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Odyssey7Q turns wimpy Sony FS700 into monstrous 4K raw crunching beast with 15 stops DR!!

Andrew Reid

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Sony FS700


Key specs -

  • 1-60fps 4K raw to DPX format

  • 120fps 4K raw burst mode

  • 240fps 2K raw continuous to Cinema DNG (would love to see the file sizes on that!!)

  • Single 3G HD-SDI link

You won't need Sony's own expensive raw recorder for the F5 to get 4K raw on the FS700. The camera firmware will step it up to being able to deliver 4k over a single 3G HD-SDI connection to the affordable Odyssey7Q monitor / recorder.

[url=http://www.eoshd.com/content/10110/odyssey7q-turns-wimpy-sony-fs700-into-monstrous-4k-raw-crunching-beast-with-15-stops-dr]Read the full article here[/url]
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i think you mixed up the information about the spec of Odyssey7Q and Sony's recorder combo. In the video, Mr. Martinez from Sony USA said that "4K, DPX up to 30fps.". Odyssey7Q can't handle the 60fps and burst mode of 120fps.


but hey, at least we can cross our fingers for future update, hope they might get XAVC codec soon and we can do much more stuff with Odyssey7Q! :)  

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Brilliant stuff! I loved the FS700 slowmo, but the codec really was the weak point. You had to push the black right up in the colour profiles to keep it away from codec destruction! This is brilliant news.


It seems this year there have been a number of great advances.

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Might be wrong, but i think 4K/60p and the 4K/120p burst mode are only available on Sony's own raw recorder.


Odyssey 7Q only seems to do 4K/30p and 2K/240p... But things change fast around NAB time, so maybe they have updated?


I'm very, very close to cancelling the BMCC 4K and getting an FS700.... Then building it into a 4K beast when the dust settles on all the details.

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Key specs -

  • 1-60fps 4K raw to DPX format

  • 120fps 4K raw burst mode

  • 240fps 2K raw continuous to Cinema DNG (would love to see the file sizes on that!!)

  • Single 3G HD-SDI link

You won't need Sony's own expensive raw recorder for the F5 to get 4K raw on the FS700. The camera firmware will step it up to being able to deliver 4k over a single 3G HD-SDI connection to the affordable Odyssey7Q monitor / recorder.

Read the full article here

This is confusing. RAW and DPX are two different formats. Either it's to RAW or it's to DPX.
Also where is this report of 15 stops DR? I don't see it anywhere other than on your website here. Also you said that even compressed in AVCHD mode, it was able to film at 15 stops, which just isn't true. Not by a long shot.


Any additional links on this?

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Close to 15 stops DR in AVCHD comes from a good source, Adam Whit at ProVideoCoalition.


Even if 14 stops is optimistic by Adam, it isn't hard to put two and two together and imagine raw will give you at least an extra stop of clean detail in the highlights or shadows, maybe both.

DPX is simply a container for raw Kahl.

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While those options are nice, you have to pay extra for every single one ofl those features on the odyssey.


Licensing codecs costs money. Would you prefer to pay for what you need, or pay for a bundle of codecs, some of which you'll never use?


Chances are... this approach is actually saving the end user money.

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Convergent Design is approaching the paying-for-extra-recording-options issue a little differently than others, too. You have the option to purchase the recording options/codecs in full, or actually "rent" the licenses as needed, which I would assume is a cheap way of giving you what you'd need when you absolutely have to have 4k raw, without making you pay for it all up front when you mainly shoot 2k.


I'm a little confused, because in the video the Sony guy says the Odessy 7Q will record 2k in CinemaDNG up to 240fps, and 4k DPX up to 30fps, but the specs on the Convergent Design website say HD/2k Raw up to 120fps, and 4k up to 120fps .




If anyone gets clarification, i'd love to know what the capabilities really are. Supposedly prices won't be announced until May, so we don't really know how much cheaper the Odessy option is, exactly -- unless you've got some insider info, Andrew? 


Also, to clarify, according to the Odessy Q7 specs .dpx is a container for their "Uncompressed" video,  and .dng is their Raw format.

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Convergent Design is approaching the paying-for-extra-recording-options issue a little differently than others, too. You have the option to purchase the recording options/codecs in full, or actually "rent" the licenses as needed, which I would assume is a cheap way of giving you what you'd need when you absolutely have to have 4k raw, without making you pay for it all up front when you mainly shoot 2k.


I'm a little confused, because in the video the Sony guy says the Odessy 7Q will record 2k in CinemaDNG up to 240fps, and 4k DPX up to 30fps, but the specs on the Convergent Design website say HD/2k Raw up to 120fps, and 4k up to 120fps .




If anyone gets clarification, i'd love to know what the capabilities really are. Supposedly prices won't be announced until May, so we don't really know how much cheaper the Odessy option is, exactly -- unless you've got some insider info, Andrew? 


Also, to clarify, according to the Odessy Q7 specs .dpx is a container for their "Uncompressed" video,  and .dng is their Raw format.


i think that tech spec on the CD website is more like "this is the maximum number we can reach" kinda stuff. so this time with FS700, like Mr. Martinez from Sony USA says, " Odessy 7Q will record 2k in CinemaDNG up to 240fps, and 4k DPX up to 30fps" is correct spec for us right now. that's my guess.


I think Sony will keep the full spec for FS700's 4K solution with their own products only. I don't know maybe years later we might able to get even XAVC codec option for Odyssey but for now they only gave a bit of taste for Convergent Design and let us choose, you know. 


however, it sounds fair and we can decide whichever we want. we can go cheaper with Odyssey for limited 4K, or we can play with Sony's combo for 4KRAW burst 120fps! CRAZY!!


and of course, we can record 2K240fps anyway! that's amazing!!

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Some more info is coming in...


Recording options (such as raw, 4K, etc.) can be purchased online and activated on the device. They can also be rented for a specific time period and used in demo mode (which adds a watermark).


DNG should be free. That is an open standard and they don't charge an activation / licensing fee for it as far as I know. But if you want compressed 4K raw I think that is chargeable.


Once you buy the codec option outright it stays activated forever on the device. If you rented it the clips stay playable and usable after the rental period for recoding expires


They are expecting ProRes to be added by the end of the year once they sort out Apple licensing, etc.


The media is $1 per GB (240, 480, 960) and propriety. No generic SSDs on this one. The good thing is that the mags are smaller than the usual SSD drives and save space when they slot into the back of the monitor.





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This is certainly welcomed news to me and hope anyone else with an fs700. Glad Sony is being reasonable with us. My question is does the propriety SSD's record singular as in raid0 or can both SSDs hold media? Are 2-240 GB SSD 480 GB of footage or just 240? Thanks! Great info and coverage this year.
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I thought DPX was a format used by video editors to transport raw in an uncompressed way from NLE to NLE. That not right? Can anyone clarify? I've never used this format before in my work.

 DPX is derived from the Kodak Cineon file format. The Cineon was a film scanner. So it was kind of a "RAW" scanner file format. However, it doesn't support Bayer Pattern of stuff like that. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cineon


But yes, it is uncompressed.

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