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New YouTubers and bloggers, who to follow...

Andrew Reid

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On 10/17/2017 at 12:31 AM, Jordan Drake said:

I think Max Yuryev is doing some great work, and certainly deserves more subscribers/views:

The Royal Ocean Film Society post some great think pieces, and film criticism:

I'm also partial to these guys, specifically the dude on the right:


The whole shilling irony is that the main product they are shilling is themselves, it's not even about the brand... it's all about attention, and if shilling for Sony or some other big giant gains them that notoriety then it's all fair game. Whether or not this debases and devalues the entire medium, doesn't enter the conversation on either the side of the creator or the side of the following flock.

So we have a situation now where the journalists are silenced and the shill has taken over, and the medium has turned into cable TV, with a few good quality late night niche channels, but the mainstream ones are just a big sell.

Chris and Jordan started off in my view as quite objective, and all about the cameras, but have become more and more about themselves and spinning their cult of personality to a wider and wider audience.

This is a problem the traditional journalist doesn't have, because he sits behind his pen and paper, the story is the notorious thing, and the writer gets to stay in the background.

This prevents the kind of conflicts we see now between the clamour for attention and personal appeal, at the expense of the quality and honesty of the content.

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I have some fond memories of Chris and Jordans older reviews. But they have become rather tame and all the same in the last few years imo, kinda like cameras. Who could blame them for that. Battery life and overheating seem the biggest issues these days, possibly mush at high isos and weird processing. Regarding overheating all youtubers were shills, as you know best, Andrew. Best is to walk on without anger, though aknowledging shill behaviour. Second best is to forget their depressing hardware store youtube studios, illuminated by pink and other painfully oversaturated  lights with astera clones as pseudo practicals.

But maybe best of all is to focus on kewl stuff. I have just found another video showing off the beautiful sensor and color of the Cinealta F3.


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Does the stig have his own channel ? Cause i would probably watch that... I used to watch top gear, not every episode. That show kinda demonstrates (to me anyway) somebody getting too big for their boots (not the stig obviously) however the stig brought a bit of mystery to the show which made it interesting.  I dont know who the stig was maybe you guys do, its not really relevant anymore anyway. 

My vote goes  to https://www.youtube.com/@MediaDivision if somebody hasn't already mentioned them. they do some amazing stuff.  

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On 9/28/2024 at 1:14 PM, FHDcrew said:

Yes this video so absolutely incredible haha

Another vote for Camera Conspiracies. 
Doesn’t get everything right but he’s having fun and trying. Transparent and honest and not afraid to make fun of himself. Very refreshing in the 2024 Douchtube space. He will take a theory and go out and shoot to test it. 

I’m tired of camera reviews and gear videos but I watch these 5 channels pretty consistently and find inspiration here. Some thoughts below. 

Camera Conspiracies 

Kyle McDougall


Stefano Federico

Ed Prosser 


What drives me crazy these days is the lack of originality and this insane copycat culture. A trend will start and all these people jump on the craze and suddenly it’s everywhere. 

Over using promist and “cinebloom” filters. Low saturation and washed out grading to replicate film. Too much film grain added. Nostalgic for an era many of these gen Z never experienced. 

Holding the lav mic or transmitter in their hand while filming themselves. Using an old school handheld mic to be ironic and different. 

Neon tube lights behind them at their butcher block workbench desk from Home Depot. Then cutting to close up shots with the plastic engineering mat desk protector. 

It’s just gotten so, so boring to hear people read the camera specs to me off the website with no original thinking or unique take on any of it. 

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Fo me, Youtube has become a minefield of people to avoid. I do watch a lot of different genres, movie reviews and analyses, album reviews, stuff related to cameras and gear and back then, clips about 9/11 or similar topics. 

Like some of you already said, it has changed a lot and besides the average production value rarely to the better. 

While movie reviewers were mostly nerds that found a way to escape the forums and message boards and connect in another, more accessible way, a lot of them and newer characters now often aren´t genuine anymore. you can see this with a lot of channels that once were kinda independent and now have connections to major studios, get invited to premieres etc. 

The same goes with cameras. where once enthusiasts tried to show their equipment, taught and talked about new features, there is this whole industry of clips from those characters, released on the same day, mostly praising stuff while often disregarding flaws or playing them down.

And while with movies and music this might be more subjective, it isn´t that much with technology.

