with  attachments. At one point I had an MM and an AE 50mm 1.4 and neither worked till closed down


My theory is that the coatings and makeup just aren't conducive to "shooting through". They're amazing when you shoot spherical though. Obviously not everything requires the extra level of detachment anamorphic gives, so they're great for this.

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that's odd,...


my 50mm f1.4 is an AE, 35mm f2.8 is an MM and they both work well wide open. the f1.4 in particular works better at 1.4 than my 50 takumar which was a pain till after f2.8


it's pretty hard to nail focus at 1.4 so i normally use f2 on the zeiss,.. but on the takumar f1.4 was impossible, and f2 not as bad but not worth the effort compared to f2.8.


the zeiss 135 is an MM and is being a bit of a bitch up to 5.6 in sunny conditions.


oh well, good reason to try something else :D

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Well. The Zeiss/Contax auction ended at around 2500 euro - somewhat more than I was hoping to spend. I chickened out at 2000 euros. But it was a super fine collection - but to expensive for me :) And with some possible troubles converting the 28mm, 35mm and 3 x 50mm's for use with the Canon 5D mkIII - it didnt dare to take the risk.


Although the Vario-Sonnar 70-210 f/3.5 macro - I would have loved.


Back at looking for old russian M42's again :)

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@jgharding i would really appreciate it if you could try the 85 and any other contaxes you might have,... you wouldnt happen to have the 100mm f3.5 would you?


as you mentioned, they're gorgeous without an anamorphic so i'm thinking i might just wind up mixing anamorphic and spherical for the long  and wide angle shots,.. they should mix well.


@tommykristensen my condolences  :P


the vario sonnars have a rotating front which will be a bit of a bitch with anamorphic, and apparently the 3D zeiss pop is not as strong after about 135mm,... but yeah they should be very tasty on their own.


also my helios 44 was a beater lens before me so i got it real cheap,... wasnt too happy with it till i decided to open her up with no experience of opening up a lens,... turns out someone didnt put her back properly, but it was real easy to fix and i dont know the first thing about lenses,... as Bioskop says, a child could do it. mine's razor sharp now.

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