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iscorama 36 VS. iscorama

Giulio Dimitri

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Hello! maybe you already talked about this, but can't find where.

What is the difference between






and this





for instance, between the well known iscorama 36 (labeled iscorama - anamorphot - 1.5x - 36 - isco gottingen)

and the iscorama (labeled iscorama - lens made in germany - serial number - isco gottingen)

you can find in several mounts?



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First link broken. 2nd link shows my mutli-coated Iscorama 36. The original "Iscorama" has a smaller 30mm rear element instead of 36mm and came together with a Isco 50mm F2.8 taking lens in variety of mounts (i.e. M42, Nikon, etc.). It is single coated, not multi-coated. Flares nicely, and coverage is about the same despite the smaller rear element. Usable out to 24mm on the GH3, 30mm (2x crop) on the GH2 (1.86x crop), 35mm on APS-C and 50mm on full frame.

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brilliant.Thanks Andrew. So, the "other iscorama" may be considered made out of the same quality of the iscorama 36.It is much easier to find though, i'm chasing one on ebay not cosmetically perfect and untested.hope it's not a piece of crap.What is the best way to couple it with a taking lens?redstan adapter, or a couple of spacers and a step down ring?

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I have one labelled 'iscorama - anamorphot - 1.5x - 36 - isco gottingen' on the front and it has a distinctly different front element colour to your above photo of Andrews isco36.  Mine has a very faint amber coating, no blue or purple to be seen on mine.  I have seen ones labelled like mine and the same as on image of Andrews, but with 'MC' added to the labelling.  These had a blue coating like the above image.  I wonder if Andrews has newer glass in an older body?  Or they were using the older front printed rings without 'MC' on them during a transition from the manufacture of single and multi coated versions?  I suppose being hand made in smaller numbers they will have been less continuity in parts used??

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My belief is that when they switched to making the '36' as a stand-alone adapter, they added multi-coating. That is what gives it the blue/purple tint to the front element, whilst the older lenses have the amber tint from just a single coating.


Later they added 'MC', but the first ones to have multi-coating were not labeled as having it, leading to some confusion now. I thought I was buying a single coated version because it lacked the 'MC' designation.


So it goes something like this...


1968-69 - Iscorama, single coated

70-75 - Iscorama 36, multi-coated

From some point in the 70's or 80's they added 'MC' lettering on the front of the lens

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  • 2 months later...

Dear Andrew,

Glad to meet someone who knows Iscorama lenses.

Can you tell me which Iscorama I do own?

I guess it is an "original iscorama" with an Isco 50mm F2,8 lens (nikon).


I would like to know what are the different options I have to use this anamorphic element with other lenses on APS-C (usable out to 35mm as you said).

- I would like to have closer focus (diopter 0,5 seems a good solution?)

- I would like to have 35mm, 50mm (this one i have), 85mm lenses. Which lenses can fit and how?

- What about the Redstan's rehoused anamorphic? How much is it? 


Thanks a lot.






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Julien, you have a great lens there.


the EOS HD anamorphic guide covers a lot of what you are asking. But some quick answers:


Yes you will need a diopter for close focus, the tokina 0.4 (rare, goes for about $420 on ebay) is the gold standard, you can also pickup

a cheapy set like hoyas +1 +2 to complement it, but the tokina is an proper achromat and actually improves the IQ too.


Simple prime lenses work best as the taking lens. Commonly used are vintage russian glass, I use Mir 24, helios, jupiter 9, and the tair. this group gives you a 35mm, a 58mm, 85mm and a 135mm...pretty good coverage :) simple and relatively cheap lenses that work great with your anamorphic adapter.



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Redstan aka Alan, or on this forum known as Tony wilson is a great place/person to buy stuff from. Many of us on the forum got our clamps and achromats from him. Not sure if Tony is still in buisness with those items, but you should ask him.


If you can't get a red stan clamp, next best thing is the Vid atlantic clamp. The tokina achromats pop up occasionaly on ebay, I am going to be selling one myself next week.

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I actually just bought four $5 49mm UV filters, smashed out the glass, then I use those as a collar on the taking lens, somtimes i need 1 or 2 sometimes i need 4, depends on the depth of the front element of the taking lens, then I just screw the other end of my uv collar to the isco (my isco has a 49mm rear thread).  works well, but I imagine most folks are using redstan clamps.


Hope that helps

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julien, im not a fan of the vamp clamp.
it has metal screws scratching up the body of your iscorama which would depreciate the value if you were to resell. at least try to replace it with some strong plastic screws if the redstans are not available.
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