I still like the platform and use it a lot, I know the accounts I avoid like the plague. Most of them help you with the moronic thumbnails but with the others, I avoid the names.  Rarely, there is a new channel, with great content, and less to no connection to any major brand, studio, corporation etc. 

It is totally fine for them if they want to sell presets/corses/ebooks etc. and remind you once during the video, as long as the clip itself can stand on its own. No problem with that. skipable sponsoring can be done in an annoying way, or it can blend into the video. 

As for shills vs. journalists it is a difficult situation. a shill, and nothing more, is basically a modern day prostitute without having an OF-Account, jounalists often lack the objective perspective and sometimes mix too much (of their) opinion into it. so yeah, on one hand they lack the "personality" of the YouTuber/Shill, but they sometimes fail to use their platforms strength, that being the pilars of good journalism and the values that they bring. 

So I do value YouTubers, that stick to certain guidelines and don´t bend over as soon as Disney/Warner or Sony/Canon comes waving at them. 

When it comes to Twitter/X, I really don´t like the  blocking-culture, since it hinders a discussion even if you have different opinions. So much of our debate culture, even  in universities, has been lost and replaced with "I won´t even talk to you, you..." 

That being said, I would like to have a Blacklist on youtube, that filters accounts in your search results. hypocritical? yes. but it would make the youtube experience a bit better.

P.S. And wtf with the "reaction" Accounts. first time watching/listening my pale a**. Most of it seems to be a mixture of fetish, overacting and dishonesty. Look I´m shocked, I´m crying, I´m happy, I´m crying againg. No I didn´t new the cues... Look, real tears. 

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Social media is destroying the internet as a medium and turning it into cable tv.

I don't think people will realise what this means until a lot later, but now that print media is going away along with a lot else, including proper journalism, we're about to enter the find out stage.

The internet as it was originally intended with net neutrality was the greatest invention of the century and we are really harming it by making independent .com websites bankrupt and the written word obsolete. It's going to become more and more of a problem.

Maybe one day, blogging will make a come back like vinyl?

I remember when a certain cat owner, who went by the name of Philip, switched predominantly to social media tweets and youtube, rather than blogging... his own site is now dead basically, and his content is now at the whim of an algorithm he doesn't own or have any control over... Anyway, he switched, and HE became the story - front and centre, private life out there for all to see, and it clouded out his actual work and images... and the other point I'm making is that he had no choice anyway because smartphones work better with YouTube and social media, the large in depth pages of the web just don't work well with modern attention spans or small screens with no physical keyboard, especially since most of the WWW these days is such a mess - so much poor content and horrific web design... you know, ads everywhere, popups, autoplay, cookie prompts, constantly scrolling by itself as new elements load. It's unworkable.

I want us to come back to the founding ideas of what made the internet so special, before it's too late.

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Andrew, excuse me for going a bit off topic. But I regard EOSHD and your work. I came to photography and videography as a hobby and now it has become part of my full time job. I remember my first steps on the internet, like paying 1€ at the internet-cafe to watch the trailer for star wars because my internet at home was so slow 😄

But I learned a lot from early video tutorials (ryan wieber for lightsabers and videocopilot, even though his tutorials became kinda stale), online forums and blogs were a great source of knowledge and information, with some strange guys of course, but thats the nature of it. Nevertheless, a community and as long as there´s no gatekeeper, great exchange was possible. the evolution of youtube into "cable tv" is in fact really bad. sure, you don´t have to like every aspect and genre a platform offers, but the amount of crap content and nonsens is enormous. 

Facebook is a similar thing. I began using it very early and it was great to stay in contact with my friends after leaving school and starting university. the first versions of the app and the messenger, all nice additions and well integrated. but what is it now? my feed is basically 90% braindead, idiotic, AI-created shit that I am supposed to look at. I only log in because I manage some accounts for work and I to use some groups for knowledge in resolve and audio recording. but facebook as it was intended is long gone.

I still think that youtube, besides all the shit, still is a source of great information and knowledge. but you have to dig through a lot of mudd to reach the gold. The thing is, a lot of the accounts and characters i dislike, gain a lot of attraction for some reason. I just want to support overacting, narcicistic media prostitutes, that praise each and every product as long as there´s some reward for them. To some part that is the case for the mentioned cat owner. It became a 50% work 50% my life show, where the ration before was maybe 80:20. Me personally, I don´t watch this kind of television, I despise all forms of "reality TV" and scripted BS productions. 

