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How stills killed casual video for me

Mattias Burling

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7 hours ago, dbp said:

We do! My wife and I take roadtrips down there when we can. She's applying to a job at the University of Washington as well, so we might even be moving there.

How cool. UW is a legit institution. What does she teach? What specific areas you looking at?

As you may already know, housing here has skyrocketed to nearly Bay area levels. It's getting insane. 

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On 3/7/2018 at 4:47 PM, Mattias Burling said:

At the end of the day, what you do can increase sales = increase profit = more money = people will pay you to do it.
Saying stuff like "try hard but don't hold your breath" and blaming "times" instead of once skill is a sure way of ending up a failure.
To all aspiring photogs I say, make it happen.

"I am not saying don't give up but be damn realistic and don't think everyone is going to get rich doing this shit."

In the city I grew up in there used to be like 8 Funeral Homes in it. I think there still is 8 of them. But all but 2 of them Now are owned by some company out of the state. Don't know where. Probably California if I was guessing.

All of them had their Own Mortician when I was young. Now there are only 2 of them for All 8 Funeral Homes. One of them is my Nephew. That is what has happened to a lot of the jobs in the US. Ergo, there isn't hardly any. Nearly every company is doing pretty much the same thing, Downsizing work force.

Maybe where you live there are jobs everywhere, not here.


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9 hours ago, Matthew Hartman said:

How cool. UW is a legit institution. What does she teach? What specific areas you looking at?

As you may already know, housing here has skyrocketed to nearly Bay area levels. It's getting insane. 

She's just finishing up her PhD in Library and Information Science here at UBC, so it'd be in that field.

Haven't got far enough to start looking, but it's probably the place we're most hopeful to live of all the options. Best combo of good work for her and myself. How is the video production scene there?

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4 hours ago, webrunner5 said:

Maybe where you live there are jobs everywhere, not here.

Then dont work in a funeralhome. And its simple math, pull in more than you cost and there is little to no reason for you to be downsized. Unless you display this sort of attitude at work of course. Then I would look for a reason to fire you. I can't have people on my staff saying:

"if you think that project is going to work you need your head examined. Its no use. Times is to blame. Lets give up.."

Again, sitting at home blaming every thing and its mom, doing nothing is the fastest way to failure.

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Hell I am retired. I could give a crap if there isn't Any jobs. You are the one that will need to worry years from now when Robots and AI take over. There is a ton of Robots here now. The Auto industry has a crazy bunch of them now. And no you won't be able to make robots, robots will make robots. It is going to get really ugly down the road. It is ugly here already. There is hardly any men even go to College anymore. Not many jobs for them. The College town I live in has twice as many students, 28,000, than people that live here. And most of what few men enrolled here are from China. A Lot of Asian students go to Miami University. One reason is that it is a super safe town to live in, and it is a great College that is not really expensive. In-state: $31,946, Out-of-state: $51,198. Been here since 1809. That is pretty old for a Mid West College. Ohio only became a State in 1803.

They downsize like hell here because they just make people left do 2 peoples jobs.  When I worked in Florida for U-Haul as the maintenance manager of 90 people I was doing 3 peoples jobs. They damn near went bankrupt 3 years before I started there, so they cut the living crap out of people. Everybody, including me was running around grabbing their chest half the time, feeling like you were going to have a Heart Attack. The benefits is what they save more money than the wages, so they make out double when they cut people. Hell we hardly build anything anymore in this Country. Most of it is made in China. Like a friend of mine says, soon the only job left will be delivering Pizzas to each other.

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5 hours ago, Mattias Burling said:

Then I sugest working in the marketing departement of a robot factory. Being a good photog will get you in the door faster.

Trouble is they only need like 3 people to do that! And you would loose money because you would have to hire a body guard 24/7 to keep the rest of the people from killing you for your job. :grin:

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52 minutes ago, webrunner5 said:

Trouble is they only need like 3 people to do that! And you would loose money because you would have to hire a body guard 24/7 to keep the rest of the people from killing you for your job. :grin:

Don't think I would need to hire a bodyguard when I have a factory building killer robots at my disposal.

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15 hours ago, BTM_Pix said:

Au contraire ;)

Pizza today...Broken limbs tomorrow. ;)



23 hours ago, dbp said:

How is the video production scene there?

I imagine pretty similar to Vancouver. If you don't mind corporate stuff we have Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Expedia, Valve, Google, Twitter, insert huge tech company here...:)

EP Review is also here as well as the guys that make the Filmic Pro app. Moment lens is here as well. 

If you like narrative work, we have a large underground indie scene here with tons of festivals. We also have several short film oriented meetup groups. You can be as busy or as chill as you want to be. 

One of the best investments I made for my family and career and hobbies is moving here. You'll pay out the ass, but quality of life is very high in context to other areas of the states that are not doing so well. 

I'm not going to drone on about the rain and overcast, you already know what that's about. ;) 

Some advice, keep dual citizenship. You're not going to like our healthcare system one bit. 


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On 3/9/2018 at 4:50 PM, Matthew Hartman said:


I imagine pretty similar to Vancouver. If you don't mind corporate stuff we have Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Expedia, Valve, Google, Twitter, insert huge tech company here...:)

EP Review is also here as well as the guys that make the Filmic Pro app. Moment lens is here as well. 

If you like narrative work, we have a large underground indie scene here with tons of festivals. We also have several short film oriented meetup groups. You can be as busy or as chill as you want to be. 

One of the best investments I made for my family and career and hobbies is moving here. You'll pay out the ass, but quality of life is very high in context to other areas of the states that are not doing so well. 

I'm not going to drone on about the rain and overcast, you already know what that's about. ;) 

Some advice, keep dual citizenship. You're not going to like our healthcare system one bit. 


Definitely all sounds familiar! We love the Pacific Northwest, so that's what we're hoping for.  Honestly, the rain/overcast is a thousand times more tolerable than the crap I'm used to (born on the east coast of Canada).

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 3/13/2018 at 3:26 AM, dbp said:

Definitely all sounds familiar! We love the Pacific Northwest, so that's what we're hoping for.  Honestly, the rain/overcast is a thousand times more tolerable than the crap I'm used to (born on the east coast of Canada).

Yeah I no clue how people in Maine etc, and lower Canada can hack Nor'easter after Nor'easter. Jesus. Move while you can. :grimace: :grin:

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