mercer Posted March 22, 2017 Share Posted March 22, 2017 32 minutes ago, OliKMIA said: What do you guys think about Kennedy assassination btw ? Oswald was a patsy. Should college students carry firearms to protect themselves during mass shootings on campus ? Sure if they are licensed to carry a concealed weapon. Are people in UK stupid to have voted for the Brexit ? No, why should the British citizens pay to prop up other nations and also risk the stress it will do on their own economy. Why is Marine le Pen so popular in France ? What the fuck is France? Do you think Russia was behind the Democrat/Hillary email hack ? No probably maybe. What happened to the MH370 flight ? Is someone hiding something ? Bermuda Triangle grew. Are Muslim terrorists a deviant form of a peaceful religion or the visible part of an intrinsically violent Islamic culture ? Technically moderate muslims are the radicals. Can't wait to hear your opinions. No Godwin points please. Courtesy first IronFilm and OliKMIA 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kaylee Posted March 22, 2017 Share Posted March 22, 2017 omg what have i done ? SORRY sorry sorry no more 911 posts ever i promise Emanuel 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
webrunner5 Posted March 22, 2017 Share Posted March 22, 2017 1 hour ago, OliKMIA said: What do you guys think about Kennedy assassination btw ? Well something to do about Marilyn Monroe, bad boys. Should college students carry firearms to protect themselves during mass shootings on campus ? AK-47's for all. Are people in UK stupid to have voted for the Brexit ? Wow I am not touching that with a ten foot pole since Andrew is, "A British Filmmaker" Why is Marine le Pen so popular in France ? Well I think she looks hot, but then I am going on 70! Do you think Russia was behind the Democrat/Hillary email hack ? Ah that Putin is a pretty sneaky bastard. What happened to the MH370 flight ? Is someone hiding something ? Yeah the plane! Are Muslim terrorists a deviant form of a peaceful religion or the visible part of an intrinsically violent Islamic culture ? Muslim, peaceful, goes sort of against history. Can't wait to hear your opinions. No Godwin points please. Courtesy first Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tigerbengal Posted March 22, 2017 Share Posted March 22, 2017 Amook....just leave and never come's easy,you know .......... go to breitbart , fox news and all the other fake news sites , if you feel better there stay there, we are in the real world and here people can have different opinions and that is fine, this is a free world, not trump reality...DEAL WITH IT!! Cassius McGowan 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jcs Posted March 22, 2017 Share Posted March 22, 2017 3 hours ago, Andrew Reid said: Anyway it just goes to show how insufferable people are becoming You can't even joke about feminism in front of some people without them blocking you or unfriending people are far too sensitive There is a psychological war going on between the powers that be and this is the fallout. If each of us people can refrain from being unkind, no matter what anyone says to us, while still kindly stating our views, and having empathy for those who don't realize they are victims of programming, we can start making progress to having better relationships with each other. We are not separate beings on this planet, we are not separate from our environment, we are all one continuous living being. Separation is an illusion: this is nature and quantum physics. What good is the hand yelling at the foot? Creating another process in your mind, another level of awareness, that watches all your thoughts and actions as a separate being, is how to get started. Another way is to imagine there is always a camera pointed at you, and watching the camera is your ideal self, your significant other, your best friend, God, a jury, whatever construct works for you. Then start meditating every day for at least 5 minutes. matthere and FilmMan 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emanuel Posted March 22, 2017 Share Posted March 22, 2017 Politics is part of life, almost as much as your/our/Andrew's fav cam/film/shot is. We just can't live outside of the bubble for longer than our legs. Inner circles don't help, it doesn't matter whether the side you are. 'Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.' ~ Daniel Patrick Moynihan JazzBox 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Davey Posted March 22, 2017 Share Posted March 22, 2017 Personally, I blame the Rothschilds. mercer 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jcs Posted March 22, 2017 Share Posted March 22, 2017 7 minutes ago, Davey said: Personally, I blame the Rothschilds. Doesn't matter who did what- empathy for them too! What flows through our minds affects our minds and our bodies. Neurons that fire together, wire together. What you think, you become, or create. We can change ourselves, then those around us. You can see where this leads, like a fractal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Axel Posted March 22, 2017 Share Posted March 22, 2017 On the german slashCAM forum, there once was a member who passionately hated his GH2. Said it was in no way a cinema camera and tried to prove why. Started many threads, 800 postings in one month. Then someone called him a troll. He was pissed and asked the administrators to delete his account. They refused, and he edited all his postings (possible there at any time, with a timestamp) with "..." (must have taken him hours). The threads became unreadable. A pity in hindsight, because aggressively criticising something makes others find better arguments, and everybody actually learns something. EOSHD has fewer trolls, there is more moderation, and it seems to me germans are not so polite among themselves. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
