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Nikon V1 - shooting 4K 60fps raw for $200

Andrew Reid

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Hello, I found a recurring typo/formatting error in the code you posted - 

In script 1, it should be:

ln -s "$i" img$(printf %d $x).tif

In script 2, it should equally be ("%" between "img" and "d"):

ffmpeg -y -r 24 -force_fps -i img%d.tif -c:v prores_kostya -profile:v 3 -qscale:v 9 -vendor ap10 -pix_fmt yuv422p10le -r 24 $i.mov


Here's a combined script that combines or two efforts into one single-run script. It also checks every directory whether it contains tiff files before descending into it:



for folder in */; do
    if [ $(ls $folder/*.tif* 2> /dev/null | wc -l) != 0 ]
        cd $folder
        folder=$(echo $folder | sed -e "s//$//")

        for file in *.tif* ; do
            ln -s $file tmp$(printf %03d $count).tif

        ffmpeg -threads 8 -r 24 -force_fps -i tmp%03d.tif 
        -c:v prores_kostya -profile:v 3 -qscale:v 9 -vendor ap10 
        -pix_fmt yuv422p10le -r 24 ../$folder.mov

        rm tmp*.tif
        cd ..
Works fine for me.






  • Immediately after that, run this script to create the symlinks img01.tif - img30.tif so that FFMPEG can batch the files:
    for i in */; do
        cd $i
        for i in *.tif; do
            ln -s "$i" img$(printf d $x).tif
        cd ..
  • Finally, run FFMPEG to convert the TIFF files to ProRes 422 HQ video files:
    for i in */; do
        cd $i
        ffmpeg -y -r 24 -force_fps -i imgd.tif -c:v prores_kostya -profile:v 3 -qscale:v 9 -vendor ap10 -pix_fmt yuv422p10le -r 24 $i.mov
        cd ..
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It works.




And if I remember correctly, you can convert your .nef files to .psds and premiere pro will import those directly as image sequences.  But the files are huge then, you do have the option to run photoshop scripts to noise reduce, sharpen, nik software modify your files once they are .psd files, as well, in photoshop.




Your suggestion is a great one.  By far the best workflow suggested so far.


I was hoping to get the V1 raw burst mode output into Resolve, but at the moment it is a no go.   So your suggestion to use Adobe products seems the most sensible for today.


I don't have After Effects, but I wonder if it could be used as one member suggested to intake the 30 NEF files, and output a CinemaDNG clip that Resolve could work with?


If anyone gets this working, I would have to go purchase AE.



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Hello, I found a recurring typo/formatting error in the code you posted - 

In script 1, it should be:

ln -s "$i" img$(printf %d $x).tif

In script 2, it should equally be ("%" between "img" and "d"):

ffmpeg -y -r 24 -force_fps -i img%d.tif -c:v prores_kostya -profile:v 3 -qscale:v 9 -vendor ap10 -pix_fmt yuv422p10le -r 24 $i.mov


Thanks. I think the auto-parser on this forum stripped it out. Your auto-bucket perl script is pretty awesome!

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Hello, I'm very impressed with your end result and if I had a mac platform, I would cope with running these scripts.


I'm still hoping to find a way to use the raw burst mode of the V1 in Resolve.


Andrew is going to see if he can find a tool to facilitate this and that will be awesome if it works out.


On my Windows platform, I have been able to use Nikon ViewNX2 to create TIFFs and Resolve imports that sequence fine at full resolution, however unlike you I don't have any quality footage to post yet, but the quality of your workflow looks great.  Thanks for sharing it.




You can also do this on Windows if you use Cygwin, or similar, but it's more of a pain to setup. This should also work on Linux or any other UNIX-like platforms without much changing. Someone could also port the scripts to Windows...

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Here is my first test clips with Nikon 1 V1. I am considering to get another v1 instead of a v2 for better value (i.e., an extra battery, an alternative camera). Over heating is my main concern.


