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NAB 2017 has been disappointing...


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Less than 20k for a 3 lens anamorphic set looks like a big deal. 40mm as the widest is not ideal but they plan a 32mm in the future. The terra 5k is not "new" but is not shipping yet so is new to me, it now has an e mount adapter option and with it you basically have every lens ever made as an option. And it's lightweight to hold handheld and with the battery in the handgrip it can shoot for an hour and a half. The lights where intriguing and glidecam has a new $700 horizon motor for their stabilizers. Those where good things for me this year.

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3 hours ago, Emanuel said:

Add a few hundred bucks and you can add an external recorder instead...

Yeah the new Blackmagic Video Assist firmware adds a Lot of nice things to it. :glasses: Has to be my new pick. I need the SDI inputs, so even the 5" one works for me.


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It is quite hard for a new companies to come up with an actually usable product. Look at how long it has taken AXIOM to come up with one. How many years did it take BM to be able to ship bug-free cameras within a reasonable time frame and offer semi-decent support? And the competition in this tiny market is pretty hard, just look how quickly Samsung left the market or the exit of Digital Bolex.

If we want to see better & more competitive cameras at lower price points (even from big players) then new camera companies need even more support from the community and certainly not bashing.

Sure if you plan for a shoot now, buying a Terra does not make sense since it is not immediately available and if something goes wrong it might have to go roundtrip to China.   

But vaporware? Hell no. Look at all the footage from people actually using the camera. 

vaporware: software or hardware that has been advertised but is not yet available to buy, either because it is only a concept or because it is still being written or designed 

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Well the Kinefinity Terra is pretty much a Chinese knock off of a Red for nearly Red prices. I don't see the point of having one. Best to just buy a later model Red used, and hey it works, and you have a upgrade path.

Once you get above 8 grand well 2 grand more for a established product is the way to go. You can buy a Sony FS7 for that much money. I just don't see how they can survive. look what happened to Cion, and others. You can't sell cameras for nearly the same money as the top dogs and last.

And you can't show up at a shoot someone is paying you 50 grand to shoot without having a Red or a Arri, is a sad reality of the business. Even a FS7 doesn't cut it, you have to at least have a F5, preferably a F55. I would be the same way if it was my money hanging out.

Heck even the old original Red MX can get the job done if you can stand the boot up times, and the weight of it. You can't beat a Red for the money. A Arri, well rent one or be rich, Way out of most peoples budget.

And sad to say the Panasonic Varicam is not hardly even mentioned. Pretty good camera, well a great camera, that does not get much love. I guess they Need to lower the price pretty big time on it, only thing I see for them to do. I have a comparison video up in the Shooting section that shows it may be too good!

Sort of the same problem Canon seems to have with there top stuff, seems Way overpriced. The C700 is crazy money, and the C300 mkII well they have lowered it, and now the C100 mkII is Reasonable. But it sure as hell wasn't to start with. But then there was the Sony F65, WOW, now that was Expensive new! Might still be the best video camera ever made for the output on it. F35 no slouch either output wise.

I am talking all this stuff I think 90% of us, or more, could never afford. Maybe the older Reds, the Canon mkI that's about it. Nice to dream about them though LoL.

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1 hour ago, Don Kotlos said:

vaporware: software or hardware that has been advertised but is not yet available to buy, either because it is only a concept or because it is still being written or designed 

Right. I just don't buy the fact every NAB they come to announce unrealistic shipping dates plus a pre-order ticket without key when/if people will put their hands soon on it, so vapourware fits fine on the concept.

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The terra 6k is shipping, ready to buy... The thing with the 5k is the same that got us exited about ursa mini at launch: global shutter. And really and cannot stress this enough: it IS handhold able, not shoulder mount heavy, handhold heavy, size wise is close to a 5d (remember the revolution the 5d II made? It wasn't only the price and sensor size, it was also the possibility of using it in your hand in thight spaces, the combination of size, weight, image quality). And ssd  as record media, from them or other vendors.

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Well I will admit Red was just about as bad or worse for how long it drug out. Like I said before on here I actually had a deposit on the original Red One for over 9 months. I just gave up on it ever happening. Jannard was, and is a nice guy, but the Red One was vaporware for hell nearly  for 2 years. So I got my deposit back. I just gave up at that point. Worked out I guess, what I was going to use it for fell through, so... Startup stuff Does take time, but the Terra seems to be REALLY taking their time. This is at least their 3rd NAB.

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3 minutes ago, webrunner5 said:

Well I will admit Red was just about as bad or worse for how long it drug out. Like I said before on here I actually had a deposit on the original Red One for over 9 months. I just gave up on it ever happening. Jannard was, and is a nice guy, but the Red One was vaporware for hell nearly  for 2 years. So I got my deposit back. I just gave up at that point. Worked out I guess, what I was going to use it for fell through, so... Startup stuff Does take time, but the Terra seems to be REALLY taking their time. This is at least their 3rd NAB.

Exactly same stand point here :-)

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38 minutes ago, ntblowz said:

Lucky I dont listen to forum "suggestions" and hold off purchase, consider gh5 is taking a bit of queue on orders atm.  The only thing excite me is the Panasonic cinema camera, time to sell that FS5..

Well word on the DVXuser Forums is it is not going to be a standout on much of anything. I think it will be nice, but more of a C100ish camera. That maybe a hard thing to beat out, a C100, and a FS5. I  mean I am using a AF100A and loving it, but... I see no way they can sell a camera above the cost of 5000 bucks.  Maybe they will surprise us with some new things, I hope so. I am a Big Panny fan. I know I am not alone on here LoL.  But I know it will maybe out of my reach money wise. I don't see how they can top your FS5 for close to the same money. But we will know soon enough I guess.

This thing maybe cheap as hell and be a JVC LS300 competitor?? Who knows. It makes more sense to me. I think there is a void in that segment. You get up into 7, 8 grand you might as well buy a used Red, a used C300 mk something!

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50 minutes ago, Hanriverprod said:

Dracast is releasing these bi-color 1x1 v-mount flexible leds cri and tlci of 95 for $199 and a set of three for $499. Exciting lighting options for budget filmmakers coming out of nab this year. Great times for doc and indie shooters.

Curious decision at that price point to use V lock batteries.

I know Dracast do their own V locks so they'll be happy to sell you some to use with it but they're more than the price of the light itself.

A cheap light for a pro if you've got v locks kicking about already but not having it use NPFs makes it less so for everyone else?

Has anyone tried one of these NPF to V lock adapters?

The no name ones I've seen on Amazon seem to be supplied with a suspiciously large number of spare fuses!


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