webrunner5 Posted March 22, 2017 Share Posted March 22, 2017 43 minutes ago, jcs said: There is a psychological war going on between the powers that be and this is the fallout. If each of us people can refrain from being unkind, no matter what anyone says to us, while still kindly stating our views, Oh, there are people that are UNKIND as hell. I made a pretty small living killing some of them years ago for the US Navy. Never lost a minutes sleep. jonpais 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jcs Posted March 22, 2017 Share Posted March 22, 2017 19 minutes ago, webrunner5 said: Oh, there are people that are UNKIND as hell. I made a pretty small living killing some of them years ago for the US Navy. Never lost a minutes sleep. Think about it like this- those folks were infected with a virus or were like cancer. You were part of the immune system, helping the body to heal. In cases of life or death or warfare, it's unfortunate that people must die, especially if the warriors are fighting for someone else's cause and don't really want to be in battle. Online and via social media is perfect place to practice kindness. We can stop, take a breath, and take our time to respond. My favorite movie is The Last Samurai. Kindness is not weakness. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
webrunner5 Posted March 22, 2017 Share Posted March 22, 2017 15 minutes ago, jcs said: Think about it like this- those folks were infected with a virus or were like cancer. You were part of the immune system, helping the body to heal. In cases of life or death or warfare, it's unfortunate that people must die, especially if the warriors are fighting for someone else's cause and don't really want to be in battle. Online and via social media is perfect place to practice kindness. We can stop, take a breath, and take our time to respond. My favorite movie is The Last Samurai. Kindness is not weakness. Well I sort of killed the people, that sort of told the people to kill the other people, well us, me. They Were evil, or at least they did drink a lot of the Koolaide and damn sure believed it. I guess it is a virus, I am afraid most humans fall in that category. even your next door neighbor can well be pretty evil at times. Oh hell , I will be the first to admit being mister "Nice Guy" on the web is hard as hell to do. That is one reason I don't do DPR anymore. I don't care how hard I try to Convey something on there, someone is out to Kill your ass right or wrong. There are a Ton of people on there that have NO clue about video, I can understand that, but they think it is stupid to have it in cameras, anyone that uses it is stupid, and if you comment they say you are wrong even if you are right. Drives me crazy. So F DPR. So fortunately this forum seems to be pretty, on average, sane. But I guess that is subject to change on all of us at times, well hopefully not a Lot of times. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jcs Posted March 22, 2017 Share Posted March 22, 2017 2 minutes ago, webrunner5 said: Oh hell , I will be the first to admit being mister "Nice Guy" on the web is hard as hell to do. That is one reason I don't do DPR anymore. I don't care how hard I try to Convey something on there, someone is out to Kill your ass right or wrong. There are a Ton of people on there that have NO clue about video, I can understand that, but they think it is stupid to have it in cameras, anyone that uses it is stupid, and if you comment they say you are wrong even if you are right. Drives me crazy. So F DPR. So fortunately this forum seems to be pretty, on average, sane. But I guess that is subject to change on ll of us at times, well hopefully not a Lot of times. In order to be angry at someone, you've first got to have something in your own mind that you are projecting on the other person to be angry about. Think about why that is and you can start not being angry at others (as often ). If someone tells you you are wrong when you are right, who are you really getting angry at? If you are completely confident and at peace with yourself, you won't get angry, maybe even chuckle in those cases. Sometimes they'll be right- accept that too, then you'll be right again! leeys and Jimbo 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
webrunner5 Posted March 22, 2017 Share Posted March 22, 2017 Well I don't really like to admit this, not proud of it, but I was trained to do a job, and I ended up at being Damn good at it, and it, changed my life forever. I guess I see the evil I was trained to eliminate in more and more people as of late. I don't know if it is because of desperation on their part, but I can tell you there are some damn dangerous, evil bastards out there now that there ever was when I was younger. So I don't see this going away, I see it as a real Virus like you state. I am not talking just ISIS people here, I am talking people down the street from you, on drugs, unemployed, mad as hell, you name it, but they are there and they are Not going away any time soon. Am I going to go out and kill them, well I gave that shit up a LONG time ago. But I see a pattern, and it ain't good. not good at all, brewing. It is evil people, and will stop at nothing as the old saying goes. Be ready to grab your ass, because it is going to get a lot uglier before it gets better, mark my word. And it ain't got shit to do with religion, or politics, or being kind, they don't give a shit about you or anybody... Been there done that. They just want some one to blame, get in their way and well, you know the rest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jcs Posted March 22, 2017 Share Posted March 22, 2017 Selfish people out to hurt others are like cancer. Indeed one is right to protect life. Online we are safe, and there we can practice kindness until it's a good habit. When confronted by those who wish to physically harm us, we fight with honor, without hate. This helps the warrior after the fight is over to lead a peaceful life. @webrunner5 thank you for your service, brother. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mercer Posted March 22, 2017 Share Posted March 22, 2017 jcs, you are one of the most interesting m&fers I've ever "met." Lots of knowledge... some of it is a little out there but your intentions seem pure... fight the good fight my man. jcs, leeys, webrunner5 and 1 other 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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