Capture with Nikon 1 v1 in RAW (12bits, 4:4:4, sRGB) at 30fps (Electronic shutter Hi.) Import all NEF files (10,132 KB each) in Lightroom 4. I use Timelaspe presets for Lightroom from LRTimelapse. Render out in full-HD 24fps at a half speed. No color grading to show the sensor's output; lower highlights in post.  I did not use ND or polarizing filter this time; the step-up adapter is on its way.


The original MP4 file looks great. High scene complexity with no macro blocks. Compression from Vimeo or YouTube is poor. You may download the original file from Vimeo for local viewing.







Nikon 1 v1 firmware 1.21



Nikon software updates


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It works.




And if I remember correctly, you can convert your .nef files to .psds and premiere pro will import those directly as image sequences.  But the files are huge then, you do have the option to run photoshop scripts to noise reduce, sharpen, nik software modify your files once they are .psd files, as well, in photoshop.

Thanks!  I'm off to try this myself.



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One more update: As with Nikon SLR cameras, adapted third-party lenses only work in manual mode, and there's no exposure metering with them. You need to expose by guessing from the results on the display.

I've used my V1 hooked up directly to a Questar telescope (through the FT1 adapter) and it handled exposure metering. Focus is manual, however.

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I've used my V1 hooked up directly to a Questar telescope (through the FT1 adapter) and it handled exposure metering. Focus is manual, however.


What a coincidence - I just bought an FT1 adapter, too, and indeed exposure metering and manual focus aid (with display enlargement) works, even with old manual Nikkor lenses. - For all other lens adapters, exposure metering and focusing aid are unavailable though.

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What a coincidence - I just bought an FT1 adapter, too, and indeed exposure metering and manual focus aid (with display enlargement) works, even with old manual Nikkor lenses. - For all other lens adapters, exposure metering and focusing aid are unavailable though.

Are you saying that the V1 with the FT1 adapter will allow a manual "focusing aid" with the Manual focus AiS Nikkors? The list of manual focus lenses that Nikon says works with the FT1 adapter is very small. I did not notice if the FT1 will offer a "manual focus aid" for older Nikkor lenses. That's big news if the focusing aid can work. I'd also like to know if the FT1adapter works with more AiS Nikkors than their website suggests.

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Idea to increase dynamic range of Nikon 1 v1 burst mode RAW footage: in post, increase exposure in odd number frames and decrease exposure in even number frames. This is possible because of RAW capture.


Good or bad idea?


Or just apply a HRD preset to all frames in Lightroom 4.








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Are you saying that the V1 with the FT1 adapter will allow a manual "focusing aid" with the Manual focus AiS Nikkors?


I can only confirm this for the V2 (as I no longer own a V1). Manual focusing aid and exposure metering works with all Nikon bayonet mount lenses - no matter whether Ai-s, Ai or pre-Ai. Even primitive 3rd party manual focuses lenses do work (and even lenses adapted to the Nikon mount).

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Idea to increase dynamic range of Nikon 1 v1 burst mode RAW footage: in post, increase exposure in odd number frames and decrease exposure in even number frames. This is possible because of RAW capture.


Good or bad idea?


Bad idea. The Magic Lantern solution is a hack around the limitations of compressed 8bit capture. 

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I can only confirm this for the V2 (as I no longer own a V1). Manual focusing aid and exposure metering works with all Nikon bayonet mount lenses - no matter whether Ai-s, Ai or pre-Ai. Even primitive 3rd party manual focuses lenses do work (and even lenses adapted to the Nikon mount).

The only exceptions I've found are 3rd party lenses with vibration reduction. For example, when I mount my Sigma 150-500 I get a message that a lens is required to take pictures :)
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I've also created a Vimeo channel "nikon1raw filmmaking" at vimeo.com/channels/nikon1raw . Would be great if others joined and shared their work.


Replaced this channel with a group of the same name: vimeo.com/groups/nikon1raw . The advantage of a group over a channel is that anyone can add videos. Everyone who has participated in this discussion thread is cordially invited to use this group for further exchange!

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