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New YouTubers and bloggers, who to follow...

Andrew Reid

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On 10/17/2017 at 12:31 AM, Jordan Drake said:

I think Max Yuryev is doing some great work, and certainly deserves more subscribers/views:

The Royal Ocean Film Society post some great think pieces, and film criticism:

I'm also partial to these guys, specifically the dude on the right:


The whole shilling irony is that the main product they are shilling is themselves, it's not even about the brand... it's all about attention, and if shilling for Sony or some other big giant gains them that notoriety then it's all fair game. Whether or not this debases and devalues the entire medium, doesn't enter the conversation on either the side of the creator or the side of the following flock.

So we have a situation now where the journalists are silenced and the shill has taken over, and the medium has turned into cable TV, with a few good quality late night niche channels, but the mainstream ones are just a big sell.

Chris and Jordan started off in my view as quite objective, and all about the cameras, but have become more and more about themselves and spinning their cult of personality to a wider and wider audience.

This is a problem the traditional journalist doesn't have, because he sits behind his pen and paper, the story is the notorious thing, and the writer gets to stay in the background.

This prevents the kind of conflicts we see now between the clamour for attention and personal appeal, at the expense of the quality and honesty of the content.

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I have some fond memories of Chris and Jordans older reviews. But they have become rather tame and all the same in the last few years imo, kinda like cameras. Who could blame them for that. Battery life and overheating seem the biggest issues these days, possibly mush at high isos and weird processing. Regarding overheating all youtubers were shills, as you know best, Andrew. Best is to walk on without anger, though aknowledging shill behaviour. Second best is to forget their depressing hardware store youtube studios, illuminated by pink and other painfully oversaturated  lights with astera clones as pseudo practicals.

But maybe best of all is to focus on kewl stuff. I have just found another video showing off the beautiful sensor and color of the Cinealta F3.


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Does the stig have his own channel ? Cause i would probably watch that... I used to watch top gear, not every episode. That show kinda demonstrates (to me anyway) somebody getting too big for their boots (not the stig obviously) however the stig brought a bit of mystery to the show which made it interesting.  I dont know who the stig was maybe you guys do, its not really relevant anymore anyway. 

My vote goes  to https://www.youtube.com/@MediaDivision if somebody hasn't already mentioned them. they do some amazing stuff.  

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