If I look at the accounts I subscribed on YouTube, a lot of them haven´t posted for quite a while. Some of them do, but either with a lot of partnerships, product placements etc. If some of them can talk about this and make things transparent, I may be willing to watch it, but as soon as there´s clear bias I´m out. So many clips have become 70% this is the best product ever, it can make your dreams come true, just buy it and you will see, 30% real information and something you can take away and learn. 

I´d like blogging to make a return. Maybe in a typewriter font and with 800px only image sizes. back to basics, information and knowledge first. I´d like that. 

And on a side note: EOSHD not only kept the name, it even survived forums like BMDuser and others, that just died a slow death or ended instantly. 

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3 hours ago, Mr. Freeze said:

Andrew, excuse me for going a bit off topic. But I regard EOSHD and your work. I came to photography and videography as a hobby and now it has become part of my full time job. I remember my first steps on the internet, like paying 1€ at the internet-cafe to watch the trailer for star wars because my internet at home was so slow 😄

I remember similar stuff in 1996, here's me a teenager at college... They had very early cable internet, which was a huge step up from the home modem.

3 hours ago, Mr. Freeze said:

but the amount of crap content and nonsens is enormous.

The crap is held aloft and in high regard by people.

You only have to look at some of the videos in this thread 🙂

3 hours ago, Mr. Freeze said:

Facebook is a similar thing. I began using it very early and it was great to stay in contact with my friends after leaving school and starting university. the first versions of the app and the messenger, all nice additions and well integrated. but what is it now? my feed is basically 90% braindead, idiotic, AI-created shit that I am supposed to look at.

I find Facebook a mixed bag... There's some very good group content, user generated stuff like Reddit has. But it never has room to breathe. A photo, with a caption... max... Then you scroll past.

It never goes anywhere... it's orphaned content, without a home or any parents.

And Facebook has a certain demographic too... Not many younger voices on there. It's practically a boomer platform!

If you for example are a 1990s PC game enthusiast on Facebook you can get a dopamine hit with a rush of likes by posting a photo of your setup and how nostalgic it is... fine...

Erm, do that on a blog and you have a livelihood. You're a publisher, writer and journalist whereas on Facebook you're NOTHING but an end-user to be monetised for sake of Mr Zuckenberg.

3 hours ago, Mr. Freeze said:

overacting, narcicistic media prostitutes, that praise each and every product as long as there´s some reward for them. To some part that is the case for the mentioned cat owner. It became a 50% work 50% my life show, where the ration before was maybe 80:20. Me personally, I don´t watch this kind of television, I despise all forms of "reality TV" and scripted BS productions.

Bloom is an interesting example as he started off 80% professional cameraman, 20% blogger and ended up 10% professional, 90% social media influencer.

The influencer role is bad for your mental health and has a very short career-span of perhaps 10 years maximum before the companies get bored of you.

And it leaves you a hollow shell of a person, who has shilled his reputation away... and his credibility.

3 hours ago, Mr. Freeze said:

If I look at the accounts I subscribed on YouTube, a lot of them haven´t posted for quite a while.

This is because they are trying to get off the endless treadmill and save their mental health.

3 hours ago, Mr. Freeze said:

I´d like blogging to make a return. Maybe in a typewriter font and with 800px only image sizes. back to basics, information and knowledge first. I´d like that.

And on a side note: EOSHD not only kept the name, it even survived forums like BMDuser and others, that just died a slow death or ended instantly. 

Thanks for that observation it has cheered me up. Nearly outlived DPReview as well which never expected to do 🙂


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There's another devious slight of hand with Facebook and the socials, in that if they encouraged or even facilitated longer posts and content like a blog article with multiple photos and videos, their business model would suffer as the ads would get less time and attention, if everyone was to read long articles.

So the reason they are making everyone ADHD dopamine addicts, killing livelihoods and long form content is purely for the ad $$$$

Cynical bastards or what?

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In the 90s I loved magazines...

Nearly all the good ones are fucking gone.

You can't sit with a phone and digest an entire magazines worth of content, it has to be in broadsheet-style print. Otherwise it just isn't satisfying or healthy to stare at a pokey little phone screen for that amount of time.

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On 10/5/2024 at 10:07 PM, Andrew Reid said:

Bloom is an interesting example as he started off 80% professional cameraman, 20% blogger and ended up 10% professional, 90% social media influencer.

To be fair to Bloom, he didn't want to do that but has had to pretty much retire from pro work due to his back injury.

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